Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Event Title

  • Conducted on

  • Event Start date

  • Prepared by

  • Location of the event


  • Event Title

  • Organiser

  • Is the plan submitted with at least 8 weeks notice

  • How many weeks notice was given

  • In order that the Safety Advisory Group members can commit sufficient resource to review your plan, you should try and submit it with sufficient time. Failure to provide enough time for review may mean that the plan is not able to be sufficiently evaluated.

  • Has the event taken place in the past

  • When?

  • Type of Event

  • Specify type of event

  • Attendee Demographic

  • Total expected numbers

  • Number at any one time

  • Recommended Level of SAG

  • Reason for non involvement

Event Timetable

  • Start time

  • End Time

  • When will the site be cleared

  • During Daylight hours

  • What Season is the event taking place in?

Event Management

  • Named Person as the main organiser

  • Has the Organiser run previous events

  • It is recommended that the Organisers full contact details are included in the plan so that they can be contacted at need without the need to search for them. (A contacts directory is recommended for key personnel.)

Event Safety Policy Statement

  • Is there a safety Statement?

  • A safety statement lays out your intention regarding the safety, health and welfare of everyone attending the event. It can then be used as a check to see if you have achieved all of the plan's needs.

Organisational Chart with key contact details

  • Produce a chart of the organisational structure of the event showing names and contact details, starting with yourself as the event organizer.

  • It is recommended that the Organisers full contact details are included in the plan so that they can be contacted at need without the need to search for them. (A contacts directory is recommended for key personnel.

Levels of Safety Responsibility

  • Include a list of personnel and what they will be responsible for

  • Listing the contact details of key personnel and their job role helps both the Organiser and staff/volunteers know who to contact and for what reason.

  • Have the emergency Services been consulted?

  • Are security Personnel employed?

  • Are they qualified / competent (SIA)?

  • It is strongly recommended that if you need security personnel then you should either obtain them by employing a suitably reputable company and you should satisfy yourself that all security personnel are suitably qualified and competent.


  • Map of site

  • A loose crowd, one where each person is an arm’s length from the body of his or her nearest neighbors, needs 10 square feet per person. A more tightly packed crowd fills 4.5 square feet per person. A truly scary mob of mosh-pit density would get about 2.5 square feet per person.

  • https://maps.resilience.gov.uk/mapmaker.web/api/share/maps?token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJNQVBfU0hBUkUiLCJ1c2VyIjo1NzQ4MzMsIm1hcCI6MzAwMjY5NzIsImV4cCI6MTU3MDEwMjEzNX0.SZYKMNzB8s6Kz315BOK7tHnQ83YB1Q_MvG1BahbYC6MtuMFxLSl_wjxQSDvPbCT2fnX8oblPJ9t-bNNtlQxwbQ

  • Venue Capacity

  • Projected total number

  • Projected number at any one time

  • Can the Venue cope with the number of attendees?

Event Risk Assessment

  • Is there a generic Risk Assessment?

  • It is very important that you consider the risks that may affect people at your event. This consideration should then be used to find controls to reduce the risk and how the controls will be implimented.

Infectious Disease Assessment


  • The event (gathering) organiser is complying with the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (England) Regulations 2020 and must demonstrate that:

  • • The event (gathering) is being organised by a business, a charitable benevolent or philanthropic institution, a public body, or a political body

  • • there is a risk assessment, including COVID-19, in line with regulation 3 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999(1), whether or not they are subject to those Regulations

  • • all reasonable measures to limit the risk of transmission of COVID-19 including following relevant government COVID-19 secure guidance, will be taken

  • What Measures will be in place

Financial Risk

  • Is the event organiser is aware that the event may need to be cancelled if the COVID-19 situations changes due to local outbreaks, local sustained community transmission, second COVID-19 wave, and that they will be responsible for all financial losses

Covid Risk Assessment

  • Further advice maybe found at,

  • https://www.gov.uk/guidance/working-safely-during-coronavirus-covid-19/the-visitor-economy

  • https://www.gov.uk/guidance/covid-19-guidance-for-mass-gatherings

  • https://www.gov.uk/guidance/working-safely-during-coronavirus-covid-19/performing-arts

