Job Site Number
Conducted on
Prepared by
1. 1926.501 Duty to have fall protection.
1. 1926.501(b)(1) Are all workers above 6 feet protected from falls?
1.2 1926.502(d)(12) Are restraining devices used correctly in JLGs?
1.3. 1926.502 Unsafe or incomplete edge protection, Guard rails, toe boards?
1.4 16VAC25-145-40 Are control zones used correctly ?
1.5 1926.502(a)(2) Is any fall protection equipment damaged or unsafe or not inspected?
1.6 1926.500(b) Are there any open holes larger than 2 inches in any direction in a roof, floor, or other walking/working surface?
2. 1926.600 Equipment
2.1 1926.601(b)(14) Is equipment inspected before use?
2.2 1910.178 Are operators trained, and holding certs as required?
2.3. 1926.602(c)(1)(ii) Unsafe or incompatible attachments used with equipment?
2.4 Are equipment and or trucks backing up without spotters?
2.5 Are seat belts in use?
2.6 Other.
3. 1926.450 Scaffold
3.1. 1926.451 (a)(6) Are competent persons directing scaffold insulation?
3.2. 1926.451 Unsafe or incomplete scaffold?
3.3. 1926.451(f)(3) Lack of inspection protocol for scaffold?
3.4. 1926.452 Incompatible scaffold components?
3.5 Other.
4. 1926.550 Cranes and lifting equipment
4. 1926.550(a)(15)(iv) Are loads lifted over persons or in close proximity to objects such as overhead power lines?
4.1 1926.550 (a)(5) Does the equipment have proper maintenance testing and inspection?
4.2 1926.550 (a)(5)Is the equipment inspected before use or daily?
4.3 1926.550(a)(2) Is the latest SWL information displayed on the equipment?
4.4 1926.550(a)(7)(vi) Is any lifting equipment damaged or unlabeled?
4.4 Other.
5. 1926.1050 Ladders and stairs
5. 1926.1053 Have ladders been inspected before use and are not showing any signs of damage?
5.1 1926.1053 Are the ladders positioned safely?
5.3 1926.1053 Are access ladders properly secured and have an offset at the top?
5.4 1926 .1052 Do the stairways have proper handrails, are the treads and landings filled?
5.5 Other.
6. 1926.65 Hazardous chemicals, subpart Z toxic and hazardous materials including fuel and oil
6.1 1926.59-1910.1200 Have all chemicals been evaluated stored and labeled correctly and has this information transmitted to employees?
6.2 1926.152 Are the chemical storage locations clear of ignition sources flammables and storm water areas?
6.3 1926.152(a) Are incompatible chemicals stored near each other such as oxygen and Compressed fuel cylinders. 1926.350(a)(10) Are oxygen tanks stored at least 20 feet away from oil and compressed fuel cylinders?
6.4 1926.152(e)(2) Are the transfer of flammable liquids only done when containers are electrically bonded or interconnected?
6.5 1926.152(e)(4) Are fuel dispensing units protected against collision?
6.6 1926.150 Are spill kits available?
6.7 Other.
7. 1926.20 Emergency response
7.1 1926.20(b) Are emergency plans on site displayed and have been rehearsed?
7.2 Have first responders and fire departments review the job site?
7.3 1926.23 Are supervisors trained in first aid?
7.4 1926.50 Are first aid kits adequate for the number of employees on site
8. 1926.200 Traffic management
8.1 1926.200(g)(2) Is the traffic management plan in place and approved?
8.2 Are all flaggers trained according to the state of Virginia?
8.3 Are barriers bollards speed limits flashing lights and spotters adequate to control For the traffic management plan?
8.4 Other.
9. 1926.28 PPE's Personal protective equipment
9.1 1926.95 Are personal protective equipment adequate for the work at hand?
9.2 1926.52 Is hearing protection being used as needed?
9.3 Other.
10. Subpart C Work environment
10.1 1926.25 Is housekeeping adequate?
10.2 1926.26 Is lighting adequate?
10.3 1926.27 Are toilettes and handwashing areas adequate?
10.4 1926.51(a)(1) Is drinking water available?
10.5 1926.252(c) Are all scrap lumber waste material and rubbish being removed from the immediate work area as the work progresses?
10.6 1926.34 Are exits free so arranged and maintained as to be provide free and unobstructed egress from all parts of the building at all times?
11. 1926.400/1910.137 Electrical hazards
11.1 Is NFPE 70 being followed For power testing and lock out tag out?
11.2 1926.405(g)(I) Have electrical leads been tested are not damaged and have the owners name on the cord?
11.3 1926.404(b)(1)(ii) Are ground fault circuit interrupters in use and tested weekly?
11.4 1926.400(b) Have underground utilities been marked by all parties using this contract?
11.5 1926 403 (I)(1)(I) Have overhead power lines been taken into account for work on the site?
11.6 1926.405(g) Are drop cords run on sharp edges, metal structures, or placed on the ground creating trip hazards?
11.7 1926 403(I)(2) Are all energized electrical cabinets locked and components guarded from accidental contact?
11.7.A 1926.405(g)(2)(iii) Are flexible cords used in continuous lengths without splice or tap?
11.8 Other.
12. 1926.55 Occupational health and environmental controls
12.1 1926.55(a) Are all employees protected from the inhalation, indigestion, skin absorption or contact with any material or substance, at a concentration above those specified in the threshold limit values of airborne contaminants by the American conference of governmental industrial hygienist?
12.2 Are all MSDS sheets available and documented on the job site?
12.3 Are stormwater systems adequate, designed and in place, to prevent contaminants from entering drains and waterways?
13. Administrative procedures
13.1 1926.10 Do all contractors have a safety plan?
13.2 Are all workers trained for safety and specifically for safety in their field?
13.3 1910.146 Have subcontractors applied for and received all work permits needed to perform their job? Such as hot work permits confined space entry permits etc.
13.4 Do all workers have orientation for this job site?
13.5 Do all contractors have adequate supervisory personnel and adequate training for their employees?
13.6 Have all contractors been trained in the recording of incidents and incident notification procedures?
14. 1926.650 Excavation trenching and confined space
14.1. 1926.651(b) Have the location of utility installations been marked?
14.2. 1926.651(c)(2) Have means of egress been provided?
14.3. 1926.651(g)(1)(ii) Does the atmosphere need to be tested and or has it been?
14.4. Subpart P Has the class C soil been sloped one and a half to one?
14.5. Other?
15. Corrective actions
15.1 What corrective actions if any are taking place as a result of this inspection?
On site representative.