
  • Facility

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

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  • Location
  • Personnel

  • 14.4 PPE in place for work activities (welding , cutting , drilling)

1.Facility entrance and safety first impression

  • 1.1 Appropriate safety protective equipment is provided to visitors

  • 1.2 Appropriate site information and safety rules are provided to visitors

  • 1.3 Smoking is strictly prohibited except in the specified areas

  • 1.4 The use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited on the shop floor

  • 1.5 Work areas are generally safe and free from hazards and other obstructions

  • 1.6 Safety rules are being enforced visually throughout the whole facility

  • 1.7 Employees are using PPEs correctly and at all time (hearing protection and safety footwear)

  • 1.8 PPE are being used as per the requirement (helmet , face shields , Google's, safety glasses, mask, and respiratory , safety gloves , safety harness

  • 1.9 Hi Viz always worn in yard ares

  • 1.10 Health & Safety posters, notie board on display

2. Fire and emergency

  • 2.1 The general condition of fire extinguisher is satisfactory (Cleanliness, labelling, visibility , seal)

  • 2.2 Fire extinguisher are tagged with the last date of inspection (no more than 12 months)

  • 2.3 The firefighting equipment cabinet is in good condition and has a checklist of its content

  • 2.4 The fire protection system ( detection ,alarm , sprinklers, pump ) is tested periodically

  • 2.5 Emergency drills are conducted on regular basis for all shifts

  • 2.6 Evacuation procedure and routs are posted at appropriate places

  • 2.7 Emergency lighting is in good condition and exit doors are operating properly

  • 2.8 Emergency services number are posted at appropriate places

  • 2.9 At least one member in every work areas is trained on fire fighting

  • 2.10 Emergency actions station along with HI-viz in good general repair

3. First aid accident reporting

  • 3.1 First aid kits are good condition accessible during all work shifts

  • 3.2 First aid rooms are regularly inspected and in good condition

  • 3.3 Items in each first aid stations are of sufficient quantities and adequately stocked

  • 3.4 Atlest one first aider is present all times during working hours for every 50 worker

  • 3,5 specific procedure are in place in the event of accident, incident and near misses

  • 3.6 Accident and incident investigation are conducted to determine causes & avoid reoccurrence

  • 3.7 Investigation results of accident and incident are communicated to all internal teams

  • 3.8 Accident/ incident packs are complete and inspected

  • AED inspected and in working order

  • Emergency actions station, along with HI-viz in good general repair

4. Safety Systems

  • 4.1 safety measures are in place (eg: recordable cases , near miss cases , lost work days

  • 4.2 A workplace inspection system is in place to report unsafe conditions (T- card)

  • 4.3 A safety observation and communication system isn in place to report unsafe acts

  • 4.4 Hazard identification and risk assessment are performed reactively and proactively

  • 4.5 safety training programs are delivered by qualified personnel & included in the training plan

  • 4.6 skills matrics are utilised to manage and track safety skills of all work team

  • 4.7 Permit to workstation and documentation in place

  • 4.8 All Rams supplied to the H&S department before work is commenced

  • 4.9 Insurance inspection carried out annually

  • 4.10 LOLER inspection carried out on lifts and vehicle

5. Chemical

  • 5.1 A master list of all chemicals, solvent and lubricants is in place

  • 5.2 Material safety data sheet are available where materials are being used and up-to-date

  • 5.3 Appropriate safety containers are being used for chemical and solvent handling (COSHH Cabinet )

  • 5.4 All containers are clearly labeled with appropriate content (including trial material )

  • 5.5 Showers and eye bath are in place in chemical and solvent areas

  • 5.6 The content of the emergency spill kits cabinet are clearly identified and regularly checked

  • 5.7 Hazardous and combustible materials are stored away from electrical equipment and ignition sources

  • 5.8 chemical wash suits are available in good condition

  • 5.9 Chemical safety PPE are available in good condition

  • 5.10 Chemical risk assessment are in place for all chemicals

6. Electromechanical

  • 6.1 All electrical cabinets are locked when not being worked on

  • 6.2 Using improper or unauthorized electrical appliances is prohibited in the facility

  • 6.3 Electrical plugs and wires are in good condition and inspected for possible damage regularly

