
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Previous Recommendations

  • Was recommendation 1, from last safety review, implemented?

  • Was recommendation 2, from last safety review, implemented?

  • Was recommendation 3, from last safety review, implemented?

Injury And Illness Prevention Program

  • Is the written Injury and Illness Prevention Program in the safety Policy manual?<br>

  • Do you have a person who is responsible and has authority for overall activities of the Injury and Illness Prevention Program?

  • Do you have a system for identifying and evaluating your workplace hazards?

  • Do you maintain an ongoing safety training program?

  • Do you have a system in place that ensures employees will be recognized for safe and healthful work practices?

  • Will employees be disciplined for unsafe safety or health acts?

  • No late reporting of injuries?

  • Is there a labor-management safety committee? (10 or more employees)

  • Is the unit achieving EIF Target?

  • Is the unit achieving SIF Target?

Employee Safety Knowledge

  • Do employees know the weekly safety message?<br>

  • Do employees know ways to prevent lifting injuries?

  • Do employees know ways to prevent slip, trip, fall injuries?

  • Do employees know how often to inspect PPE?

  • Employees know location and operation of gas/electric emergency cutoffs.

  • Do employees know what to do when they have a broken tool?

  • Do employees know the location of the MSDS sheets?

  • Do employees know what to do when they find a chemical bottle that is not labeled?

  • Do the employees know their responsibilities: For reporting emergencies? During an emergency? For conducting rescue and medical duties?

Employer Posting

  • Is the OSHA poster Safety and Health Protection on the Job displayed in a prominent location where all employees are likely to see it?

  • Weekly safety message displayed?

  • Emergency telephone numbers posted where they can be found in a emergency?

  • Where employees may be exposed to toxic substances, Material Safety Data Sheets been posted or made readily available?

  • Safety Board established and maintained?

All Departments

  • Ventilation and illumination adequate in all areas.

  • Aisles and passageways clear and unobstructed.

  • All spillages and breakages immediately cleaned up.

  • Electric cords and phone cables secured to prevent tripping hazards.

  • Floors in good condition. Floors made slip resistant where necessary.

  • Storage and equipment rooms clean and orderly.

  • Stairways equipped with standard handrails.

  • All waste materials deposited in proper containers.

  • Waste receptacles emptied before completely full.

  • Knives kept sharp and safely stored?

  • Compressed gas cylinders secured properly in vertical position?

Material Handling

  • Avoid excessive reaching.

  • Do Employees get help to lift heavy or awkward loads?

  • Active use of carts or dollies observed for moving heavy items?

  • Push a load instead of pulling it observed?

  • Carts used to transport hot liquids?

  • Employees do not bend over to lift heavy items?

  • Employees do not twist when lifting and lowering materials. (Turn their whole body instead)

  • Keep loads of 30 lbs or greater in the safe zone?

  • Carts not overloaded?

  • Is there safe clearance for equipment through aisles and doorways?

  • Are aisle ways designated, permanently marked, and kept clear to allow unhindered passage?

  • Dock area free of snow and ice

  • Are dock boards (bridge plates) used when loading or unloading operations?

  • Fall protection (visual or physical) used in dock areas

Slip/Trip/Fall Prevention

  • Floor mats used as appropriate – beveled edges?

  • Floor mats placed properly & in good condition?

  • Active use or posting of wet floor hazard barricades when mopping or stripping?

  • Active employee reporting of slip, trip and fall hazards?

  • Proper floor cleaner used (Wash N Walk w/ deck brush) as appropriate?

  • No tripping hazards present, floors free of grease, wet spots, debris.?

  • Using handrail on stairs?

  • Ice Melt / Salt available in winter?

  • SR shoe poster available for viewing?

  • Inspect ladder before use?

  • Are all ladders maintained in good condition, joints between steps & side rails tight, hardware & fittings securely attached & movable parts operating freely without binding or undue play?

  • Are non-slip safety feet provided on each ladder?

  • Are ladder rungs and steps free of grease and oil?

  • Is it prohibited to place a ladder in front of doors opening toward the ladder except when the door is blocked open, locked or guarded?

  • Is it prohibited to place ladders on boxes, barrels, or other unstable bases to obtain additional height?

  • Are employees instructed to face the ladder when ascending or descending?

Personal Protective Equipment and Clothing

  • Are protective goggles, safety glasses, or face shields provided and worn where there is a danger of flying particles or corrosive materials?

  • Are protective gloves, aprons, shields, or other means provided against cuts, corrosive liquids and chemicals?

  • Cut resistant gloves worn when required?

  • PPE worn to prevent burns?

  • Is appropriate foot protection required?

  • Is all protective equipment maintained in a sanitary condition and ready for use?

  • Is protection against the effects of occupational noise exposure?

