Title Page
Security Operation Vulnerability Audit
Store Name / Number
Conducted on
Prepared by
Is the back gate open / accessible?
Is the waste cage open?
Gained entry to the store unchallenged?
Able to access critical/ store keys?
Is the meat cage/ chiller unlocked?
Scratch cards / stamps found?
Access to the pharmacy?
Access to the alarm panel?
Access to dot com vans?
Gained entry to high value warehouses?
Access to the DVR (CCTV) cabinet?
Detaggers unlocked?
Changing rooms unlocked?
Chewing gum cabinets unlocked?
Chewing gum cage unlocked?
Are any door guards switched off?
Are there any unsecured tags on wines and spirits?
Are counters fridges unlocked?
Are the make up cabinets unlocked?
Are the display cabinets in the opticians unlocked?
Is the prescription cabinets unlocked?
Are the consultation rooms unlocked?
Was any lost property unsecured?
We're any unused, pre-printed reduced labels found?
Are any tills unlocked?
Were any Tesco items found in drawers?
Are black sacks in use?
Are there any tagging issues around the store?
Are there any missing seal checks?
Is there any signs of grazing in the colleague areas?
Are there any checkout gates unsealed?
Any colleague jackets or bags found around the store or back areas (excluding cloak rooms)?
Are there any Tesco cleaning products frond in the TC rooms?
CCTV left open and unattended?
Front of store left with no guard presence?
Evidence of backdoor visitor book not being used?
Additional Information
Target Review - Response Required