  • 6.4 Power sources are disconnected before repairing , lubricating or cleaning any machinery

  • 6.5 Equipment guards are in place and must prevent all access to moving parts

  • 6.6 Equipment guards are secured by a method requiring a tool to remove it

  • 6.7 The facility uses an effective lockout/ tagout Systems during service or maintenance activities

  • 6.8 All electrical cabinets are locked when not being worked on

  • 6.9 All emergency stops are in good working order

  • 6.10 Oven burner lockout cabinets are locked


  • 7.1 Waste is segregated or recycled where possible

  • 7.2 Waste containers are kept closed and secured except when waste is being added or removed

  • 7.3 Efforts are being made to reduce energy and water consumption ( reduce of hose pipes , water guns attached to hose pipes etc.)

  • 7.4 Water effluent controls are in place

  • 7.5 Air quality and noise level are measured and monitored regularly

  • 7.6 Noice level measured and monitored quarterly

  • 7.7 Pest control in place visual inspections

  • 7.8 Sufficient lighting within internal areas

  • 7.9 Cold weather clothing supplied and in use within warehouse

8. More

  • 8.1 Ladders are in good condition, inspected regularly and used properly

  • 8.2 Ladders are secured ( via a locked chain ) and only used by authorised and trained personnel

  • 8.3 Steps in good condition (ishida & Oven exit line 2 bridges &spiral 1& 2

  • 8.4 Emergency fire ladder (unit 1 & 2 )

  • 8.5 CCTV in operation and recording with no defects

  • 8.6 intruder alarm system in operation with no defects

  • 8.7 Safety alerts and route signs are in place when working on fragile roofs

  • 8.8 Walkways for pedestrians are in place & handrails are in place at slippery floor or at height

  • 8.9 Signage , hazards warning and safety instructions are in place at slippery floor or at height

  • 8.10 Visual management Maps are used to monitored the areas of highly unsafe cases & high risk

  • 8.11 Cranes and forklift are operated by authorised and certified drivers

  • 8.12 Daily forklift inspections carried out on vehicle ( Flexi, counterbalance , reach, and 2 pump trucks )

  • 8.13 Internal rack inspection conducted monthly

10.Machiney low risk

  • 10.1 Bowl chopper

  • 10.2 Ovens

  • 10.3 Chickpea tipper

  • 10.4 Vemag

  • 10.5 DJM

  • 10.6 Sausage machine

  • 10.7 TFreemantal

  • 10.8 Compressed Air , and guns

  • 10.9 UV cabinet

  • 10.10 Pump trucks

11 Machinery , HIGH RISK

  • 11.1 Pro seal ( guards , interlock, emergency stop and general electrics )

  • 11.2 IN850 x 2 ( guards , interlock, emergency stop and general electrics )

  • 11.3 Spiral (panel , emergency stop, signage , and general condition)

  • 11.4 Denester ( General electrics and line emergency stop

  • 11.5 Bagging machine ( emergency stop, control panels , door interlock, film bars

  • 11.6 Tool change and lifting equipment

  • 11.7 Compressed Air lines , and guns

  • 11.8 UV Tunnel

  • 11.9 Bootwasher

12. Main office

  • 12.1 Portable appliance testing

  • 12.2 Workstation and electrical cable

  • DSE assessment and training

  • Clear fire route

  • AC and extraction unit

  • CCTV and Comms room

  • Waste management

  • Washroom

  • Kitchen ( Appliances and waste

13. Canteen

  • 13.1 Clear fire routes

  • 13.2 Ceiling tiles

  • 13.3 Washroom

  • 13.4 Kitchen area (PA . Testing and waste )

  • 13.5 Vending machine

  • 13.6 Water fountain

  • 13.7 Shower area

14. Engineering Mezzanine

  • 14.1 All fire routes clear and emergency trap clear with no defects

  • 14.2 Chemical / lubricants cabinets clearly labeled

  • 14.3 Restricted access area

15. Incident & Injury Management

  • 15.1 Are H&S representatives informed and involved in work related WH&S events?

Managers Signatures

  • Add signature

  • Select date

Health & Safety Representative Signature

  • Add signature

  • Select date

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.