Title Page

  • Site Conducted:

  • Location being audited:

  • Address:

  • Auditee:

  • E-mail address of Business Manager for Actions to be sent through to (Needs to be a individual address, not info@schoolname.sch.uk).

  • Auditor:

  • Date of Audit:

Section 1 - Opening Meeting

Introductions and format of the audit

  • Introductions:

    H&S Team
    School Team

  • The purpose of this audit is to ensure that the school/college is meeting its statutory requirements with regards to Health & Safety.

  • Who has got overall responsibility for Health & Safety within the school/college (the Employer)?

  • The audit is split into specific sections as follows:

    High Risk Curriculum Areas (where applicable)

    Individual curriculum managers (high risk areas) will be required to facilitate a departmental inspection and answer questions and provide documentary evidence, specific to their curriculum area.

General Information

  • Name of Head Teacher/Principal?

  • Name of Business Manager?

  • Total number of pupils enrolled in the school/college?

  • Total number of staff working in the school/college?

  • Age range of pupils/students:

  • School/College Type:

  • Are you a LA Maintained School?

General Notes

  • undefined

Section 2 - Art & Design

2.1 - Department Documentation

  • 2.1.1 - Head of Department?

  • 2.1.1a - Head of Departments e-mail address?

  • 2.1.2 - Is there a current departmental Health & Safety policy in place?

  • 2.1.3 - Is there evidence to show colleagues in the department are aware of the H&S policy and have access to it?

  • 2.1.4 - Is there an inventory of Hazardous Substances held within the department, including location stored and hazards?

  • 2.1.5 - Are COSHH Assessments in place for all Hazardous Substances present?

  • 2.1.6 - Are there current Risk Assessments and where applicable SSW's for all significant risks identified?

  • 2.1.7 - Is there evidence that risk assessments have been communicated to staff?

  • 2.1.8 - Does the department keep a record of all Health & Safety training conducted by colleagues?

  • 2.1.9 - Are there documented procedures for the induction and training of departmental staff?

  • 2.1.10 - Are procedures / rules on Health & Safety used by students?

  • 2.1.11 - Has all LEV equipment been tested in the last 14 months (Dust extraction, Fume cabinets, Laser cutter)?

  • 2.1.12 - Has PAT testing been carried out annually on all portable electrical equipment?

  • 2.1.13 - Records available for the checking of equipment and machines?

  • 2.1.14 - Records available for the maintenance of equipment and machines?

  • 2.1.15 - Have all pressure vessels been inspected (where applicable)?

  • 2.1.16 - Are policies in place for using specific rooms (e.g. Darkroom, Kiln Room, Prep Room etc.)?

2.2 - Art Classroom

  • 2.2.1 - Room clean and tidy?

  • 2.2.2 - Appropriate heating and ventilation?

  • 2.2.3 - Lighting levels sufficient?

  • 2.2.4 - Lockable electrical shut off switch in place, accessible, working and labelled?

  • 2.2.5 - Gas and water shut off valves in place, accessible and labelled?

  • 2.2.6 - Appropriate hazard and warning signs displayed?

  • 2.2.7 - Security of hazardous materials / valuable materials and equipment?

  • 2.2.8 - Adequate first aid provision?

  • 2.2.9 - Appropriate fire fighting equipment available?

  • 2.2.10 - Room a sufficient size for numbers in class?

  • 2.2.11 - Work benches / tables spaced out appropriately?

  • 2.2.12 - Machines spaced out appropriately?

  • 2.2.13 - Sufficient RCD protected socket outlets for portable equipment - location, condition?

  • 2.2.14 - Emergency stop system available, sufficient, accessible, working, labelled?

  • 2.2.15 - LEV system in place and working (if applicable)?

  • 2.2.16 - Air compressor checks (if applicable)?

  • 2.2.17 - PPE in place and in use?

  • 2.2.18 - Work and / or consumable materials are stored correctly and not causing obstructions?

