Title Page


  • Employee Name

  • Start Date at One Festival Tower

  • Primary Role

Welcome to site

  • WALKER FESTIVAL TOWER CM3 SITE INDUCTION - CM3 Walker Site induction needs to be completed prior to arrival on site & certificates need to be forwarded to Festival Tower Security Manager.<br>• SINE system set up must also be completed.

  • SECURECORP GENERAL INDUCTION - SecureCorp welcome pack needs to be completed prior to arrival on site.<br>• UKG Ready App set up – must be completed prior to commencing.<br>• Secure Corp General Induction.

  • UNIFORM SUBMISSION- Uniforms need to be ordered via the UKG Ready app prior to commencing (Ensure correct sizes).<br>• Uniform will need to be warn at all times on site. <br>• Needs to be presentable at all times.

  • FIRST AID CERTIFICATION (COPY) - First Aid certification needs to be sighted & require a copy.<br>• Certificate sighted & copied for filing.

  • SECURITY LICENCE (COPY) - Security License needs to be sighted & require a copy.<br>• License needs to be current & valid.

  • EMAIL/ MOBILE EXCHANGE - Contact details need to be provided to the onsite Security Manager.<br>• Personal mobile number exchanged.<br>• Personal email exchanged.

  • SITE TOUR (SECURITY MANAGER) - Security Manager to conduct a site tour.<br>• Tour of the site.<br>• Explain role that will be undertaking. <br>• What is expected from the Security side of the role.

  • SITE EXPECTATIONS - Security Manager to discuss site/client expectations while on duty.<br>• High level of performance/work ethic.<br>• Presentation.<br>• What is required in the current position.<br>• Site policy & procedures in relation to expectations.

  • SITE REQUIREMENTS - Security Manager to discuss site, client & security requirements while on duty.<br>• Client expectations for the site.<br>• Site policy & procedures in relation to site requirements.




  • UKG READY APPLICATION - Clocking on & clocking off before & after your shift start & finish times.<br>• Must clock on no earlier than 5-10 min prior to shift starting.<br>• Must clock off on the exact time of finishing as per your scheduled roster via UKG.

  • UKG READY LEARNING APPLICATION - UKG App must be installed & set up prior to arrival to site.<br>• Ensure all details are updated. <br>- Banking details.<br>- Superannuation details.<br>- Personal details

  • SICK PERSONAL LEAVE <br>- Complete online module in relation to sick/personal leave.

  • ANNUAL LEAVE<br>- Complete online module in relation to annual leave.

  • COMPLETION SET MODULES<br>- Complete all set modules prior to commencing work.




  • GENERAL SECURITY EQUPMENT - General security equipment uses.<br>• Radio usage.<br>• Security mobile phone usage - ensure they are always charged each night.<br>• Keys must not be used unless necessary – Must Audit key sets each handover.

  • FIRST AID KIT/ DEFIB LOCATIONS - Must be aware of all First Aid kits & DEFIBS.<br>• DEFIB locations:<br>- Security Control Room<br><br>• First Aid Kit Locations: <br>- Security Control Room<br>- Concierge Office<br>- Loading Dock Office

  • GENERAL RADIO PROTOCOL<br>• Must use radio call signs at all times – no names.<br>• Must be clear & precise, do not turn radios off when on person.<br>• Must be on person at all times. <br>• Must use earpiece if available.<br>• It is the persons duty using the radio to ensure the radio is fully charged each shift.

  • MAIN FCR & MIMIC FCR LOCATION - Main FCR & mimic fire panel locations.<br>• Main FCR panel – Located in through B1 fire corridor South East side of building.<br>• Mimic panels – Located in Control Room, Loggia Control Room, Floor 27<br>• Main Tower FCR – Ground Floor outside Loggia North West Side of building

  • FCR USE & OPERATION - FCR panel use & operation.<br>• Must understand the basic operations.