  • https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-on-phased-return-of-sport-and-recreation/guidance-for-the-public-on-the-phased-return-of-outdoor-sport-and-recreation

  • https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-on-phased-return-of-sport-and-recreation/return-to-recreational-team-sport-framework

  • https://www.eventsindustryforum.co.uk/index.php/11-features/14-keeping-workers-and-audiences-safe-during-covid-19

  • https://www.britishhorseracing.com/regulation/covid-19-coronavirus-industry-guidance-and-updates/

  • https://www.britishcycling.org.uk/about/article/20200512-about-bc-news-British-Cycling-Updated-Coronavirus-Guidance-0

  • https://www.britishtriathlon.org/britain/documents/covid-19/guidance-documents/final-covid19-clubs-guidance-04.06.20.pdf

  • Has the organiser carried out a comprehensive COVID-19 risk assessment

  • Although the regulations relating to Covid may be being lifted. the risk of infectious disease does not go away and so you should consider this and how it may affect attendees.

  • What is the current Covid Alert Level

  • Event Capacity - How many people can the venue hold whilst still allowing for 2 metres social distancing.

  • Has the organiser calculated correctly?

  • Is the event taking place indoors or outdoors

  • Are there likely to be pinchpoints/bottle necks/high traffic areas

  • Pinch points

  • Are mitigations in place to ensure social distancing can be maintained in these pinch points

  • Other Pinch points

  • Cleaning Schedules - have high touch areas been identified

  • How frequently will they be cleaned? e.g. door handles, bannisters, toilets, sinks, tables etc.

  • What is the expected profile of the attendees? Are they likely to be more vulnerable? Has this been considered

  • Are there more events taking place in the same areas, at the same time? If yes what is the cumulative impact of these events?

  • What is the likely impact on the surrounding areas

  • Other impact

  • Has the local impact been mitigated?

  • How will people travel to and from the event

  • Contact Tracting - if there is an outbreak and it is necessary to contact attendees, has the organiser made suitable provision to record and store the details of the attendees and staff?

  • Are there zoning arrangements in place to reduce the number of people who may need to be contacted in the event of an outbreak?


  • Will there be any structures erected?

  • What type of Structure

  • Have structural calculations and drawings been made?

  • What other structures will be erected?

  • Will it be erected by a competent person?

  • Is the ground suitable for the type of Structure?

  • s there a suitable and sufficient Fire Risk Assessment?

  • Has the weather been considered?

  • Do the Amusements / Rides / Inflatables come form a reputable Supplier

  • Do the Amusements / Rides / Inflatables hold the relevant certification?

Site Safety Plan

  • Site Plan as provided by the organiser

  • Site Safety- Are there any specific Site Safety Rules?


  • Provide a list of contacts, which should include all the people having a responsibility at the event, including their name, their role, the radio call sign (if used) and their mobile telephone number.

  • Is there a method of communicating with personnel?

  • How is this done?

  • Has the Radio system been tested at the location?

  • Have phone numbers been disseminated?

  • It is important that you are able to effectively communicate with your personnel. This becomes even more critical if there is a significant incident that may require additional assistance or the redeployment of your staff.

  • Is there a method of communicating with The Public ?

  • How is this done?

  • Is there a designated Control Point?

  • Has a communication procedure/protocol been specified? (Including Code Words)

Concessions and Contractors


  • Will there be any concessions on site?

  • Do they hold Insurance

  • Is there a specific Risk Assessment for each concession?

  • If a food Concession do they hold the relevant hygiene certificates?


  • Will contractors be working on behalf of the Organiser?

  • What work will they be doing?

  • Company Assembling structures

  • Electrician

  • Waste Contractor

  • Security Company

  • SIA Qualified

  • What other contract work is being undertaken? and by whom?

Welfare Arrangements


  • Capture.PNG
  • IS there suitable and sufficient toilets?

  • If temporary toilets is the adequate arrangements for removing the waste?

  • Will the sanitary facilities be monitored and replenished as needed?

Worker welfare

  • Will drinking water be provided?

  • Will Shelter be provided

  • Will PPE be provided

Fire Safety

Fire Precautions

  • Will the staff know what to in an emergency?

  • How will the alarm be raised?

  • Who will be told?