  • 2.2.19 - Appropriate hand washing facilities available?

  • 2.2.20 - Combustible materials stored away from sources of heat / ignition?

  • 2.3 - Is there a Pottery Area?

2.3 - Pottery Area

  • 2.3.1 - Room clean and tidy?

  • 2.3.2 - Appropriate heating and ventilation?

  • 2.3.3 - Lighting levels sufficient?

  • 2.3.4 - Lockable electrical shut off switch in place, accessible, working and labelled?

  • 2.3.5 - Gas and water shut off valves in place, accessible and labelled?

  • 2.3.6 - Appropriate hazard and warning signs displayed?

  • 2.3.7 - Security of hazardous materials / valuable equipment?

  • 2.3.8 - Adequate first aid provision?

  • 2.3.9 - Appropriate fire fighting equipment available?

  • 2.3.10 - Room a sufficient size for numbers in class?

  • 2.3.11 - Work benches spaced out appropriately?

  • 2.3.12 - Sufficient socket outlets for portable equipment - location, condition?

  • 2.3.13 - Emergency stop system available, sufficient, accessible, working, labelled?

  • 2.3.14 - LEV system in place and working (if applicable)

  • 2.3.15 - PPE in place and in use?

  • 2.3.16 - Work and / or consumable materials are stored correctly and not causing obstructions?

  • 2.3.17 - Appropriate hand washing facilities available?

  • 2.3.18 - Is there a Kiln?

  • 2.3.18a - Kiln is caged or in a separate room?

  • 2.3.18b - Clear space and no combustible around the kiln?

  • 2.3.18c - Is the kiln fitted with appropriate lockable controls?

  • 2.3.18d - Work and / or consumable materials are stored correctly and not causing obstructions?

  • 2.3.18e - Is there additional ventilation installed around kiln?

  • 2.3.18f - Warning signs / lights to indicate firing cycle is in operation?

  • 2.3.18g - Are all kiln operators suitably trained?

  • 2.3.18h - Is kiln subject to annual servicing/maintenance?

  • 2.4 - Is there a Textiles Area?

2.4 - Textiles Area

  • 2.4.1 - Room clean and tidy?

  • 2.4.2 - Appropriate heating and ventilation?

  • 2.4.3 - Lighting levels sufficient?

  • 2.4.4 - Lockable electrical shut off switch in place, accessible, working and labelled?

  • 2.4.5 - Gas and water shut off valves in place, accessible and labelled?

  • 2.4.6 - Appropriate hazard and warning signs displayed?

  • 2.4.7 - Security of hazardous materials / valuable equipment?

  • 2.4.8 - Adequate first aid provision?

  • 2.4.9 - Appropriate fire fighting equipment available?

  • 2.4.10 - Room a sufficient size for numbers in class?

  • 2.4.11 - Room laid out with sufficient work areas for machines - location, condition?

  • 2.4.12 - Sufficient RCD protected socket outlets for portable equipment - location, condition?

  • 2.4.13 - Fixed appliances in good condition, correctly connected?

  • 2.4.14 - Sewing machines in good order, located appropriately?

  • 2.4.15 - Irons and ironing boards in good order, located appropriately?

  • 2.4.16 - Wax pots are located in appropriate positions (if applicable)?

  • 2.4.17 - Suitable flooring (not carpet)

  • 2.5 - Is there a Darkroom Area?

2.5 - Darkroom Area

  • 2.5.1 - Room clean and tidy?

  • 2.5.2 - Appropriate heating and ventilation?

  • 2.5.3 - Lighting levels sufficient? Red lighting available?

  • 2.5.4 - Lockable electrical shut off switch in place, accessible, working and labelled?

  • 2.5.5 - Water shut off valves in place, accessible and labelled?

  • 2.5.6 - Appropriate hazard and warning signs displayed?

  • 2.5.7 - Security of hazardous materials / valuable equipment?

  • 2.5.8 - Adequate first aid provision?

