
  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Required Posting/Recordkeeping (1904.)

  • Is the required OSHA workplace poster displayed in a frequented area of the workplace where all employees are likely to see it?

  • Is the summary of Occupational Illnesses & Injuries posted in the month of February through April?

  • Are all Occupational Illnesses & Injuries, except minor injuries requiring only first-aid, being recorded on the OSHA 300A Log? (Review the Log)

Portable/Fixed Ladders (1910.26, .27) Safety Manual Document 3.1

  • Are all ladders maintained in good condition, joints between steps and side rails tight, all hardware and fittings securely attached and moveable parts operating freely without binding or undue play?

  • Are non-slip safety feet provided on each ladder and rungs provide good footing?

  • Is a monthly inspection completed for ladders along with employee training on the safe use?

  • Are portable ladders secured when stored to prevent tipping/falling?

Fall Protection (1910.66)

  • Has a workplace assessment been conducted to determine the need for fall protection?

  • Are fall protection systems used where required?

  • Are body harnesses/lanyards in good condition and inspected monthly?

  • Have employees who use fall protection adequately trained (training documented)?

Exiting or Egress (1910.35, .36, .37) Safety Manual Documents 2.2, 3.8, 3.9

  • Are exits marked with an exit sign and illuminated by a reliable light source?

  • Is there an Emergency Action Plan for weather, fire, and medical emergencies?

  • Are emergency plans communicated to all employees (documented)?

  • Are all exits kept free of obstructions inside and out?

  • Are key personnel trained in responsibilities (documented)?

  • Does the Plan contain an Emergency Call List with phone numbers?

  • Are storm shelters identified?

  • Is accountability of employees established for evacuation purposes?

  • Is their sufficient emergency lighting?

  • Has an annual evacuation and/or severe weather drill been conducted?

  • Are exit doors able to open from the direction of exit travel without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort when the building is occupied?

Hearing Conservation (1910.95) Safety Manual Document 3.5.1

  • Has a survey been done?

  • Are baseline and annual audiograms being conducted on employees exposed to 85DBA or more?

  • Are records kept for each employee and their results? (Review records)

  • Is the audiogram equipment calibrated annually?

  • Are periodic sound level checks being performed and documented?

  • Are standard threshold shifts (STS) documented and retested?

  • Are employees notified of audiogram results?

  • Do Seneca people receive annual training on noise exposure, effects, precautions, and use of hearing protection (documented)?

  • Are areas of high noise levels (85dba) posted for required hearing protection?

  • Do Seneca people have a minimum of three (3) types of hearing protection to choose from?

  • Are people wearing hearing protection where required?

PPE (1910.132, .133, .135, .136) Safety Manual Document 3.5.6

  • Have the employees been trained in the use, maintenance, and limitations of personal protective equipment (documented)?

  • Are protective goggles or face shields provided and worn when mixing and dispensing cleaning solutions?

  • Are approved safety glasses required to be worn at all times when there is risk of eye injury (grinding, drilling, and chipping)?

  • Is eye protection worn throughout production, ag shops and whse areas?

  • Are protective gloves, wet suits, face shields, and foot protection, or other means provided against undiluted cleaning solutions (sanitation, clean up)?

  • Is all protective equipment maintained in a sanitary condition and ready for use?

  • Are steel-toed shoes being used by maintenance, forklift drivers, stackers, and other material handlers where exposure exists?

  • Are bump caps being worn throughout production and whse areas?

  • Has workplace hazard assessment been completed and accurately maintained?

Tagout Procedures (1910.147) Safety Manual Document 3.4.3

  • Is all machinery or equipment capable of movement, required to be de-energized or disengaged and blocked or tagged-out during cleaning, servicing, adjusting, or setting up operations, whenever required.

  • Does the Tagout procedure require that stored energy (mechanical, hydraulic, air, etc.) be released or blocked before equipment is locked-out for repairs/sanitation?

  • Is it required that only the employee(s) (or qualified service rep.) exposed to the hazard, place or remove their lockout?

  • Are locks and tags identified?

  • Is a copy of the written Lockout/Tagout Policy on hand?

  • Is an annual documented audit performed to ensure Lockout/Tagout is being conducted as required?

  • Have written procedures been established for locking out each piece and/or similar equipment and are updated when changes occur?

  • Have appropriate employees been adequately trained in lockout procedures?

Medical Services and First-Aid (1910.151) Safety Manual Document 3.01

  • Is there a hospital, clinic, or physician designated for injury care?

  • Are first-aid kits equipped for bloodborne pathogens with rubber gloves and antiseptic wipes?

  • Are eye wash stations and safety showers located where chemicals are dispensed, functional, accessible, and checked frequently monthly?

  • Is there first-aid equipment or facilities available for treating minor injuries?

  • Are first-aid cases logged and described?

  • Have people been trained in first aid that renders treatment to the injured?

  • Is light duty concept being implemented and communicated with physician(s)?

  • Are First Reports of Injuries being properly filled out and distributed?

  • Is each injury requiring medical attention investigated thoroughly and promptly?

