Title Page
Name of work site
Prepared by
Site Check
Is the site in a ‘Flood Control and Drainage’ area? (Designated scheme works area)
Is this work being undertaken under a consent
Consent number
Is the work within 10m of the top of the channel bank?
Work is carried out under ECoP
What other consent is this work being done under?
Is the site in a trout spawning area
What is the timeframes work can be undertaken?
Is the site in an SOS-A area?
What is the timeframes you can carry out this work?
Is the site in a SOS-C area
What is the timeframes work can be undertaken?
Is the site in a SOS-R area
What is the timeframes work can be undertaken?
Is the site in a designated Biodiversity area
What is the timeframes work can be undertaken?
Is there a Hydro site within 100m upstream or 500m downstream?
What is the timeframes work can be undertaken?
Is the site in a designated recreational area?
What is the timeframes work can be undertaken?
Is the site in/near a designated swim spot
What is the timeframes work can be undertaken?