  • 2.5.9 - Appropriate fire fighting equipment available?

  • 2.5.10 - Room a sufficient size for at least 4 pupils?

  • 2.5.11 - Work benches spaced out appropriately and fixed in place?

  • 2.5.12 - Sufficient RCD protected socket outlets for portable equipment - location, condition?

  • 2.5.13 - PPE in place and in use?

  • 2.5.14 - Work and / or consumable materials are stored correctly and not causing obstructions?

  • 2.5.15 - Appropriate hand washing facilities available?

  • 2.5.16 - Photographic chemicals stored securely?

  • 2.5.17 - Are floors slip and chemical resistant?

  • 2.5.18 - Is there a Lone Worker policy available for Dark Room?

  • 2.6 - Is there a Graphics Area?

2.6 - Graphics Area

  • 2.6.1 - Room clean and tidy?

  • 2.6.2 - Appropriate heating and ventilation?

  • 2.6.3 - Lighting levels sufficient?

  • 2.6.4 - Lockable electrical shut off switch in place, accessible, working and labelled?

  • 2.6.5 - Gas and water shut off valves in place, accessible and labelled?

  • 2.6.6 - Appropriate hazard and warning signs displayed?

  • 2.6.7 - Security of hazardous materials / valuable equipment?

  • 2.6.8 - Adequate first aid provision?

  • 2.6.9 - Appropriate fire fighting equipment available?

  • 2.6.10 - Room a sufficient size for numbers in class?

  • 2.6.11 - Work benches / tables spaced out appropriately?

  • 2.6.12 - Sufficient RCD protected socket outlets for portable equipment - location, condition?

  • 2.6.13 - Machines connected through switched disconnector, fixed down, cable protected (if applicable)?

  • 2.6.14 - Emergency stop system available, sufficient, accessible, working, labelled?

  • 2.6.15 - LEV system in place and working (if applicable)

  • 2.6.16 - Air compressor checks (if applicable)?

  • 2.6.17 - Low voltage power supplies in good order and working (if applicable)?

  • 2.6.18 - PPE in place and in use?

  • 2.6.19 - Work and / or consumable materials are stored correctly and not causing obstructions?

  • 2.6.20 - Appropriate hand washing facilities available?

2.7 - Preparation Area / Technicians Room / Store Room

  • 2.7.1 - Appropriate security (including lockable door)?

  • 2.7.2 - Room clean and tidy?

  • 2.7.3 - Appropriate heating and ventilation available?

  • 2.7.4 - Appropriate hazard and warning signs displayed?

  • 2.7.5 - Appropriate storage available?

  • 2.7.6 - Hazardous /flammable/highly flammable materials stored appropriately?

  • 2.7.7 - Are tools checked in after use and stored tidily in racks?

  • 2.7.8 - Spill kits available?

  • 2.7.9 - Gas cylinders stored appropriately (if applicable)?

  • 2.7.10 - LEV in place and working (if applicable)?

  • 2.7.11 - Machines controlled by key switch and locked when not in use?

2.8 - Fixed Machine Checklist

    Fixed Machine No.
  • Machine - Make, Model, Type:

  • Photo

  • Machine in good general order and fixed down?

  • Isolator in place and working?

  • Key switch, where required?

  • NVOL in place and working? Stopping time OK?

  • Conduit in good condition?

  • Drive guards in place with interlocks or fixed device in good order?

  • Work holding or cutter guards in place with interlock where required?

  • LEV in place and working?

  • Evidence of maintenance programme?

  • Installed with sufficient space around machine?

Section 2 - Other Relevant Deficiencies

  • Section 2 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • Section 2 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:

Section 3 - Food Technology Department

3.1 - Department Documentation

  • 3.1.1 - Head of Department?

  • 3.1.1a - Head of Departments e-mail address?

  • 3.1.2 - Is there an inventory of Hazardous Substances held within the department?

