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Wall of Fame
Our company was started by Luke Anear in a garage up in townsville back in 2012. Luke came out of the workers comp insurance industry and was frustrated by the amount of paperwork, as well as an awareness that it wasnt cutting it. But what started as a digital paper checklist app soon evolved into a realization - that all workplace software was designed top down. Seeing the power of what was already being achieved with SC, Luke built SC as a bottom up operations platform designed to unlock the potential of frontline workers. 3 things have been critical to our success, Flexibility, Connectivity and finally but most importantly, the most simple and easy user experience on the market.
Cathay Pacific
Checklists began in the aviation industry in 1939 and are still the best way to ensure that what is supposed to be happen, does happen. The SC platform began as the worlds most powerful checklist app and is used extensively in the aviation industry today, including Cathay pacific who use us for preflight checks, maintenance checks and inspections for cabin crew. (Qantas, Virgin, Jetblue, British Airways etc)
Are all cabinets closed with safety latches in place?
Please close all safety latches and mark as safe
Is there any visible damage on any of the seats?
Krispy Kreme
Maintaining consistent brand standards across a number of locations or franchises can be difficult. This can be made much easier through the use of standardized daily checks and clear visual standards which when made digital, can provide real time visibility over individual location performance at the frontline. Krispy Kreme use SC to ensure quality is consistent across locations and regions and link daily audit performance to bottom line location profitability (GYG, McDonalds, Zambrero etc)
Show the donuts on display, do they match the global standard?
The in-store experience is critical to the success of IKEA and store managers regularly put themselves in their customers shoes and take a guided tour of their store. To maintain the flow of these walks with minimal interruption, IKEA uses custom workflows setup in SC to autonomously escalate any issues they find notify the correct people (e.g. incorrect pricing), allowing them to continue the store walk with confidence that the issues are being addressed immediately. (Target, K-Mart, Bunnings etc.)
Does the pricing on the Yngvar stool match the catalogue price? ($250)
Pernod Ricard
Pernod Ricard are one of the world's largest drinks companies and train their global marketing and sales teams on product knowledge across the world. Training an be taken directly on the mobile device of teams wherever they are located whether it be on-site or out in the field. They use our AI translation tool to ensure that training is available in the right language for every country around the globe in which they operate. Pernod also train their leading hospitality partners on product service, sustainability and responsible service of alcohol.
Using phone, scan the QR code to retrieve work instruction, or create course with Ai)
Transport for NSW
Transport for NSW is the NSW Government transport and road agency with more than 25,000 workers. These employees work across the entire NSW rail and road network and are often working in isolated or regional locations. Transport for NSW deployed SafetyCulture lone worker, this monitors the location of workers, prompts them to check-in periodically and raises an alert if they don't finish their work as planned. Workers can activate a duress alarm if assistance is required so the organisation can respond quickly.
Demo lone worker on phone
Rio Tinto
Welcome to the Pilbara! SC is used extensively throughout the resources industry. We’re big in the mining industry and very quickly we found out that a lot of temporary and contract workers work up there. We didn’t want workers to have to have a Safetyculture license to be able to report unsafe conditions, so we built in functionality that anyone, anywhere can report unsafe conditions. Rio Tinto attach QR codes to helmets they issue to contractors, and if they see anything unsafe, all they need to do is scan the QR code and report it. Simple.
Using your device, scan the QR code on the helmets (or better yet, get your guests to do it!!)
Toyota pioneered lean manufacturing and progressive maintenance, which has been made a lot simpler using our Assets feature. Information and inspections can be easily linked to assets, and QR codes unique to each asset make it easy for anyone with a mobile device to capture and access asset information. Pre-start inspections, preventative maintenance checks and SOP's can all be launched simply by scanning the QR code on the asset.
Use Ipad in room to scan QR code on Toyota car rig to launch into Assets
Coles are longtime users of SC and use us for store inspections, would-I-buy-it (WIBIT) mystery shopper audits etc. Coles are also getting smarter through the use of SC IOT sensors. Monitor real-time temperature and environmental changes with our range of sensor solutions. Implement automatic alerts when conditions go outside set ranges and create follow-up actions to protect your valuable assets - such as stock and inventory.
Demo sensors on iPad to your guests
Goodstart Early Learning
For any contractors that come on site, Good start need to be assured that they have all the relevant certificates, documentation and training
Analytics Demo