Title Page
Safety Blitz- Warehouse GAA
Conducted on
Prepared by
Warehouse location:
Dress Code
All area team members are in dress code
Do team member have hoodies on in the warehouse
Only authorized headgear is being used no Du rugs
Authorized headgear solid Blackcaps or ARD logo caps
No cell phone or ear buds
Makes eye contact before passing pedestrian traffic
Looks in the direction of travel before moving the 1st inch
Keeps feet within the confines of equipment during operation
Stops equipment and steps to the side for dismounting equipment
Is there obvious damage to the forklift
forklift driver has safety glass on
The forklift is not moving and lifting or lowering racks at the same time
Customer Rack does not exceed the mast of the forklift (no more than two racks at a time except in Plastic where it only 1
Proper lifting technique (BLAST) utilized
L- uses legs to lift
team members walking in walkways only
Evaluator Comments:
Take a photo of the observed in a related activity