Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Daily shift checks.
All slips and trip hazards in the VMU are dealt with.
VMU Team Members, VMU contractors and VMU visitors are all wearing the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment/Clothing
All fire exits and routes in the workshop are clear and not blocked.
Cleaning standards are to agreed specification and schedule in areas maintained by contract cleaners.
Any building defects, including lighting, are reported and auctioned.
All open pits are protected by barriers.
All chemicals are stored correctly e.g no sprays/paints left unattended on workshop floor.
All gas bottles are segregated as required (empty / full within the locked storage cage.
All Vord tractors/trailers are parked in a designated or appropriate area ( not blocking walkways, fire equipment, fire assembly points or obstructing yard activities) and are locked off where required, with VOR boards fitted.
Permits to work are issued as required to contractors in the VMU.
Tyres pallets, skips and combustibles materials are stored correctly and a minimum of 6 meters from the facia of the workshop.
All pillar drills are fitted with guards and chuck key is available.
All air lines are fit for purpose and tyre inflation gauge has at least 3 meters of air line attached.
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