  • FCR ISOLATIONS DEVICES/ ZONES FCR - Isolation Nodes/Zones.<br>• Must understand how to Isolate & De-Isolate Devices/Zones. <br>• Must understand how to Isolate & De-Isolate single Zones. <br>• ASE Key usage & operation while De-Isolations are being completed.

  • DEVICE ALARM ACTIVATION RESETTING <br>• In the event an alarm occurs while De-Isolating, understand the process of resetting the alarm. <br>- Investigate the location of the alarm – if safe to do so.<br>- False Alarm – Must reset alarm activation via panel.<br>- Genuine Alarm – Pull the ASE keys out, allow MFS to respond & follow alarm activation emergency procedures.

  • EWIS SYSTEM USE &OPERATION <br>• Understand how to operate the EWIS in the event of an emergency. <br>• Scripts – Understand what script to be used in what situation. <br>

  • DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS (UPDATING)<br>• Ensuring all personal documents required are updated.<br>- Inductions. <br><br>• Ensuring all on site documents are up to date.<br>- FCR Isolation register.




  • ACCESS CONTROL PROGRAMMING <br>• Access control monitoring - Doors<br>• Intercom ## system operating. <br>• Resetting Revolving Doors.<br>• Understanding access requirements.

  • CARD AUTHORITIES & PROCEUDRES<br>• Access card amendments.<br>• Access card programming.<br>• Access Card Creation. <br>• Understanding tenant card authorities.

  • TENANT SERVICE REQUESTS <br>• Actioning Tenant service requests via Integrity – Access card amendments/creation.<br>• Actioning Tenant service requests via Integrity – Lift & Door scheduling. <br>• Actioning Tenant service requests via Integrity – Loading Dock assistance. <br>• Actioning Tenant service requests via Integrity – Guard requests.

  • EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES<br>• Fire Alarm activation Emergency procedures. <br>• Armed Offender Emergency procedures.<br>• Building Lockdown Emergency procedures. <br>• Power Failure Emergency procedures.<br>• Generator shut down Emergency procedures.<br>• Lift Entrapment Emergency procedures. <br>• Medical Emergency response procedures. <br>• Protest action Emergency procedures.<br>• Duress Activation Emergency Procedures. <br>• Warden role & responsibilities. <br>• Radio Emergency Colour Codes. <br>• Radio Call Signs.

  • SYSTEM AUDITS<br>• Key and card audits – Quaterly<br>• Permission/Access Group Audits – 6 Monthly. <br>• CCTV Milestone audit – Quarterly<br>• Duress Alarm audit – Daily<br>• Lift Intercom audit – Weekly<br>• Entry Intercom audit – Daily

  • LOCKER CLEAN OUTS<br>• Assist Cleaning Staff each Tuesday at 1930 in cleaning out the 7 Day EOT Lockers.

  • BMS ALARM NOTIFICATION<br>• Understanding the type of BMS Alarm.<br><br>• Actions to take in regards to the type of BMS Alarms – Generator Alarm. <br>- (During Hours) Contact Contractors on site to see if they are conducting works.<br>- (After Hours) investigate Generator that is in alarm, report anything to the FM immediately.

  • UNDERSTAND SINE IPAD SYSTEM <br>• Assist with Contractors/Staff in regards to the use of the SINE system. <br>• Engage Contractors/Staff & enforce the use of the SINE system iPad.

  • UNDERSTAND TENANT CONTACTS <br>• Understand each point of contact for each tenant. <br>• Communicate with each point of contact when required.

  • PERMIT REQUIREMENTS<br>- Fire Panel isolations for hot/ dust works

  • ISSUE/ MAINTAIN KEY/ PASS SIGN IN REGISTERS - Pass/Key issuing to Contractors.<br>• Ensure there is confirmation prior to assisting with access for Contractors from the Tenant. <br>• If there is no confirmation, contact the point of contact for the Tenant. <br>• If confirmation is present, direct the contractor to Control to sign in on Sine and collect site access to level.<br>• Key/Access Card audits as per the register at the end of each shift - Handover.