  • Is post-accident drug/alcohol testing being performed?

General Work Environment (1910.141) Safety Manual Document 3.6

  • Are all work sites clean and orderly (good housekeeping)?

  • Are all spilled materials or liquids cleaned up immediately?

  • Are the floors of every workroom maintained in a clean and, so far as possible, a dry condition. Where wet processes are used, is drainage maintained, and false floors, platforms, mats, or other dry standing places provided where practicable?

  • Are hot pipes and equipment in pedestrian traffic areas insulated or isolated?

  • Is combustible scrap, debris, and waste stored safely and removed from the work site promptly?

  • Are all toilets and washing facilities clean and sanitary?

  • Are all work areas adequately illuminated?

Fire Protection (1910.157, .159) Safety Manual Document 3.7

  • Are fire extinguishers serviced annually and monthly inspections noted on the inspection tag?

  • Is fire extinguisher training provided to employees, who may be required to use extinguisher, on an annual basis (documented)?

  • Are extinguishers easily accessible and not obstructed?<br> (ordinary combustible 75 feet, high combustible 50 feet)<br>

  • Is sprinkler system (valves) locked in open position, secured, or provided with outside monitoring system for alarm and tampering purposes?

  • Do sprinkler heads have a minimum clearance of 18”?

Material Handling (1910.178) Safety Manual Document 3.3.1, 3.3.5

  • Are drivers utilizing seat belts?

  • Are containers/corrugate stored, stacked, blocked and limited in height so they are stable and secure?

  • Are vehicles shut off and brakes set prior to loading or unloading?

  • Are vehicles being loaded/unloaded by forklift choked or dock locks utilized?

  • Are forklifts maintained in safe operating condition?

  • Are forklift drivers trained initially and refresher training every 3 years minimum?

  • Are daily forklift checks being conducted and documented?

  • Do electric forklift charging areas have acid neutralizers, immediately available fire protection, and adequate ventilation?

  • Are Propane tanks in good condition and stored properly

Machine Guarding and Safety (1910.219) Safety Manual Document 3.5.9

  • Are guards secured to equipment?

  • Are compressors and other pressure vessels equipped with pressure relief valves and gauges?

  • Are emergency stop buttons identified in red?

  • Are nip points, shear points, couplers, point of operation, gears and chains guarded?

  • Are all corners and edges of guards smooth and do not present a hazard itself?

Hand Tools and Equipment (1910.242, .243, .244)

  • Are all tools and equipment used by employees in the workplace in good condition?

  • Are broken or fractured handles on hammers and similar equipment replaced promptly?

  • Are guards utilized on powered hand grinders?

  • Are appropriate handles used on files and similar tools?

  • Are non-double insulated tools grounded?

  • Is compressed air for cleaning limited to 30 psi or equipped with safety nozzle?

  • Are load ratings identified on hoist and jacks along with safety clips on hooks?

  • Are Hoists and slings inspected?

  • Are arm saws arranged so that the cutting head returns back to the back of the table when released?

  • Is equipment anchored in place and made secure?

  • Is the grinder work rest adjusted to within 1/8-inch of the wheel and the tongue guard within ¼-inch and in compliance with other standard items for grinders?

Flammable and Combustible Materials (1910.253, .106) Safety Manual Documents 3.4.5 and 3.4.2

  • Is there proper storage practices to minimize the risk of fire including spontaneous combustion including proper labeling?

  • Are “NO SMOKING” rules enforced in production and warehouse areas?

  • Are compressed gas cylinders secured in place?

  • Are oxygen cylinders stored away from items such as oil, grease, acetylene, and other fuel gas cylinders (20 feet or 5 feet non-combustible partition)?

  • Are flammable liquids and cylinders stored away from radiators, other sources of heat and exits?

  • Does oxygen/acetylene equipment have flashback arresters?

  • Are oxygen/acetylene equipment lines bled off and tanks closed when not in use?

  • Are hot work areas identified throughout the location and hot work permits utilized?

  • Are all bulk drums of flammable liquids grounded and bonded to containers during dispensing?

Bloodborne Pathogens (1910.1030) Safety Manual Document 3.5.5

  • Is PPE available to First Responders?

  • Are waste receptacles available and identified?

  • Is training given to First Responders annually (documented)

  • Are vaccinations offered to First Responders? (See the records of those who received shots and denial forms of those who did not.)

Hazardous Communication/Chemical Exposure (1910.1200) Safety Manual Document 3.5.3

  • Are employees aware of the potential hazards involving various chemicals stored or used in the workplace? (Review training signature sheet.)

  • Are all containers, such as drums and mixing tanks, etc., labeled as to their contents?

  • Have standard operating procedures been established and are they being followed when cleaning up chemical spills?

  • Are Seneca people trained initially and annually in chemical hazards, symptoms, first-aid, precautions, labeling and other OSHA requirements?

  • Are Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) readily available for each hazardous substance used? (Select a product and ask for MSDS)

  • Is there a listing of hazardous substances used in the workplace?

  • Has the Process Safety Analysis been reviewed and updated every 5 years?