  • Who is responsible for calling the Emergency Services

  • Who will meet the Emergency Services and the rendezvous point?

  • Is there a pre determined message that should be given out over the public address system.

Temporary or enclosed structures

  • Does each have a suitable and sufficient Fire Risk Assessment>

  • Which Dont


  • This is based on the previous Purple Guide, including some locally relevant information and is for guidance only. It is vital that all risks are assessed fully and built into your Event Medical Risk Assessment and Medical Plan

  • (A) Nature of the event (Score just one category)

  • Risk Category

  • (B) Venue

  • (C) Standing/seated

  • (D) Audience Profile

  • Add A+B+C+D - Score

  • (E) Past History

  • (F) Expected numbers

  • Add E + F Score

  • (G) Expected queuing or standing during the event

  • (H) Likely weather conditions (Outdoor Events)

  • (I) Proximity to *Trauma Unit (TU) or Major Trauma Centre (MTC)

  • Major Trauma Centre - RSCH Brighton
    Trauma Units - Conquest, Redhill, Ashford, Worthing, Chichester & Tunbridge Wells

  • (J) Profile of definitive care

  • (K) Additional hazards

  • (L) Additional on-site facilities

  • Add G+H+I+J+K subtract L (Score)

  • Add the total scores

  • 4 x First Aiders to nationally recognised standards as laid out in Purple Guide

  • 1x Ambulance - Fully equipped including defibrillator. At least one in three vehicles should be crewed by a paramedic

  • 6x First Aiders - To nationally recognised standards as laid out in Purple Guide

  • 2x Ambulance Personnel - Qualified to Paramedic, IHCD Technician, ECSW or ETA (St John or BRCS) standard

  • NHS Ambulance Manager - Visit - Suitably qualified Commander at appropriate level

  • 1x Ambulance - Fully equipped including defibrillator. At least one in three vehicles should be crewed by a paramedic

  • 8x First Aiders - Fully equipped including defibrillator. At least one in three vehicles should be crewed by a paramedic

  • 2x Ambulance Personnel (Crew) - Qualified to Paramedic, IHCD Technician, ECSW or ETA (St John or BRCS) standard

  • 1x Nurse or Paramedic - Currently registered by NMC or HCPC

  • NHS Ambulance Manager - Suitably qualified Commander at appropriate level - Visit

  • 2x Ambulance - Fully equipped including defibrillator. At least one in three vehicles should be crewed by a paramedic

  • 12x First Aiders - To nationally recognised standards as laid out in Purple Guide

  • 4x Ambulance Personnel (Crew) - Qualified to Paramedic, IHCD Technician, ECSW or ETA (St John or BRCS) standard

  • 1x Doctor (Or Paramedic Practitioner or Nurse Practitioner) - Suitably qualified, practicing and registered by GMC, NMC or HCPC

  • 2x Nurse or Paramedic - Currently registered by NMC or HCPC

  • 1x NHS Ambulance Manager Suitably qualified Commander at appropriate level

  • 3x Ambulance Fully equipped including defibrillator. At least one in three vehicles should be crewed by a paramedic <br>

  • 20x First Aider To nationally recognised standards as laid out in Purple Guide

  • 6x Ambulance Personnel Qualified to Paramedic, IHCD Technician, ECSW or ETA (St John or BRCS) standard

  • 2x Doctor (Or Paramedic Practitioner or Nurse Practitioner) Suitably qualified, practicing and registered by GMC, NMC or HCPC

  • 4x Nurse or Paramedic Currently registered by NMC or HCPC

  • 1x NHS Ambulance Manager Suitably qualified Commander at appropriate level

  • 4x Ambulance Fully equipped including defibrillator. At least one in three vehicles should be crewed by a paramedic

  • 40x First Aider To nationally recognised standards as laid out in Purple Guide

  • 8x Ambulance Personnel Qualified to Paramedic, IHCD Technician, ECSW or ETA (St John or BRCS) standard

  • 3x Doctor (Or Paramedic Practitioner or Nurse Practitioner) Suitably qualified, practicing and registered by GMC, NMC or HCPC

