Conducted on
Prepared by
Site Details
Site Name
Full Postal Address
Photo of store front,inside store, photos of wider building store is in.
IT Contact (full name and telephone number of IT contact onsite)
Main Contact (full name and telephone number of main contact onsite)
Access Restrictions (any restrictions on access to site or store)
PPE Required?
Is any part of the store or back office shared with any other facility/unit? If yes, who with and describe it
Store Opening Hours
Site Opening Hours
Store Phone Number
What parking is available? (type of parking and approximate distance)
Existing WAN Connectivity
Router Make and Model?
Router Serial Number - provide serial number or asset tag - if this cannot be found please state it was not possible and why e.g. wall mounted and serial number on back
Line or Circuit number? (will need local IT to assist) please provide photos of master socket or patch panel, and wider shots of area where this is located detailing any numbers on socket.
WAN technology and speed? e.g. ADSL
WAN connected to where? Please provide photos of ingress point, master socket or patch panel, and wider shots of area where this is located.
Number of LAN connections?
Location of router? Please provide pictures of routers, and wider shot on cab/desk and room showing area where routers are.
1 - Router Make and Model?
Router Serial Number? (Provide serial number or asset tag)
1 - Line or Circuit number? (will need local IT to assist)
1 - WAN technology and speed? e.g. ADSL
1 - WAN connected to where?
1 - Number of LAN connections?
1 - Location of router?
2 - Router Make and Model?
2 - Line or Circuit number? (will need local IT to assist)
2 - WAN technology and speed? e.g. ADSL
2 - WAN connected to where?
2 - Number of LAN connections?
2 - Location of router?
Existing In Store Cabling
Are all routers, and switches located in same room (detail room - Eg Ground Floor Comms roon 9 cab 5, if not provide location details for each device)
What are the existing switch(es)? make/model/speed - provide photos of front, top, bottom and back)
Are any of the routers shared with any other Compass units? (e.g. router being shared with next door Costa?) Check if the internet connection is shared. The primary contact should know this. State yes or no and If yes, what unit is it shared with? Where are they located? How far is the cable run?
Any cabinet or network access, where and how is access gained? Speicfy where the cabinet is, e.g. in store or in "plant room" or backoffice? or remote if applicable
Is there available power e.g. sockets within the PDU? Or does it require an upgrade? e.g. 13Amp 6 way PDU (2 spare)
How many wall/floor sockets are used and unused in back office and store? (E.g. 4 used, 2 unused in backoffice and none available in store)
How many ports used/unused?
Identify additional switch requirement and installation location
What is the current structured cabling? CAT 5e structured cabling from cabinet to sockets with 24 port patch panel in cabinet. Provide photo of cabinet if applicable or photo of sockets, photo at till position
Does the site have routers located in different areas (e.g store and back office). If so, is there cabling between the two areas? If not, could cabling be run and how would it be routed?
How is cabling routed? i.e. false ceiling, in trunking etc? provide estimation of length and where in store in relation to POS and back office. If you are not allowed to move ceiling panels please state this and who said not allowed to do this
How many network ports are used by tills/payment devices? provide photos of all
How many network ports are used by kiosk/self service devices? provide photos of all
How many network ports are used by signage screens? provide photos of all
Are there any existing WiFi Access points and if so how many?
Future Primary Connection
What WAN technology is available at location? Will need to look this up (https://servicedesk.wavenetuk.com/login)
Where does WAN enter building? (Give entry location and routing to shop including intermediary cabinets (will need local IT to assist). Needs to specify where in comms room the DP is and photograph)
Would local IT need to provision connectivty from building entry point to cabinet? If yes, get contact details. Note if the site is within a building e.g. hospital and there's a main comm's room that will need to be connected to the "Costcutter Store"?
If a Stalink or Cellular aerial/dish needed to be installed to provision a BB service into the store is there any potential locations external (outside building) to the shop we could install, and how would this be routed into the store (Please provide photos of the outside location on the building of where this could be or an existing StarLink antenna or Cellular aerial dish is)
Future Secondary Connection
Is there 4G/5G present At the proposed location of the Draytek router? (Please use your own phone to check the upload and download speed in the area. This can be done by going to Google and typing "check current upload and download speeds" and then clicking BLUE "RUN SPEED TEST". YOU MUST DETAIL THE UPLOAD AND DOWNLOAD SPEEDS. Check with wifi on own phone and ask staff)
Is there 4G/5G present Outside the building? (Please use your own phone to check the upload and download speed in the area. This can be done by going to Google and typing "check current upload and download speeds" and then clicking BLUE "RUN SPEED TEST". YOU MUST DETAIL THE UPLOAD AND DOWNLOAD SPEEDS. Check with wifi on own phone and ask staff)
Future Routers
Identify where 1 x Draytek Vigor 2765 router and 1 x Meraki MX68 router could be fitted? New installation will consist of 1 x Draytek Router (transport router) and a Meraki Mx68 router (overlay router) These 2 routers will need to be installed in the same location. (PROVIDE DETAILS OF WHICH CABINET/RACK & ROOM OR IF THIS WILL NEED TO BE NEW)
What route/cabing will be required to connect these two routers to WAN ingress location? (e.g 100 core fibre from BT Rack to local Hub (A2). CAT5 from A2 to cabinet in shop back office. Cable run 80m to A2. Unknown if spare capacity on fibre)
Would local IT need to provision connectivty from WAN entry point to cabinet? If yes, get contact details
Identify additional switch requirement and installation location. If yes, provide reason for why an extra swtich is required
Is there available space to install a new switch in an existing rack? (E.g. Yes space for side by side install of new switch. If no is there space for a switch to be installed somewhere else? Detail where.)
Would additional shelving and cable management be required to tidy and maintain the new installation?
Is there power available? e.g All devices in cab connected to discreet sockets. Adding PDU to cabinet and powering from sockets above would provide sufficient power.
Future Store Access Point
Confirm if possible location for store WiFi is in the centre of the store? If not possible provide suggested alternative location. THERE IS A STRONG PREFERENCE TO INSTALL FUTURE AP IN THE CENTRE OF THE STORE. IF THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE PLEASE EXPLAIN AND SUGGEST ALTERNATIVE ROUTING AND LOCATION. Go into the furthest corner of the store and take a photo of the ceiling, including walls, any shelves/fridges and then take a photo in the opposite corner to give a overview of whole store
What fixings are required for possible location?
How would cable be routed? include estimated cable length and estimated containment if required
Is Power over Ethernet (PoE) available?
Site phone number?
Broadband phone number(s)?
Are these required for work? i.e. RAMS required in store, work outside store requires NHS agreement (NEED TO ASK SOMEONE ON SITE AND NAME WHO WAS ASKED)
Is there space for a back office PC? Or is there space for additional desk if needed?
Number of free power points?
Does the site have a back office printer? If yes, detail what it is (Detail what it is if they have one, if they do not have one confirm if there is space for one?)
What is the counter top type? i.e. Corian (chip board with plastic skin) or aluminium or other - please provide a photo
Is the store currently using space poles? If yes how many and by what tills?
Is the paypoint service installed?
General Notes and Comments
Is there anything we need to be aware of? (Please note anything extra that will be useful and detail as if speaking to a Becca (not technical or aware of any site quirks)