Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Is there a Health and Safety Policy (signed & dated by the Responsible Person / Chair of Governors)?
Are there arrangements in place to ensure that the Policy is reviewed annually as a minimum?
Are there effective arrangements for ensuring that all staff are aware of the relevant contents of the Health and Safety Policy?
Risk Assessment
Are School specific risk assessments in place for activities presenting significant risk?
Are individual risk assessments carried out where required? E.g. pregnant worker, personnel with known medical conditions
Are assessments in place which adequately cover the activities being carried out within lessons?
Have risk assessments been communicated to relevant personnel and signatures obtained?
Are School trips suitable risk assessed and communicated to relevant employees?
Are regular, in house inspections being carried out and documented? E.g. weekly inspections
If yes, do all recommendations arising from these inspections get actioned?
Has a fire risk assessment been carried out/reviewed within the last 12 months
Has there been any recent changes to the building in the last 12 months? If yes, has the fire risk assessment been updated and reviewed accordingly?
Is a suitable evacuation plan in place for the School?
Are personal emergency evacuations plans (PEEP’s) in place for those requiring assistance when evacuating?
Are fire drills carried out termly and recorded?
Are fire alarm call points tested weekly in house and annually by a competent engineer? NOTE: a different call point should be tested each week.
Are appropriate fire extinguishers available and inspected annually?
Are all escape route clearly visible and unobstructed?
Are areas of the School used for lettings outside of ambient daylight hours fitted with emergency lighting on escape routes?
Is emergency lighting tested monthly in house and annually be a competent engineer?
Does the fire alarm system have a battery back up?
Are all fire doors kept shut, or if they are held open are they done so using the appropriate devices?
First Aid & Medication
Is there an adequate number of first aiders available on site?
Is there a suitable numbers of first aid boxes available on site and are they kept fully stocked and up to date?
Are pupils with medical needs clearly identified and is this reflected in their care plans?
Is there a documented system in place for the acceptance and administering of medication?
Is there suitable training for personnel dealing with specialist medication? E.g. epi-pens.
Accident Reporting
Are accident records kept locally and monitored for trends?
Have all RIDDOR reportable accidents been reported to the HSE?
Are Insurers, Governors and H&S Consultants informed of all reportable accidents?
Is there a system in place to ensure that any H&S concerns can be communicated to the relevant personnel?
Is health and safety a regular topic on Governing Body committee meetings?
Plant, Tools and Equipment
Has training and instruction been given to relevant members of staff in the safe use of tools & equipment?
Has work at height been risk assessed sufficiently?
Is a ladder register in place and reviewed termly?
Is there any significant use of power tools/machinery? If yes, has the use of these pieces of equipment been risk assessed and communicated to relevant personnel?
Is there any planned maintenance undertaken on plant, tools or equipment?
Is PE and outdoor play equipment inspected regularly in house and annually serviced by a competent contractor?
Is there a list of nominated drivers which is maintained and training conducted?
Are driving licenses checked annually?
Are vehicle inspection and MOT records available?
Is there an inventory of the substances that are used?
Have COSHH assessments been carried out for the substances?
Is suitable storage in place for the substances? E.g. flammables in a locked metal container.
Are all containers clearly labelled and easy to identify?
If applicable, has an asbestos survey been carried out for the premises?
If asbestos containing materials have been identified, has an asbestos management plan been implemented?
Electrical/ Gas
Has portable appliance testing been carried out by a competent person?
Are all emergency shut offs readily available and easily accessible?
Has a fixed mains inspection been carried out on the electrical system in the last 5 years by an NICEIC registered engineer?
Have all gas appliances been tested in the last 12 months by a Gas Safe registered engineer?
Are gas cylinders stored appropriately? E.g. upright in well ventilated cages away from any building and ignition sources.
When awarding contracts, is a health and safety assessment carried out on the contractor ensuring that they are competent to carry out the works that is being asked of them?
Is housekeeping satisfactory throughout the premises?
Is flooring in good condition and free from trip/slip hazards?
Are all items that are stored at height accessible, secure and safe?
Are boiler rooms and electrical intake rooms free from combustible materials?
Welfare and Environment
Are finger guards in place in vulnerable areas?
Are DSE users identified and relevant assessments carried out?
Is safety glazing or safety film in place in the required areas?
Where applicable, is a lettings policy in place which is communicated to any hirers?
Has a legionella risk assessment been carried out by a competent person?
Are hazardous areas locked when not in use and restricted to authorised personnel only? E.g. kitchen, workshops.
Do catering providers have a food safety management system in place compliant with HACPP?
External Areas
Is there a clear pedestrian route in place in the car park and areas where employees may come into contact with mobile plant?
Is there adequate access maintained for the emergency services?
Security/ Safeguarding
Is there clear signage in place directing visitors to the reception?
Is visitor’s access to the building adequately controlled?
Where visitors can gain access to pupils is there suitable and sufficient supervision in place?
Is external lighting sufficient?
Are gates and perimeter fencing of a suitable height?
Is access to low roofs restricted and fragile roof signs placed where required?
Are external waste bins secured and located away from buildings?