Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Access and Egress
Are all external doors free from obstruction and useable?
Are all internal doors clear of obstruction?
Is there clear access to storerooms?
Are storerooms adequately tidy?
Are secure doors useable in the event of a fire or emergency?
Escape signs visible throughout building and in good condition?
Health and Safety Management
When was the last departmental audit?
Have all action points from last audit been closed out?
Are risk assessments available in each lab and Prep room?
Have the risk assessments been reviewed regularly (within the last year)?
Is there a departmental safety policy?
Health and safety law poster displayed in prep rooms?
College and departmental safety policy and procedures in place?
Is any training identified as being required?
Fire Safety
Is there a fire risk assessment for the building?
Are there any outstanding remedial actions within the fire risk assessment?
Has there been a fire drill this term?
Are the fire extinguishers being checked weekly - are records accurate and up to date?
Are there fire blankets in each Lab and Prep room?
Have staff received training or refresher training in the last 12 months?
Are emergency lights tested regularly?
General Conduct and PPE
Mandatory eyewear signs in place in labs and prep rooms?
No trailing wires or cables or other trip hazards?
Drip trays on cabinet shelves for use when dispensing?
Protective eyewear in good condition and stored adequately?
Protective eyewear available and suitable for all?
Lab coats available and being worn when required?
Sensible footwear being worn by staff and pupils?
Pupils and staff all aware of safe conduct and rules in the labs?
Long hair adequately tied back?
Is there a COSHH assessment for every chemical?
Do we have MSDS for every chemical on site
Is the storage of COSHH adequate according to the risk each poses?
Are we storing excessive amounts of any particular chemical?
Are there safe arrangements for the safe disposal of chemicals in bulk?
Is there a procedure in place to deal with accidental spills for all/every chemical?
Oxidising chemicals stored in locked metal cabinet?
Mercury spill kit available?
Ionising radiation sources stored correctly?
Member of staff trained in radiation? Date?
General and Housekeeping
Are fume cupboards within service date and sticker shown?
Are all electrical items safe to use - PAT tested?
Are work benches clean and tidy?
Are all caustic/corrosive chemicals stored below shoulder height?
Are work areas kept free of excessive amounts of chemicals and apparatus?
Are there appropriate warning signs on containers and doors etc?
Are there first aid boxes in each lab, and prep room?
Are the contents of each first aid kit in date?
Is the first aid kit clearly signed or easily visible?