Title Page

  • Site conducted:

  • Location being visited:

  • Address:

  • Date of Visit:

  • Name of School Representative:

  • E-mail address of Business Manager for Actions to be sent through to (Needs to be a individual address, not info@schoolname.sch.uk).

  • Name of Advisor:

Section 1 - Opening Meeting

Introductions and format of the visit

  • Introductions

  • Today's interim visit is a key part of your three year Service Level Agreement with Oldham Council Health & Safety team.
    Interim visits are carried out annually between full audits, which take place every three years.

    This is an opportunity to revisit any outstanding items from your last audit/visit, to discuss any current health & safety issues affecting schools and also to answer any health & safety queries you may have.

Last H&S Audit

  • Date of last full H&S Audit:

  • Audit carried out by:

General Information

  • Name of Head Teacher:

  • Name of Business Manager:

  • Name of Site Manager/Caretaker:

  • Staff Headcount:

  • Pupil Headcount:

  • School type:

  • Are you a LA Maintained School (funded and insured by Oldham Council)?

Service Level Agreements

  • Do you have SLA's with any other 3rd Parties (i.e. Catering, Cleaning, Property Management and Security)?:

  • Catering

  • Who provides this service?

  • What service agreement do you have?

  • Cleaning

  • Who provides this service?

  • What service agreement do you have?

  • Property Management

  • Who provides this service?

  • What service agreement do you have?

  • Security

  • Who provides this service?

  • What service agreement do you have?

  • Other

  • What service is provided?

  • Who provides this service?

  • What service agreement do you have?

General Notes

  • undefined

Section 2 - Points To Discuss

Review of Statutory Checks

  • Ensure you have carried out a review, to see that regular checks are being carried out and suitably recorded by the school.

Outstanding actions from last H&S Audit

  • Discuss any outstanding actions from Last H&S Audit / Interim visit.

  • Number of Actions still outstanding on iAuditor system?

  • What plans are in place to close the remaining outstanding actions?


  • Discuss any H&S training requirements.

  • Any notes applicable to H&S training.

Fire Risk Assessment

  • Does the school have a Fire Risk Assessment?

  • Date of Fire Risk Assessment:

  • Fire Risk Assessment carried out by:

  • Is the FRA current and reviewed annually?

  • Any substantial actions outstanding on FRA:

  • Health & Safety Advisor to escalate to Assistant Environmental Health Manager (Health & Safety)

  • Does the school have any electric vehicle charging points on site?

  • Remind school that the Fire Risk Assessment should include fire risks associated with charging electric vehicles.

  • Any notes applicable to Fire Risk Assessment:

  • Major Non-Com_0.jpg


  • Does the school have any know Asbestos Containing Materials on site?

  • Does the school have a printed copy of the Asbestos Register available for viewing ?

  • Where is the register normally located?

  • Is the Asbestos Register current and up to date?

  • Does the Asbestos Register contain plans/location drawings/photographs?

  • Any notes applicable to Asbestos Register:

  • Notify school they need to print out a copy of the Asbestos Register and keep it readily available for immediate viewing.


  • Have the school received H&S team circulars?

  • Details of H&S circulars discussed:

Discuss latest HSE key issues

  • Tree Surveys: Following the death of child caused by a falling tree, all schools are required to have a tree survey carried out by a competent person. Ensure all local authority schools have forwarded a copy of this survey to Nik Anderson at Oldham Council.

  • Management of Asbestos: HSE will be carrying out a programme of inspections. The inspections will be assessing how schools are managing the risks from asbestos within the school estate.

Any other H&S Matters

  • Discuss any other H&S matters the School / H&S Advisor have.

  • Issue No.
  • Health & Safety Issue:

  • Location (if required):

  • Photo (if required):

Walk around School

  • Carry out a physical walk around school.

  • Details of area walked around:

  • Issue No.
  • Health & Safety Issue:

  • Location (if required):

  • Photo (if required):


  • H&S Advisors Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.