  • 3.1.3 - Are COSHH Assessments in place for all Hazardous Substances present?

  • 3.1.4 - Are there current Risk Assessments and where applicable SSW's for all significant risks identified?

  • 3.1.5 - Is there evidence that risk assessments have been communicated to staff?

  • 3.1.6 - Does the department keep a record of all Health & Safety training conducted by colleagues?

  • 3.1.7 - Are there documented procedures for the induction and training of departmental staff?

  • 3.1.8 - Are procedures / rules on Health & Safety used by students?

  • 3.1.9 - Are procedures in place to deal with emergencies?

  • 3.1.10 - Are gas safety checks carried out on all gas appliances present in department?

  • 3.1.11 - Has PAT testing been carried out annually on all portable electrical equipment?

  • 3.1.12 - Records available for the checking of equipment and machines?

  • 3.1.13 - Records available for the maintenance of equipment and machines?

3.2 - Classroom / Kitchen Area

  • 3.2.1 - Room clean and tidy?

  • 3.2.2 - Appropriate heating and ventilation?

  • 3.2.3 - Lighting levels sufficient?

  • 3.2.4 - Lockable electrical shut off switch in place, accessible, working and labelled?

  • 3.2.5 - Gas and water shut off valves in place, accessible and labelled?

  • 3.2.6 - Appropriate hazard and warning signs displayed?

  • 3.2.7 - Security of hazardous materials / valuable materials and equipment?

  • 3.2.8 - Adequate first aid provision?

  • 3.2.9 - Appropriate fire fighting equipment available?

  • 3.2.10 - Room a sufficient size for numbers in class?

  • 3.2.11 - Room laid out with sufficient work areas for equipment and tasks being carried out?

  • 3.2.12 - Worktops in good condition and sealed to walls (where applicable)?

  • 3.2.13 - Floors clean, washed daily, no obvious dirt traps?

  • 3.2.14 - Sufficient socket outlets for portable equipment - location, condition?

  • 3.2.15 - Fixed appliances in good condition, correctly connected?

  • 3.2.16 - Safety chain fitted to gas cookers (if applicable)?

  • 3.2.17 - Fridges and freezers in good condition?

  • 3.2.18 - Are temperature checks carried out on all fridges/freezers and records kept?

  • 3.2.19 - Suitable arrangements in place for storing raw food, cooked food and ingredients?

  • 3.2.20 - Portable food mixers / processors in good order, safety interlocks working, guards available?

  • 3.2.21 - Pressure cookers inspected regularly?

  • 3.2.22 - Are sharp knifes and other dangerous equipment suitably controlled?

  • 3.2.23 - Appropriate hand washing facilities available?

3.3 - Preparation / Store Room

  • 3.3.1 - Appropriate security (including lockable door)?

  • 3.3.2 - Room clean and tidy?

  • 3.3.3 - Appropriate heating and ventilation available?

  • 3.3.4 - Appropriate hazard and warning signs displayed?

  • 3.3.5 - Appropriate storage available?

  • 3.3.6 - Hazardous /flammable/highly flammable materials stored appropriately?

  • 3.3.7 - Food materials stored correctly, at correct temperatures?

Section 3 - Other Relevant Deficiencies

  • Section 3 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • Section 3 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:

Section 4 - Design Technology Department

4.1 - Department Documentation

  • 4.1.1 - Head of Department?

  • 4.1.1.a - Head of Departments e-mail address?

  • 4.1.2 - Is there a current departmental Health & Safety policy in place?

  • 4.1.3 - Is there evidence to show colleagues in the department are aware of the H&S Policy and have access to it?

  • 4.1.4 - Is there an inventory of Hazardous Substances held within the department, including location stored and hazards?

  • 4.1.5 - Are COSHH Assessments in place for all Hazardous Substances present?

  • 4.1.6 - Are there current Risk Assessments and where applicable SSW's for all significant risks identified?

  • 4.1.7 - Is there evidence that risk assessments have been communicated to staff?

