Title Page

  • Plant Name

  • Month & Week No.

  • Walkthrough conducted by

  • Walkthrough conducted on

  • Location

Fire Protection System

Fire Pump Room

  • All Fire Pumps are kept in Auto Mode

  • Fire Pumps Inspection is followed regularly and recorded in checklist

  • All suction & delivery line control valves are kept in open condition and provided with controlled locking mechanism <br>(exc. Test Line valve)

  • Pressure in Delivery line is at 7 kg/cm2

  • Guards are provided for all rotating parts

  • Battery used for Diesel pump is in working condition

  • Diesel level indicator available in day tank and is in working condition

  • Adequate Lighting provided (Min 100 Lux)

  • No water leakages noticed in fire pump room

Portable Fire Extinguishers

  • Fire Extinguishers available at their home location & marked with Red tape or paint

  • Signboards & home location stickers available for each Fire Extinguisher

  • Tag available with Fire Extinguisher indicating Service due date & Refilling due date not expired

  • Pressure is indicated in Green zone on the Pressure Guage if available

  • Clear access maintained in front of fire extinguishers

  • No physical damages to the fire extinguishers & its parts

  • Safety pins are available for each fire extinguisher

Fire Hydrant & Hose box

  • Fire fighting hoses are available inside all Fire hoseboxes

  • Emergency key & Hammer available to open the hydrant hose box door

  • Clear access maintained in front of fire hydrant hose boxes

  • No leakages found from the landing valve

  • No physical damages noticed to the fire hydrant hose boxes

  • All Isolating valves in Hydrant main line are in OPEN position and locked

  • Hose Reel drum rotates freely on its spindle and swings through 180 degree easily

  • Weekly Inspection is followed regularly and recorded in checklist

Fire Sprinkler System

  • Whether sprinkler main control valves are kept open and locked with chains?

  • Sprinkler line is free from leaks

  • Clear space of 0.5 m maintained below the sprinkler heads

Fire Alarm System

  • Fire Alarm Panel indicates normal operation and no fault warning (in LEDs)

  • Fire Alarm System inspection is followed regularly and recorded in checklist

  • All fire alarm hooters are kept in live condition

  • Smoke detectors are not covered with safety caps & clerance of 0.5 m is maintained around the detectors

  • PA system is in working condition

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.