  • UNDERSTAND BUILDING/ TOWER LAYOUTS<br>• Loading Dock staff must have a good understanding & knowledge of all building & tower layouts. <br>• Understand all levels & what tenants reside on those floors.

  • UNDERSTAND ADHOC DELIVERY PROCESS <br>• Find out which floor they are going to. <br>• Find out who arranged the delivery and if there is a contact. <br>• Confirm with the contact you have if this delivery is correct and confirmed <br>• If confirmed, send them to our B2 Office to collect access card. We have one for Mott and one for flinders. <br>• If they don’t have an access card, ask if staff can come down to escort them. <br>• If they are unable to escort them, ask if mail room can assist. <br>• If the mail room are unable to assist, arrange one of the rovers to assist with escort. <br>• Advise that there is no contractor card in place and the Security manager will arrange this with the tenant. <br>• Lift access should be either through the goods lift or builder’s lifts A & F. No access is permitted though car park shuttle lifts.

  • UNDERSTAND APPROVED CONTRACTOR LOADING DOCK USAGE<br>• Walker Facilities and Operations Managers only are to permit contractors parking and conducting works in Loading Dock.



  • EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES<br>• Fire Alarm activation Emergency procedures. <br>• Armed Offender Emergency procedures.<br>• Building Lockdown Emergency procedures. <br>• Power Failure Emergency procedures.<br>• Generator shut down Emergency procedures.<br>• Lift Entrapment Emergency procedures. <br>• Medical Emergency response procedures. <br>• Protest action Emergency procedures.<br>• Duress Activation Emergency Procedures. <br>• Warden role & responsibilities. <br>• Radio Emergency Colour Codes. <br>• Radio Call Signs.


  • GOODS LIFT BOOKING SHEET<br>• Where to find the Goods Lift Booking Sheet on computer<br>• How to enter bookings into Goods Lift Booking Sheet<br>• Distribution of Goods Lift Booking Sheet – Weekly/ Daily

  • LOADING BAY BOOKING SHEET<br>• Where to find the Loading Bay Booking Sheet on computer<br>• How to enter bookings into Loading Bay Booking Sheet

  • RADIO CODES<br>• Colour Code Chart for emergencies<br>• Code 10 for breaks

  • LOADING DOCK AUDIT <br>• Daily - Start and end of shift

  • SPILLS PROCESS<br>• Spills process<br>- Identify spill<br>- Call Whiskey 2/ Charlie 1 to attend to spill<br>- Place cone or Wet Floor sign over spill<br>- Once clean, remove sign<br>- Add to daily log

  • SKYCITY/ PARLIAMENT HOUSE PROCEDURES<br>• Identify SkyCity and Parliament House Loading Docks<br>• Meet SkyCity staff

  • CONCIERGE REQUIREMENTS - Assist with General Concierge Duties.<br>• Directions to a requested location.<br>- Toilets.<br>- Event Centre. <br>- City locations. <br>- Flinders University<br>• Understand opening hours of the building. <br>• Monitor lobby for any unruly behaviours.<br>• No alcohol consumption in the lobbies.<br>• No smoking in the lobbies.<br>• No animals in the lobbies (Unless identified as an assistance animal). <br>• Understand promotion redemption processes.

  • CONTRACTOR BIN AND RUBBISH PROCEDURES<br>• Contractor bins stored in B2 Waste Room <br>• No Rubbish to be left in Loading Dock after deliveries

  • REPORTING UNRULY/ SUSPECT BEHAVIOUR<br>• Unsocial behaviour's are not supported on site, must be dealt with accordingly. <br>- Report to Control before engaging with aggressive person if possible<br>- Removed from site if possible. <br>- Police assistance may be required.




