Title Page

  • Site of Induction

  • Conducted on

  • Induction Prepared by

  • Name of Inductee

  • Proposed Role

  • Please Specify Proposed Roll

Induction Essential Toolbox Talks

  • Please read the Toolbox Talks Below. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any points covered, please speak to your inductor. Once you have read and fully understood the contents of the documents, please sign below.

  • I have read and understood ALL the components of the Induction Essential Toolbox Talks.

  • Name & Signature

  • Please speak to your inductor for further clarification.

Face Fit

  • Have you been face fit tested in the past 12 months ?

  • Please inform your Inductor that you may require a Face Fit test before commencing work requiring respiratory protection.

  • Please provide your inductor with the details of your most recent face fit test.

Signing In & Out Procedure

  • It is imperative that the sign in and out procedure is followed correctly when arriving and leaving site, not just to protect yourself but for others around you. Each Morning when you arrive to work, you MUST sign in using the daily sign in sheet and you must read and sign the DABS (Daily Activity Briefing Sheet) before accessing site. Please Look at the files attached below to familiarise yourself with the documents.

  • You must sign yourself in when you arrive to work and sign out when you leave. You must only sign yourself in and out and not other operatives. You must confirm your daily HAVS when signing out at the end of the day.

  • I have read and understood the RNM signing in & out procedure

  • Please speak to your inductor for clarity on the sign in and out procedure.

  • Name & Signature

Invoices & Timesheets

  • Are you working or Subcontracting directly to RNM ?

  • Please move on to the next page of the induction.

  • Have you worked for RNM before and understand the Invoice procedure ?

  • Please see the attached document and follow the QR code to enrol your details on the payment system.

  • Please note that Timesheets and invoices must be sent in BEFORE 7:30AM of the Monday following the week of booking. Failure to send in the invoice on time will result in a 10% deduction of payment for that working week to cover administration costs.

  • I have read and understood the RNM Invoice / Timesheet rules and requirements.

  • Please speak to your inductor for clarity on this.

  • Name & Signature

  • Please note that Timesheets and invoices must be sent in BEFORE 7:30AM of the Monday following the week of booking. Failure to send in the invoice on time will result in a 10% deduction of payment for that working week.

  • I have read and understood the RNM Invoice / Timesheet rules and requirements.

  • Name & Signature


  • Please Read the attached Risk Assessment. If you have any questions, please ask your inductor. Once read and understood, Please sign below.

  • Please Read the attached Method Statement. If you have any questions, please ask your inductor. Once read and understood, Please sign below.

  • I have read and understood the RAMS and by signing here agree to work to safely to the attached RNM RAMS.

  • Name & Signature

  • Please speak to you Inductor for clarification on any points that you may not have understoor.


  • By Signing below I agree that I have read and understood all points covered in this site induction pack and agree to work to the rules as stipulated in the attached documents.

  • Name & Signature

  • Date of Signing

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.