Storage Areas

  • Shelves and racks are of adequate strength and are secured.

  • Cartons cross-stacked to avoid tipping or tumbling.

  • Floors in walk-ins are clean, dry and not slippery.

  • Flammables properly stored; sterno, charcoal lighter fluid, butane, etc. (No more than 24 containers of butane in one location.

  • Sharp edges are identified and eliminated.

  • Bump hazards are eliminated

  • Falling object hazards are eliminated.

  • Emergency releases in walk-in refrigerators and freezers in proper working order.


  • Lighting adequate, fixtures shielded.

  • Machines are suitably anchored to prevent creeping or tipping.

  • No steam leaks on production equipment.

  • Area is clean and free of cut, bump or trip hazards.

  • Swinging doors have see through panels and are easy to open; overhead mirrors at doors with blind spots.

  • Slicer left unplugged and set at zero when not in use or during cleaning; cut resistant gloves for both hands available for use when cleaning blade.

  • Clean-as-you-go policy is enforced.

  • Compactors are equipped with adequate guards and safety switches.

  • Guards for equipment in good condition and in place.

  • No sharp corners projecting on machines.

  • Employees do not wear loose or dangling jewelry.

Dish Room

  • Protective cover over disposal opening; no water leaks from hoses, valves, dish machine, etc.

  • Ventilation in area is adequate.

  • Mops and pails clean and available to clean up spills.

  • Broken glass is swept up promptly and placed in special, clearly marked containers.

  • No standing water where people stand.

  • Emergency shut-off accessible.

Dining Area

  • Broken, torn, wobbly or unsteady tables or chairs are quickly repaired.

  • Carpet and runners in good condition; stair treads and nosing have non-slip material and are secure.

  • Wet mopping is avoided during rush hours.

  • Sufficient 35” safety cones are available and used at every public entrance where floors are wet.

Lockout/Machine Guarding

  • Is all equipment capable of movement, required to be disengaged, de-energized and blocked or locked-out during cleaning, servicing, adjusting or setting up operations, whenever possible?

  • Are appropriate employees provided with individually keyed personal safety locks?

  • Broken and damaged tools & equipment are removed from service

  • Is there a training program to instruct employees on safe methods of machine operation?

  • Is there a regular program of safety inspection of machinery and equipment?

  • All electrical cords are in good condition.

  • Extension cords are not used in place of permanently installed fixed wiring.

  • Control panels have minimum 36” of unobstructed workspace in front and are closed.

  • Is all machinery and equipment kept clean and properly maintained?

  • Can electric power to each machine be locked out for maintenance, repair, or security?

  • Are all emergency stop buttons colored red?

Chemical Safety

  • Are employees trained in the safe handling practices of hazardous chemicals?

  • Are eyewash fountains and safety showers provided in areas where corrosive chemicals are handled?

  • Are all containers, such as vats, storage tanks, etc., labeled as to their contents, e.g., "CAUSTICS"?

  • Are all employees required to use personal protective clothing and equipment when handling chemicals? (gloves, eye protection, respirators, etc.)

  • Are flammable or toxic chemicals kept in closed containers, and below eye level when not in use?

  • Have standard operating procedures been established and are they being followed when cleaning up chemical spills?

Emergency Action Plan

  • Do you have an emergency action plan?

  • Have emergency escape procedures and routes been developed and communicated to all employers?

  • Fire escapes and exits adequately marked and kept clear.

  • Are alarm systems properly maintained and tested regularly?

  • Complete first aid kit accessible?


  • Are there sufficient exits to permit prompt escape in case of emergency?

  • Do the exit doors open from the direction of exit travel without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort when the building is occupied?

  • Where panic hardware is installed on exit door, will it allow the door to open by applying a force of 15 pounds or less in the direction of the exit traffic?

Fire Protection

  • Fire extinguishers of proper size and type for each location properly charged.

  • Does not block or obstruct fire exits, extinguishers or electrical panels?

  • No smoking rule enforced in restricted areas.

  • Monthly visual inspections of portable fire extinguishers near cooking are 40 BC rated.

  • Minimum of 18” clearance under sprinkler heads.

  • Exhaust filters clean?

  • Are automatic sprinkler system water control valves, air and water pressures checked periodically as required?

Vehicle Safety

  • Company vehicles travel at safe speeds

  • Motor vehicle records for drivers show no violations

  • Properly maintaining and routinely inspecting those vehicles we operate?

Safety Education

  • General Manager or other Unit Manager successfully completed 10-Hour OSHA General Industry Training Course. Must substantiate by presenting U.S. Department of Labor OSHA Completion Card or Certificate.

Employee Recommendations

  • Do employees have concerns or recommendations?


  • Recommendation 1

  • Recommendation 2

  • Recommendation 3

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.