  • UNDERSTAND BUILDING/ TOWER/ CARPARK LAYOUT<br>• Roving staff must have a good understanding & knowledge of all building & tower layouts. <br>• Understand all levels & what tenants reside on those floors in the event they may be required to attend a floor for a Tenant upon request. <br>• Understand where storage rooms are located

  • TOWER/ BUILDING PATROLS<br>- Retail patrols are to be conducted continuously throughout the shift.<br>- All Roving guards must be aware of Tenants requirements, no Tenant space is to be patrolled unless approved by the Tenant Facilities or in the event of an Emergency.<br>- Patrols must be conducted throughout the base building areas during shift when possible. <br>- Plantrooms patrols.<br>- Carpark patrols.<br>- EOT patrols.<br>- External patrols. <br>- Ensure all areas are checked for any items that require immediate actioning <br>- System/Equipment Faults. <br>- Damaged equipment/items. <br>- Equipment/Room Temperatures. <br>- Contractor works. <br>• Monitor any activations that are currently in place by the Marketing team.

  • CONDUCTING AUDITS<br>• Assist Control Room with Monthly/ Weekly/ Daily Audits.

  • LIFT PROCEDURES<br>• Understand how to override a Lift for Kone (Fire, Cleaning, Priority Mode).

  • 7 DAY LOCKER CLEAN OUT ASSISTANCE<br>• Assist Cleaning Staff each Tuesday at 1930 in cleaning out the 7 Day EOT Lockers.<br>

  • BUILDING/ TENANT ESCORTS<br>• Assist with Contractor/ Tenant Escorts if required.<br>- Base building escorts.<br>- Tenant floor escorts. <br>- Client escorts on/ off site<br><br>• Assist with escorting MFS to active alarm location.

  • LOADING DOCK KNOWLEDGE<br>• Must understand Loading Dock procedures in the event they are required to attend & assist (breaks etc).

  • EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES<br>• Fire Alarm activation Emergency procedures. <br>• Armed Offender Emergency procedures.<br>• Building Lockdown Emergency procedures. <br>• Power Failure Emergency procedures.<br>• Generator shut down Emergency procedures.<br>• Lift Entrapment Emergency procedures. <br>• Medical Emergency response procedures. <br>• Protest action Emergency procedures.<br>• Warden role & responsibilities.

  • REPORTING UNRULY/ SUSPECT BEHAVIOUR<br>• Unsocial behaviour's are not supported on site, must be dealt with accordingly. <br>- Report to Control before engaging with aggressive person if possible<br>- Removed from site if possible. <br>- Police assistance may be required.




  • ASSIST WITH GENERAL CONCIERGE DUTIES<br>• Directions to a requested location.<br>- Toilets.<br>- Event Centre. <br>- City locations. <br>- Flinders University<br><br>• Understand opening hours of the building. <br>• Monitor lobby for any unruly behaviours.<br>• No alcohol consumption in the lobbies.<br>• No smoking in the lobbies.<br>• No animals in the lobbies (Unless identified as an assistance animal). <br>• Understand promotion redemption processes.

  • ASSIST WITH FLINDERS UNIVERSITY EVENTS<br>• Assist guest arrival & departure for Flinders events if required.<br>• Assist with any other Flinders requirements if requested.

  • EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES<br>• Fire Alarm activation Emergency procedures. <br>• Armed Offender Emergency procedures.<br>• Building Lockdown Emergency procedures. <br>• Power Failure Emergency procedures.<br>• Generator shut down Emergency procedures.<br>• Lift Entrapment Emergency procedures. <br>• Medical Emergency response procedures. <br>• Protest action Emergency procedures.<br>• Warden role & responsibilities.




  • READ AND UNDERSTOOD CARPARK MANAGEMENT PLAN/ SOP's<br>• Locations of exhaust fans<br>• Location/ operation of CO2 monitors and alarms <br>• Tidal lane operation<br>• High Vis Clothing<br>• Broken card reader procedure<br>• Broken boom gate procedure<br>• Damages in carpark<br>• Customer lost car <br>• Carpark full procedure<br>• Key 60<br>• Storeroom locations





The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.