  • Was GHS training performed and documented?

  • Are SDS update according to GHS?

Safety and Health Program – Safety Manual Documents 2.0 an 2.1

  • Are JSA’s completed for each job, reviewed annually, and available in Spanish?

  • Are safety memos, statistics, new policies, and emergency plans posted for employees to review?

  • Is there an active Safety Committee meeting monthly with appropriate representation?

  • Are safety committee meetings frequent enough and do they cover appropriate information? Review minutes

  • Do people receive safety orientation on the hazards of their job (documented)?

  • Do people acknowledge orientation by signing an Orientation Form?

  • Is the STOP program being properly administered (tracking, awards, training) at your location?

  • Is there prompt response for Safety Audits and insurance company visits/recommendations?

Walkways/Railings (1910.23) Safety Manual Document 3.1

  • Are aisles and passageways kept clear, identified, and crosswalks visible to area traffic?

  • Are holes in the floor, grates, sidewalk, or other walking surface repaired promptly, covered or otherwise made safe?

  • Are all rugs or floor coverings in good condition and without holes or trip hazards?

  • Are pits and floor openings covered or otherwise guarded?

  • Are railings provided where there is a drop from one elevation to another?<br> (railings – 42” high with midrail – toe board for people exposure below.)<br>

Electrical (1910.303, .304) Safety Manual Document 3.4.4

  • Are electrical appliances and equipment grounded?

  • Do extension cords being used have a grounding conductor and in good<br> condition and used only as a temporary device?<br>

  • Are all disconnecting switches and circuit breakers labeled to indicate their use?

  • Are the requirements of the NFPA 70e being met (ppe, training labeling)?

  • Is there sufficient space (3 feet) to access power/disconnect panels?

Process Safety Management (1910.119) Regulated Chemical(s)

  • Has initial and refresher training (3 yrs) been provided to operating employees?<br> (Review training records)<br>

  • Is there written procedures to maintain the mechanical integrity of the equipment?

  • Is there written operating procedures for the process?

  • Has a compliance audit been conducted in the last 3 years to verify that procedures<br> and practices are still adequate and being followed? <br>

  • Are hot work practices followed when working on or near the process?

  • Is there a complete and a compiled plan covering the PSM requirements?

  • Is the plan reviewed and updated (if needed) every 5 years, quarterly by mgmt?

  • Has a process hazard analysis been completed and documented within 5 years? What methodology was used

  • Is there an emergency plan and trained response team for chemical releases?

Respiratory Protection (1910.134) Safety Manual Document 3.5.2

  • Is annual training being conducted for the type of respirators being used?<br> (In accordance with Seneca’s policy.) <br>

  • Are users properly fitted with appropriate respirators?

  • Are monthly checks being conducted on respirators used for emergency purposes?

  • Are respirators stored in a clean/sanitary location?

  • Is an annual pulmonary function test being conducted for users of respirators?

  • Has IH study been performed for hazardous areas to determine exposures

Confined Space Entry - Safety Manual Document 3.4.1

  • Are confined spaces identified and posted?

  • Are employees that are required to enter confined spaces and standby rescue people trained?

  • Are entry permits being properly used?

  • Are actual and potential hazards of each confined space identified along with written entry procedures?

  • Are protective measures identified and communicated to employees? (PPE, ventilation, etc.)

  • Are rescue procedures communicated with employees and outside services along with conducting non-entry mock rescue drills? (Fire & Rescue)

Air Monitoring (1910.1000) Safety Manual Document 3.5.7

  • Is personal and/or environmental monitoring being conducted for carbon monoxide and other known chemicals in the work place that employees are exposed to?

  • Are forklift emissions checked regularly for excessive CO discharge?

  • Are records kept on file of all air monitoring/testing/training?

Hoist and Lifting Equipment (1910.179) Safety Manual Document 3.5.10

  • Are employees who utilize overhead hoist trained in the safe use and care of the equipment

  • Are monthly inspections of overhead hoist completed with documentation?

  • Are load ratings identified on hoist and jacks along with identified controls with safety clips on hooks?

  • Is rigging equipment (slings/chains/wire rope) free from damage and defects?

Fleet/Ag Safety

  • Are field crews properly equipped with first-aid supplies?

  • Have operators of harvesting equipment been trained in the operation and sanitation procedures?

  • Is field harvesting equipment properly marked with slow moving vehicle signs and do they have adequate nighttime visibility (flashers, reflective tape)?

  • Does each car, truck, and pickup carry current insurance cards?

  • Are seatbelts being used (observation) in company vehicles?

  • Are vehicle equipped with monitoring devices such as telematics

Misc/Other Recommendations

  • Are AED’s used and maintained in accordance with Seneca’s requirements?

  • Are AED’s checked monthly and documented?

  • Have safety goals (Road Map to Safety) been developed and reviewed/updated annually?

  • Maintenance workers/welders training in Hex Chromium hazards (Stainless welding)?

  • Is there an established Yard Safety Policy in place/implemented that meets the company’s objectives (review plan).

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.