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Safety Policy and Objectives

Management Commitment and Responsibility

  • SOUND: Is there a safety policy that:

  • Reflects management’s commitment to safety?

  • Includes a clear statement about providing necessary resources?

  • Includes safety reporting procedures?

  • Is signed and dated by the Accountable Executive (AE)?

  • Is communicated, with visible endorsement, throughout the organization?

  • Indicates which types of behaviors that are unacceptable?

  • Includes the conditions under which exemption from disciplinary action would be applicable?

  • Is periodically reviewed to ensure it remains relevant and appropriate to the organization?


  • Is the safety policy relevant to the scope and complexity of the organization’s operations?

  • Is everyone aware of the safety policy?


  • Is the safety policy reinforced by day-to-day decisions?

  • Is everyone committed to enhancing safety performance?

  • Is there visible evidence of management demonstrating by example?

Safety Accountabilities

  • SOUND: Does the SMS documentation identify the AE and the safety responsibilities, accountabilities, and authorities of all personnel, to include a definition of the levels of management with authority to make
    decisions regarding safety risk tolerability?


  • Do the AE’s terms of reference indicate his/her ultimate responsibility for the SMS?

  • Are there clear lines of safety accountabilities throughout the organization?


  • Are the resources available to manage risks effectively?

  • Does everyone know their role in the SMS and participate accordingly?

Appointment of Key Safety Personnel

  • SOUND: Does the SMS documentation include an appointment of a safety manager?


  • Is the safety manager properly trained?


  • Are the results of safety management activities formally recorded and analyzed?

Coordination of ERP

  • SOUND: Does the SMS documentation include an ERP that is properly coordinated with the emergency response plans of those organizations it must interface with during the provision of its services?


  • Is there a procedure for periodic review of the ERP to ensure its continuing relevance and effectiveness?


  • Is the ERP regularly tested and updated including coordination with other organisations as appropriate?

SMS Documentation

  • SOUND: Does the SMS documentation include:

  • A plan that defines the organization‘s approach to meet the safety objectives

  • Safety policy and objectives

  • SMS requirements

  • SMS processes and procedures

  • Accountabilities, responsibilities and authorities for processes and procedures

  • SMS outputs


  • Is the SMS documentation readily available to ALL personnel?


  • Is there evidence that the SMS documentation is regularly reviewed and updated?

  • Does the documentation provide evidence that safety objectives are being met?

Safety Risk Management

Hazard Identification

  • SOUND: Is there a formal process to ensure hazards are identified using
    the following methods

  • Reactive?

  • Proactive?

  • Predictive?


  • Is there a reporting system to capture errors, hazards and near misses that is simple to use and accessible to all personnel?

  • Is there a procedure to review hazards/risks from external reports?


  • Are hazards, errors, near misses, and audit findings being identified and reported throughout the organization?

  • Are employees confident they can report apparent safety deficiencies without retribution?

  • Are both internal and external information used to update the safety risk profile?<br>

  • Is there a procedure for periodic review of existing risk analysis records?

Risk Assessment and Mitigation

  • SOUND: Is there a formal process for to manage safety risks that includes:

  • Analysis?

  • Assessment?

  • Control?


  • Does the AE and management team have visibility of medium and high risks and their controls?

  • Do training programs highlight safety critical issues identified in the safety risk profile?

  • Does the Ops Manual contain mitigation described in the safety risk profile?


  • Does the organization use its risk management results to develop best practices?

  • Is the information indicating the need to change respected, valued, validated, and used?

  • Is there consistent feedback to encourage the future participation of managers and employees?

  • Is the Operations Manual consistently employed by operational managers and staff?

  • Does mitigation take into account Human Factors and Organizational Factors

Safety Assurance

Safety performance monitoring and measurement

  • SOUND: Is there a process and/or procedure to:

  • Validate the effectiveness of the safety risk controls?

  • To established safety performance indicators and targets?


  • Has the organization developed a series of safety performance indicators that are appropriate to the type of operation?

  • Are safety indicators and targets specific, measurable, agreed to, relevant and time-based?

  • Is the information from occurrences analyzed and where appropriate, used to upgrade policies and procedures?

  • Are priorities regularly reviewed, reassessed and, if required, reassigned to address safety issues?


  • Are safety targets being achieved?

  • Is there a means to measure and monitor trends and take appropriate action when necessary?

  • Have the controls for the safety risks been evaluated?

  • Are the results from internal audits used to measure safety performance?

Management of Change

  • SOUND: Is there a process to identify and manage organizational changes that may affect safety?


  • Are stakeholders involved in the change management process?

  • Are there procedures for managing the revisions of documents, manuals, and checklists?

  • Are changes to critical documents communicated throughout the organization?


  • Does the organization use the SMS to proactively assess all major changes to the organisation and its operations

  • Do staff members always use up-to-date documents, manuals, checklists, and/or procedures?

Continuous Improvement

  • SOUND: Is there a process or procedure to ensure continuous improvement of the SMS?


  • Is there an internal audit/assessment process and a follow-up procedure to address audit findings?


  • Is there evidence of improvements to policies, procedures, and/or processes based on internal audit findings?

Safety Promotion

Training and Education

  • SOUND: Has the organization developed and maintained safety training programs that ensure that personnel are competent to perform their SMS duties?


  • Does training include human and organisational factors with the intent of reducing human error?

  • Does technical training (i.e. pilot, maintenance, dispatch/scheduling, etc.) reinforce SMS principles (i.e. human factors, organizational factors, risk assessments, risk management, etc.)?


  • Is there evidence that all personnel involved in SMS operations have undergone appropriate SMS training?

  • Are executives, managers, and staff capable of performing their roles to proactively manage safety?

Safety Communication

  • SOUND: Has the organization developed and maintained a formal means of safety communication?


  • Are significant events and investigation outcomes from internal and external sources communicated to all personnel?


  • Is there evidence that all personnel are aware of the SMS, safety critical information, and their role in respect of aviation safety?

Compliance Monitoring

  • Has the operator established and maintained a system for identifying applicable regulations, standards, approvals, and exemptions and demonstrated compliance with them?

Flight Data Analysis

  • Has the organization established a flight data analysis program <br>(Recommended Practice)

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