  • 4.1.8 - Does the department keep a record of all Health & Safety training conducted by colleagues?

  • 4.1.9 - Are there documented procedures for the induction and training of departmental staff?

  • 4.1.10 - Are procedures / rules on Health & Safety used by students?

  • 4.1.11 - Are procedures in place to deal with emergencies?

  • 4.1.12 - Has all LEV equipment been tested in the last 14 months (Dust extraction, Fume cabinets, Laser cutter etc.)?

  • 4.1.13 - Have checks been carried out on gas fired heat treatment equipment (if applicable)?

  • 4.1.14 - Have checks been carried out on oxy-acetylene welding equipment (if applicable)?

  • 4.1.15 - Has PAT testing been carried out annually on all portable electrical equipment?

  • 4.1.16 - Records available for the checking of equipment and machines?

  • 4.1.17 - Records available for the maintenance of equipment and machines?

  • 4.1.18 - Have all pressure vessels been inspected (where applicable)?

  • 4.1.19 - Are policies in place for using specific rooms (e.g. Technicians Room, Store Room etc.)?

4.2 - Classroom / Workshop Area

  • 4.2.1 - Room clean and tidy?

  • 4.2.2 - Appropriate heating and ventilation?

  • 4.2.3 - Lighting levels sufficient?

  • 4.2.4 - Lockable electrical shut off switch in place, accessible, working and labelled?

  • 4.2.5 - Gas and water shut off valves in place, accessible and labelled?

  • 4.2.6 - Appropriate hazard and warning signs displayed?

  • 4.2.7 - Security of hazardous materials / valuable materials & equipment?

  • 4.2.8 - Adequate first aid provision?

  • 4.2.9 - Appropriate fire fighting equipment available?

  • 4.2.10 - Room a sufficient size for numbers in class?

  • 4.2.11 - Work benches spaced out appropriately?

  • 4.2.12 - Machines spaced out appropriately?

  • 4.2.13 - Sufficient RCD protected socket outlets for portable equipment - location, condition?

  • 4.2.14 - Emergency stop system available, sufficient, accessible, working, labelled?

  • 4.2.15 - LEV system in place and working (if applicable)

  • 4.2.16 - Air compressor checks (if applicable)?

  • 4.2.17 - Low voltage power supplies in good order and working (if applicable)?

  • 4.2.18 - PPE in place and in use?

  • 4.2.19 - Work and / or consumable materials are stored correctly and not causing obstructions?

  • 4.2.20 - Appropriate hand washing facilities available?

  • 4.3 - Is there a Textiles Area?

4.3 - Textiles Area

  • 4.3.1 - Room clean and tidy?

  • 4.3.2 - Appropriate heating and ventilation?

  • 4.3.3 - Lighting levels sufficient?

  • 4.3.4 - Lockable electrical shut off switch in place, accessible, working and labelled?

  • 4.3.5 - Gas and water shut off valves in place, accessible and labelled?

  • 4.3.6 - Appropriate hazard and warning signs displayed?

  • 4.3.7 - Security of hazardous materials / valuable equipment?

  • 4.3.8 - Adequate first aid provision?

  • 4.3.9 - Appropriate fire fighting equipment available?

  • 4.3.10 - Room a sufficient size for numbers in class?

  • 4.3.11 - Room laid out with sufficient work areas for machines - location, condition?

  • 4.3.12 - Sufficient RCD protected socket outlets for portable equipment - location, condition?

  • 4.3.13 - Fixed appliances in good condition, correctly connected?

  • 4.3.14 - Sewing machines in good order, located appropriately?

  • 4.3.15 - Irons and ironing boards in good order, located appropriately?

  • 4.3.16 - Wax pots are located in appropriate positions (if applicable)?

  • 4.3.17 - Suitable flooring (not carpet)?

  • 4.4 - Is there a Systems and Control Area?

4.4 - Systems & Control Area

  • 4.4.1 - Room clean and tidy?

