Title Page

  • Sainsburys Local Monthly M,E&R Inspection of Store (name and number)

  • Conducted on

  • Conducted by (engineer)

Water Hygiene

  • Has monthly water check been carried out and all results satisfactory and recorded correctly in store log book?

Air Conditioning

  • Have all A/C units including office and bakery if applicable been cleaned this visit and are free of dust and dirt? (Filters and unit casing etc) INSERT PHOTOS OF FILTERS AND CASSETTES HERE

  • Are all units free of any obvious signs of water leaks? (On casing or filters etc)

  • Have pumps been identified and checked?

  • Are all external AC units clean and damage free?


  • Are all integral condenser coils including walls freezer free of dirt and debris?

  • If more than one compressor on unit are all working satisfactorily and all discharge pipes of equal temperature?

Cases (general)

  • Are all case drains checked and clear? (No water visible under air on grill or on floor etc)

  • Are all night blinds operational and damage free?

  • Is all honeycomb present,clean and damage free?

  • Are all case dividers, wier screens and Perspex risers present and damage free?

  • Are all bump rails and corner guards present and damage free?

  • Are all kick plates present and secure?

  • If applicable do all doors self close?

  • If applicable are all door seals secure and free of damage?

  • If applicable Are door surrounds free from signs of icing up? This could indicate seal failing or heater failed if ice visible

  • If applicable are glass doors free from ice between glass sheets?

RDM panel

  • Has the RDM been reviewed and clear of active alarms requiring attention? (eg probe faults or valve open alarms)

  • Have all current CPT temperatures been reviewed and any abnormal or suspicious values investigated?


  • Is evaperator ice free to a satisfactory level?

  • Is evaperator clean? Coil and casing

  • Do all fans work?

  • Is room free of water leaks? (Under evaporator etc) Could indicate a blocked drain

  • Is All door furniture present, damage free and secure? (green button, handle, hinges etc)

  • Are inner flap doors fully functional and damage free?

  • If sliding door. Is the top rail secure?

  • Is floor safe? Not lifting in places etc

  • Do entrapment alarms function correctly?


  • Are all compressors operational?

  • Is oil level satisfactory?

  • Is the pack controller free of any active alarms?

  • Is the pack free of signs of oil or gas leaks


  • Is condenser clean?

  • Do ALL Condenser fans work?

Plant Area

  • Is plant area clear of rubbish, dirt etc?

Air curtain

  • Is air curtain visibly clean? Cob web and dust free

  • Is air curtain operational? Works in heating mode as some will run cold when faulty


  • Is all visible electrical equipment damage free and safe? No cracked sockets etc<br>Note: all bell pushes should also be checked including outdoor ones.


  • Do all taps work satisfactorily and not drip?

  • Do all toilets flush satisfactorily and are flush handles/buttons secure? Several attempts to make it flush could indicate syphon is faulty.

  • Is all pipework free of obvious damage or leaks?


  • Has the store/duty manager been asked if there are any issues of which they are aware and are satisfied there is nothing for us to do?

  • Any other observations made this visit

  • Has store space diary been filled in?

  • Engineer to sign on completion

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