Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Working Environment
Is there a current traffic management plan in place?
Is there a signing and signing out policy?
Is there an asbestos survey for the site?
Are speed limits shown?
Is the lighting level adequate?
Is the work environment clean and tidy?
Is the working environment noisy?
Do all employees have PPE on when working outside?
Does the site have a designated walkway for staff segregated from vehicles?
Are all keys removed from plant when not in use
Are eating areas available for all staff?
Workshop toilet in a clean and tidy?
Hot water available in the toilets?
Is suitable drinking water supplied?
Was housekeeping to an acceptable standard outside?
Housekeeping within the workshop to a reasonable standard free from slips and trips?
Policies and Procedures
Was the H&S policy available and signed off by the Director?
Is the H&S Policy reviewed annually?
Are all work activities covers by a risk assessment?
Are van checklist being completed on a daily basis?
Is there a procedure in place for lone working?
Statutory Maintenance
Is all lifting gear inspected on an annual basis?
FLT (LOLER) has it been tested within the last 12 months?
Fixed Electrical Installation- has it been tested within the last 5 years?
Has the compressor been inspected within the last 12 months?
Is there an LEV system in place for the welding rig?
Is the emergency lighting tested regularly?
Has PAT testing been carried out within the last two years?
Is the man basket inspected 6 monthly and records available
Fire evacuation and procedures
Have all fire extinguishers been tested within the last year?
Is emergency lighting adequate for the premises?
Are fire warden's trained?
Are fire warden's trained?
Is the fire evacuation test carried out annually?
Do all fire doors open to a place of safety?
Are smoke detectors in place throughout the premises?
Is there a fire risk assessment for the premises?
Is there a welding screen when welding works are being carried out?
Are flash back arrestors fitted to the cylinders within the workshop?
Where the cylinders chained to prevent them from toppling
Was housekeeping to a reasonable standard within the workshop?
Was the fixed tools within the workshop free from defects?
Were workbenches clean and tidy free from clutter?
Working at Height
Is there an inspection sheet available for ladders within the premises?
What training has been carried out for the use of steps and or ladders?
Are the steps on site fit for purpose?
Coshh / Environmental
Are waste transfer and consignment notes retained?
During the inspection were waste items stored correctly? Separate containers for oily rags and filters
Was the yard area at time of visit what it clean and tidy?
Were IBC containers stored within a bunded system?
Is there an interceptor tank within the premises?
Was waste segregation evident within the premises?
Was the waste batteries contained in a safe area?
Was the main diesel tank double bunded, was there any evidence of leakage?
Was there spill kits available within the premises?
Health & Safety Training
Are all plant drivers CPCS trained or equivalent?
Does the company carry out health surveillance for staff?
Are there sufficient first aiders for the premises?
Is there a defibrillator for the premises?
Were there sufficient first aid kits available?
Has formal manual handling training been carried out?
Has abrasive wheels training been completed for personnel who operate a grinder and or Sthil saw?
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