  • 4.4.2 - Appropriate heating and ventilation?

  • 4.4.3 - Lighting levels sufficient?

  • 4.4.4 - Lockable electrical shut off switch in place, accessible, working and labelled?

  • 4.4.5 - Gas and water shut off valves in place, accessible and labelled?

  • 4.4.6 - Appropriate hazard and warning signs displayed?

  • 4.4.7 - Security of hazardous materials / valuable equipment?

  • 4.4.8 - Adequate first aid provision?

  • 4.4.9 - Appropriate fire fighting equipment available?

  • 4.4.10 - Room a sufficient size for numbers in class?

  • 4.4.11 - Work benches / tables spaced out appropriately?

  • 4.4.12 - Sufficient socket outlets for portable equipment - location, condition?

  • 4.4.13 - Machines connected through switched disconnector, fixed down, cable protected (if applicable)?

  • 4.4.14 - Emergency stop system available, sufficient, accessible, working, labelled?

  • 4.4.15 - LEV system in place and working (if applicable)

  • 4.4.16 - Air compressor checks (if applicable)?

  • 4.4.17 - Low voltage power supplies in good order and working (if applicable)?

  • 4.4.18 - Etch tanks correctly installed and in good order with lockable lid (if applicable)?

  • 4.4.19 - PPE in place and in use?

  • 4.4.20 - Work and / or consumable materials are stored correctly and not causing obstructions?

  • 4.4.21 - Appropriate hand washing facilities available?

  • 4.5 - Is there a Graphics Area?

4.5 - Graphics Area

  • 4.4.1 - Room clean and tidy?

  • 4.4.2 - Appropriate heating and ventilation?

  • 4.4.3 - Lighting levels sufficient?

  • 4.4.4 - Lockable electrical shut off switch in place, accessible, working and labelled?

  • 4.4.5 - Gas and water shut off valves in place, accessible and labelled?

  • 4.4.6 - Appropriate hazard and warning signs displayed?

  • 4.4.7 - Security of hazardous materials / valuable equipment?

  • 4.4.8 - Adequate first aid provision?

  • 4.4.9 - Appropriate fire fighting equipment available?

  • 4.4.10 - Room a sufficient size for numbers in class?

  • 4.4.11 - Work benches / tables spaced out appropriately?

  • 4.4.12 - Sufficient RCD protected socket outlets for portable equipment - location, condition?

  • 4.4.13 - Machines connected through switched disconnector, fixed down, cable protected (if applicable)?

  • 4.4.14 - Emergency stop system available, sufficient, accessible, working, labelled?

  • 4.4.15 - LEV system in place and working (if applicable)

  • 4.4.16 - Air compressor checks (if applicable)?

  • 4.4.17 - Low voltage power supplies in good order and working (if applicable)?

  • 4.4.18 - PPE in place and in use?

  • 4.4.19 - Work and / or consumable materials are stored correctly and not causing obstructions?

  • 4.4.20 - Appropriate hand washing facilities available?

4.6 - Preparation Area / Technicians Room / Store Room

  • 4.6.1 - Appropriate security (including lockable door)?

  • 4.6.2 - Room clean and tidy?

  • 4.6.3 - Appropriate heating and ventilation available?

  • 4.6.4 - Appropriate hazard and warning signs displayed?

  • 4.6.5 - Appropriate storage available?

  • 4.6.6 - Hazardous /flammable/highly flammable materials stored appropriately?

  • 4.6.7 - Are tools checked in after use and stored tidily in racks?

  • 4.6.8 - Spill kits available?

  • 4.6.9 - Gas cylinders stored appropriately (if applicable)?

  • 4.6.10 - LEV in place and working (if applicable)?

  • 4.6.11 - Machines controlled by a key switch and locked when not in use?

4.7- Fixed Machine Checklist

    Fixed Machine No.
  • Machine - Make, Model, Type:

  • Photo

  • Machine in good general order and fixed down?