  • 6x Nurse or Paramedic Currently registered by NMC or HCPC

  • 2x NHS Ambulance Manager Suitably qualified Commander at appropriate level

  • 1x Support Unit Control or equipment carrier as required

  • Notes for event managers
    First Aiders must be dedicated to that role only. Others who are undertaking another role e.g. Security Guard, but are qualified DO NOT count in numbers for establishment
    Ambulance providers must be CQC Registered organisations
    You must provide sufficient resources so as not to impact local NHS resources or ambulance services
    You must provide appropriate and suitable facilities for medical rooms/first aid posts
    For Marathons and other Endurance Sporting events, there should be a defibrillator available within 4 minutes of any point on the course
    Some events will be regulated by individual sports governing body regulations who may insist on minimum standards

Special Effects and Noise

Special Effects

  • Is there a special effects plan?

  • Is PPE required

  • Are there exclusion zones required>

  • Is there consideration into the disposal of the effects after use?

  • Has the weather / wind etc been considered?

  • Smoke and vapour effects

  • Flame effects

  • Display lasers

  • High-power (scenic) projectors

  • High-power projectors

  • Strobe lights and equipment capable of strobing


  • Will the site noise disturb neighbours?

  • Could the noise levels damage hearing?

  • Will the noise levels be monitored?

  • Will exposure levels be limited for workers?

  • Has a noise assessment been carried out?

  • Will speakers be pointed away from neighbours?

Safeguarding / Property

Lost/Found children / Vulnerable Persons

  • Is there support for vulnerable persons?

  • Will found Children be taken to a designated location?

  • Will staff be vetted?

  • Is there a plan to notify staff of lost children?

  • What method is used?

  • Will codewords be used?

  • Will the childs name be communicated?

  • Is there a plan on when to notify the Police of a lost child?

Lost/found property

  • Is there a process for managing Found Property?

Crowd Management

Crowd Management

  • Are there suitable and sufficient Stewards

  • Are SIA personnel required?

  • Is there a method of communication between stewards?

  • Is the arrival of people considered?

  • Is the ingress of people considered?

  • Is the egress of people considered?

  • Is there consideration for overcrowding?

  • Is there consideration for unruly behavior?

  • Is the event ticketed?

  • Is there provision for wheelchair users?

  • Is there consideration on what will be done when there is an external threat e.g. bomb threat, inclement weather, chemical incident etc?

  • Is there a contingency to activate a major Incident Plan?

  • Is there a stop show policy?

  • Is the event enclosed?

  • Will numbers be controlled?

  • How

  • Is there consideration on what to do with intxicated or unruly people?

Traffic Management

Parking Arrangements

  • Will there be parking on site?

  • Is there sufficient access?

  • Will there be parking stewards

  • Have Neighbours been told of Possible disruption?

Highways Issues

  • Is a road closure required?

  • Has this been applied for?

  • How long was given for the processing of the Order? (Min 6 weeks)

  • Copy Road Closure of Request

  • Has the closure been Granted?

  • Have Competent Marshals been appointed?

  • Will Emergency Vehicles responding to calls be granted access?

  • Why Not?

  • Is the event likely to impact on Major Roads

  • Is the event likely to impact on Minor Roads

  • Is the event likely to impact on Bus Routes

  • Has the Bus Company been consulted?

Emergency Planning

Severe/Extreme weather

  • Is there a consideration on stopping the event in bad weather?

  • Is High wind considered where Temporary Structures are in place?

  • Which structures are considered?

  • Have heatwave conditions been considered

Emergency Plan

  • Does the plan show how the organizer will communicate with the Emergency Services

Fire and explosion

  • Is there a plan on how to evacuate the site in case of fire?

  • Is there a designated Rendezvous point?

  • Will the stewards know what is expected


  • Does the plan have consideration for dealing with this

  • Is the organizer considered at greater risk from this threat?

Structural failure

  • Is there a plan in place to deal with the event of a structural failure or collapse?

Crowd surge/collapse

  • IS there any consideration on what to do if there is a crowd surge

Crowd Disorder

  • Has consideration been made to the causes of disorder?

  • Has consideration been made to mitigate against this?

  • What is being done?

Lighting Failure

  • Has consideration been given on how will attendees be guided from the event?

  • Is there an alternate means of providing emergency lighting?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.