Document Title
Conducted on
Prepared by
Management Structure
Management Structure
Does the company have a formal, written statement of corporate safety policies and objectives?
Are these adequately disseminated throughout the company?<br>
Does the company have a flight safety dept. or a designated flight safety officer?<br>
Are there periodic company wide safety meetings
Is there good attendance ( right people / right level )
Does it discuss all safety matters (not just ASRs or flight safety)?<br>
Does the company distribute safety reports or newsletters from other sources?<br>
Does the Safety officer spend sufficient time in the office?<br>
Does this dept/safety officer report directly to the MD/CEO or board of directors?<br>
Is there formal investigation of incidents and accidents, with good audit trails?<br>
Are the results of these investigations disseminated to other managers?<br>
Does the company have a confidential, non-punitive incident reporting programme?<br>
Does the company maintain an incident database?<br>
Is the incident database routinely analysed to determine trends?<br>
Management and Corporate Stability
Management and Corporate Stability
Have there been significant or frequent changes in ownership or senior management within the last 3 years
Has the company recently experienced a merger, acquisition or major reorganisation?
Was explicit consideration given to safety matters during and following the period of instability, merger, reorganisation?
Operations & Training
Operations And Maintenance Training
Does the company have required training and checking syllabi?
Does this training include : Crew resource management (CRM)) Human factors Windshear Hazardous materials Security Adverse weather operations Altitude and terrain awareness Aircraft performance ETOPS Instrument Landing Systems (ILS) Category II and Category III approaches Emergency procedures training, including pilot/flight attendant interaction
If GPWS and TCAS are installed, is specific training provided for their use?
Are approved simulators available and used for all required training?
Do the simulators include GPWS, TCAS, background communications and other advanced features?
Do flight attendants receive comprehensive initial and recurrent safety training?
Does the training include hands-on use of all required emergency and safety equipment?
Is the safety of training of flight attendant conducted jointly with pilots?
Are there established policies and procedures for communications between flight deck and cabin crew?
Are evacuation mock-up trainers that replicate emergency exits available for flight attendant training?
Manuals & Procedures
Manuals and Procedures
Is an operations manual provided to each crew member?
Does the manual define the following : Minimum numbers of flight crew members? Procedures for exchanging control of the aircraft? Stabilised approach criteria? Hazardous materials procedures?
Required crew briefings for selected operations, including flight deck and cabin crew members? Specific pre-departure briefings for flights in areas of high terrain or obstacles? Controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) avoidance procedures?
Procedures for operational emergencies, including medical emergencies and bomb threats? Aircraft de-icing procedures? Company policy stating that there are no negative consequences for go-arounds and diversions when required operationally?
Are emergency escape routes developed and published for flights in areas if high terrain?
Is there a company manual specifying emergency response procedures?
Does the company conduct periodic emergency response drills?
Does the company perform airfield - facility assessments prior to start of operations?
What activites are audited and how frequently? Does this include services provided to Flight Operations such as charting, navigation data etc
How is audit data stored?
What quality meetings are held? How is the CEO made aware of quality issues?