  • Isolator in place and working?

  • Key switch, where required?

  • NVOL in place and working?

  • Stopping time OK?

  • Conduit in good condition?

  • Drive guards in place with interlocks or fixed device in good order?

  • Work holder or cutter guards in place with interlock where required?

  • LEV in place and working (if applicable)?

  • Evidence of maintenance programme?

  • Installed with sufficient space around machine?

Section 4 - Other Relevant Deficiencies

  • Section 4 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • Section 4 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:

Section 5 - Science Department

5.1 - Department Documentation

  • 5.1.1 - Head of Department?

  • 5.1.1a - Head of Departments e-mail address?

  • 5.1.2 - Is there a current departmental Health & Safety policy in place?

  • 5.1.3 - Is there evidence to show colleagues in the department are aware of the H&S Policy and have access to it?

  • 5.1.4 - Are Risk Assessments available for teachers and technicians activities?

  • 5.1.5 - Is there evidence that risk assessments have been communicated to all relevant staff?

  • 5.1.6 - Are Risk Assessments available for all Practical Lessons?

  • 5.1.7 - Where CLEAPSS model Risk Assessments are used, are these adapted to meet school specific needs?

  • 5.1.8 - Are lesson plans created to take into account Risk Assessments?

  • 5.1.9 - Does the department keep a record of all Health & Safety training conducted by colleagues?

  • 5.1.10 - Chemical stocklist available, with amounts, location and hazard classification?

  • 5.1.11 - Hazcards in use and up to date?

  • 5.1.12 - Are there procedures / rules on Health & Safety used by students?

  • 5.1.13 - Are procedures in place to deal with emergencies (Section E of GL120)?

  • 5.1.14 - Have fume cupboards been tested (LEV) in the last 14 months?

  • 5.1.15 - Has PAT testing been carried out annually on all portable electrical equipment?

  • 5.1.16 - Is there a record of equipment checks and maintenance?

  • 5.1.17 - Is a record of checking of pressure vessels available?

  • 5.1.18 - Is a record of maintenance of gas cylinder valves and regulators available?

  • 5.1.19 - Is a record of leak tests for sealed radioactive sources available?

  • 5.1.20 - Name of school / college RPS

  • 5.1.21 - Name of school RPA / RPO

5.2 - Science Labs

  • 5.2.1 - Room clean and tidy?

  • 5.2.2 - Appropriate heating and ventilation?

  • 5.2.3 - Lighting levels sufficient, no missing tubes or diffusers?

  • 5.2.4 - Lockable electrical shut off switch in place, accessible, working and labelled?

  • 5.2.5 - Gas and water shut off valves in place, accessible and labelled?

  • 5.2.6 - Gas taps in good condition?

  • 5.2.7 - Security of hazardous materials / valuable materials / equipment within room? Doors locked when room not occupied?

  • 5.2.8 - Adequate first aid provision?

  • 5.2.9 - Appropriate fire fighting equipment available (CO2 & Fire Blanket)?

  • 5.2.10 - Flooring in good condition?

  • 5.2.11 - Room a sufficient size for average numbers in teaching group?

  • 5.2.12 - Sufficient RCD Protected socket outlets for portable equipment - location, condition?

  • 5.2.13 - Appropriate PPE available?

  • 5.2.14 - Hand washing facility, with H&C running water, soap and hand towels available?

  • 5.2.15 - Eye wash point available and labelled?

5.3 - Preparation / Store Room

  • 5.3.1 - Appropriate security (including lockable door)?

  • 5.3.2 - Room clean and tidy?

  • 5.3.3 - Appropriate heating and ventilation available?

  • 5.3.4 - Appropriate storage available?

  • 5.3.5 - Ducted type fume cupboard available?

  • 5.3.5a - Has the fume cupboard had an LEV test within the last 14 months?

