Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Name of Property Being Assessed

Fire Exits & Means of Escape

  • Are All Fire Exits in the building unobstructed and safe?

  • Detail action required.

  • Are all final fire exits able to be opened fully?

  • Detail action required

  • Is adequate fire protection provided to stairways, including the provision of self-closing, fire-resisting doors?

  • Do all fire doors close on their own ?

  • Detail action required

  • Is all fire exit signage and fire escape maps correct and in place? (Are general fire notices, detailing the action to take in the event of a fire, provided and sited in prominent locations?)

  • Detail Action required

  • Are Fire Doors in good condition ?

  • Damaged? ( provide photo and detail )

  • Seal damaged? ( provide photo and detail)

  • Other, please explain? ( provide photo and detail )

  • Are distances of travel to fire escapes considered reasonable?

  • Is there a reasonable standard of emergency escape lighting to illuminate escape routes and areas without natural lighting?

Fire Fighting Equipment

  • Is Fire fighting equipment fit for purpose?

  • Detail action required ( provide photo and detail )

  • Are Fire extinguishers in date and adequate signage in place?

  • Detail action required ( provide photo and detail)

  • Are Emergency lights checked regularly and records available ?

  • Detail action required ( provide photo and detail)

  • Is there reasonable provision of fire extinguishers?

Fire Alarm

  • Fire alarm system-checked regularly/service records available?

  • Detail action required

  • Are Fire alarm tests completed and records kept ?

  • Detail action required

  • Confirm that the fire panel in the Manor is indicating 'normal'?

Fire drills: General, Not Property Specific

  • Fire Drills/ staff training records available?

  • Detail action required

  • fire drills/evacuations carried out and recorded at least in the last 6 months?

  • Detail action required

  • Confirm that all current staff were in attendance of the last fire drills/evacuations on the property and signed their attendance?

Wood Burning Fires

  • Wood Burning oven in this property is 1.5 meters from combustable materials?

  • Wood burning oven has: Fire equipment such as tools, or, fire gloves, and 'safe usage instructions' in front of, or next to it?

  • Wood burning oven has functioning hinges and closes well?


  • Are adequate measures in place to stop people from smoking on the premises?

  • Are ‘No smoking’ signs provided in the property?

  • Are suitable arrangements in place for those who wish to smoke outside the premises?


  • Are the premises adequately secured to prevent unauthorised access?

  • Are combustible materials, waste and refuse bins stored safely clear of the premises or in purpose-built compounds/rooms?

Heating Systems & Electrical Equipment

  • Have all the portable heaters, kettles, toasters, hair dryers, fans, microwaves, and lamps in the property, been PAT inspected in the last 12 months?

  • Are all the electrical appliances (eg. tumble dryers, washing machines, kettles, fridges, hobs and all other electrical items in this property), free of combustable items and fire hazards?

  • I confirm that no extension cords on the property are 'daisy chaining', aka a socket extender, is plugged into another socket extender?


  • Is the standard of housekeeping in this property adequate to avoid the accumulation of combustible materials and waste?

  • Are combustible materials kept separate from ignition and heat sources?

  • If there are combustible materials on this property, please outline in writing and/or with photos, how they are kept separate from heat sources or stored in a safe place:


  • Are adequate measures taken to prevent fires from cooking?

  • Are filters and ductwork subject to regular cleaning?

  • Is there a fire blanket, that is in date, within reasonable reach of the cooking are?

Visual Health & Safety Risk Checks

  • After completing a visual check, you confirm that there no perceivably dangerous tree branches on the property.

  • After completing a visual check of garden walls (looking for loose stones or heavy leaning in the brick work), you confirm that the garden walls seem perceivably safe and are at no risk of falling.

  • Is the garden lighting working correctly?

  • Are the paths clean from moss, and slip risks?

  • After completing a visual checkin you confirm that roof tiles on the property appear to be safe and not at risk of falling?

  • Are all the ceiling showers in the property are safely screwed on and not at risk of falling?

  • I confirm that all the soft furnishings in this property have been treated with flame retardancy spray/treatment, at the least in the last 12 months.

Staff Safety Training

  • I confirm that all the staff working at Sawcliffe have up to date manual handling training (online course completed).

  • I confirm that all the staff working at Sawcliffe have up to date fire safety awareness training (online course completed).

General management of fire safety

  • Has someone been appointed to manage fire safety?

  • Are procedures in the event of fire appropriate and properly documented?

  • Are employees with additional responsibilities, such as fire wardens, given additional training to carry out their roles?

  • Are daily checks carried out to ensure exit routes are kept clear and fire exits remain easily openable?

  • Are monthly and annual testing routines in place for the emergency escape lighting

  • Are weekly testing and periodic maintenance and servicing routines in place for the fire alarm system and any automatic detectors?

  • Are fire extinguishers subject to annual maintenance?

  • Are records of testing and maintenance maintained?

Sign Off

  • Name and position of the person completing report.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.