  • 5.3.6 - Chemicals stored and used in accordance with the CLEAPSS guidance and Hazcards? (CLEAPSS Lab handbook Section 7). Chemical store should be a separate room (within prep. room). Should be ventilated (2 changes per hour) and run 24/7/365.

  • 5.3.7 - Chemical spill kits available?

  • 5.3.8 - Dedicated fridge / freezers available?

  • 5.3.9 - Radioactive sources securely stored (as per CLEAPSS L93)?

  • 5.3.10 - Gas cylinders stored appropriately?

Section 5 - Other Relevant Deficiencies

  • Section 5 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • Section 5 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:

Section 6 - PE Department

6.1 - Department Documentation

  • 6.1.1 - Head of Department?

  • 6.1.1a - Head of Departments e-mail address?

  • 6.1.2 - Are there current Risk Assessments and where applicable SSW's for all significant risks identified?

  • 6.1.3 - Is there evidence that risk assessments have been communicated to staff?

  • 6.1.4 - Is a copy of the AfPE 'Safe practice in PE & School Sports' available?

  • 6.1.5 - For potentially hazardous activities (swimming, trampolining, gymnastics, rugby etc.) do staff hold a recognised and current qualification (eg. NGB award)?

  • 6.1.6 - Does the department keep a record of all Health & Safety training conducted by colleagues?

  • 6.1.7 - Are there documented procedures for the induction and training of departmental staff?

  • 6.1.8 - Are there procedures / rules on Health & Safety used by students?

  • 6.1.9 - Are procedures in place to deal with emergencies?

  • 6.1.10 - Has PAT testing been carried out annually on all portable electrical equipment?

6.2 - Teaching/Activity Area

  • 6.2.1 - Room clean and tidy?

  • 6.2.2 - Appropriate heating and ventilation?

  • 6.2.3 - Lighting levels sufficient (if applicable)?

  • 6.2.4 - Lighting protected / positioned to avoid damage (where applicable)?

  • 6.2.5 - Appropriate hazard and warning signs displayed?

  • 6.2.6 - Security of hazardous materials / valuable equipment?

  • 6.2.7 - Adequate first aid equipment available within department?

  • 6.2.8 - PE Staff have had a level of first aid training in order to manage an initial injury?

  • 6.2.9 - Appropriate fire fighting equipment available?

  • 6.2.10 - Is the area where the activity is taking place a sufficient size for numbers in class?

  • 6.2.11 - Area laid out with sufficient work areas for equipment and tasks being carried out (if applicable)?

  • 6.2.12 - Sufficient socket outlets for portable equipment - location, condition?

  • 6.2.13 - Safety glazing or glazing film applied to glass within sports halls, gymnasiums, etc.?

  • 6.2.14 - Flooring / surfaces maintained in good condition and provide a uniform surface?

  • 6.2.15 - Playing fields / pitches visually inspected before use and free from hazardous materials?

  • 6.2.16 - No perimeter intrusions into PE areas (pitches, courts, playing areas etc.)?

  • 6.2.17 - PE facilities locked when not in use, to prevent unauthorised access?

  • 6.2.18 - Changing facilities have sufficient space to change safely and store clothing / bags?

  • 6.2.19 - Changing facilities have suitable showers?

  • 6.2.20 - Sufficient storage space for equipment and reasonably tidy?

  • 6.2.21 - Trampolines stored securely (chained / padlocked)?

  • 6.2.22 - PE equipment / facilities visually inspected regularly by school staff?

  • 6.2.23 - PE equipment / facilities inspected annually by a competent person?

Section 6 - Other Relevant Deficiencies

  • Section 6 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • Section 6 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:

Section 7 - Summary

Summary of audit

  • At the beginning of the report you will see two boxes marked 'Flagged Items' and 'Actions'

  • A' Flagged Item', indicates a major non-conformance and could mean your school is working unsafely or even illegally.

  • An 'Action', indicates issues identified during the inspection that require improvements.

  • Timescales for addressing Actions:



  • Auditors Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.