
  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Total current census?


  • Overall risk rating?

  • Property Coverage Rating?

  • General Liability Coverage Rating?

  • Fleet Coverage Rating?


  • Ownership?

  • Name of owner:

  • Board of Directors?

  • Number of buildings?

  • Age of building(s)?

  • Date operations began?


  • Independent Living?

  • Number of IL apartments?

  • Houses, Villas or Duplexes?

  • Number of houses, villas or duplexes?

  • Skilled Nursing?

  • Total number of licensed beds?

  • Total current census?

  • Number of current private pay residents?

  • Number of current Medicare residents?

  • Number of current Medicaid residents?

  • Are all beds dully certified?

  • Number of licensed Medicare beds?

  • Number of licensed Medicaid beds?

  • What type of emergency notification system is used for skilled nursing residents?

  • How many snacks are provided each day?

  • Any skilled nursing residents under age 60?

  • Number of residents under age 60?

  • Inquire about their diagnosis to ensure those under 60 are proper for this environment.

  • Memory Care or CCDI unit in skilled care?

  • Number of residents in this area?

  • How many meals are served each day?

  • Assisted Living?

  • Number of residents licensed for?

  • Current census?

  • Any residents under age 60 in Assisted Living?

  • What type of call system is used in Assisted Living?

  • How many meals provided each day?

  • Memory Care Residents in Assisted living?

  • Number of a Memory Care licensed for?

  • Current Memory Care census?


  • Skilled Nursing Medication Management

  • Type of medication dispensing system used in Skilled Nursing?

  • Is a medication cart used?

  • Is the cart locked in a secure area when not in use?

  • Are there residents in skilled nursing who self administer medications?

  • Is there a formal assessment done for self administration of medication?

  • Type of medication storage used by those who self administer medication?

  • Are medication technicians used in the long term care environment?

  • Who provides training?

  • Is training documented?

  • Assisted Living Medication Management

  • Are medication changes for Assisted Living residents reviewed by a nurse?

  • Are there residents in assisted living who self administer their own medications?

  • Is an assessment done for self administration of medications?

  • What type of medication storage is used by residents who self administer medications in Assisted Living?

  • Staff in Assisted Living administer who administer (Nurses) or assist (care staff) with medications?

  • Is their a formal training program in place for unlicensed staff to prepare them for assisting residents with medication?

  • Is the training documented?

  • Who provides the training?

  • What type of medication dispensing system is used by staff in Assisted Living?

  • Is a medication cart used?

  • Is the cart locked in a secure room when not in use?

  • Are Independent Living residents provided any medication management?

  • Is this service provided by a nurse, med tech or all staff?

  • Where are medication for IL residents stored when staff assists?


  • Does community provide outside services for Meals on Wheels?

  • Who delivers the meals and to whom are they delivered?

  • Is Home Health provided outside the community?

  • Is Hospice care provided to those outside the community?

  • Is Respite Care provided in the community?

  • Is Adult Daycare provided in the community?


  • Is this a Continuing Care Retirement Community?

  • Name of Executive Director?

  • How many years experience as an Executive Director?

  • How many years with community?

  • Is there a Skilled Nursing Administrator?

  • Name of Skilled Nursing Administrator?

  • How many years as a licensed Administrator?

  • How many years at this community.

  • Is there an Assisted Living Administrator?

  • Name of Assisted Living Administrator?

  • How many years as a licensed Assisted Living Administrator?

  • How many years with company?

  • Is there a Director of Nurses or Nurse Manager?

  • Is a Registered Nurse required for this position?

  • Name of DON or Nurse Manager?

  • How many years as a nurse?

  • How long in current position?

  • How long at community?

  • If location is a CCRC with Skilled Nursing, Assisted Living and Memory Care is there more than one Nurse Manager?

  • Is there an Assistant Director of Nursing?

  • Name of ADON?

  • RN or LPN required for this position?

  • How many years experience as a nurse?

  • How many years experience at this position?

  • How many years as an employee of this community?

  • Do you have an MDS Coordinator on staff?

  • How many MDS coordinators are on staff?


  • Total number of staff?

  • Number of Maintenance Staff?

  • Number of Housekeeping Staff?

  • Number of Dietary Staff?

  • Number of care staff to include Nurses and Care Staff?

  • Current PPD?

1st Shift Staffing?

  • Skilled Nursing Staffing

  • # RN

  • # LPN

  • # CNA

  • Assisted Living Staffing

  • # RN

  • # LPN

  • # Caregiver/CNA

  • Assisted Living Memory Care Staffing

  • # RN

  • # LPN

  • # Caregivers/CNA

2nd Shift Staffing

  • Skilled Nursing Staffing

  • # RN

  • # LPN

  • # CNA

  • Assisted Living Staffing

  • # RN

  • # LPN

  • # Caregiver/CNA

  • Assisted Living Memory Care Staffing

  • # RN

  • # LPN

  • # Caregivers/CNA

3rd Shift Staffing

  • Skilled Nursing Staffing

  • # RN

  • # LPN

  • # CNA

  • Assisted Living Staffing

  • # RN

  • # LPN

  • # Caregiver/ CNA

  • Assisted Living Memory Care Staff

  • # RN

  • # LPn

  • # Caregiver/CNA

  • Agency staff used?

  • Are background checks done for employees?

  • Who conducts the background checks?

  • Are back ground checks done for volunteers?

  • Are drug test done for employees?


  • Staff training narrative: Staff training is at or above the industry standard.

  • On-line training used?

  • Name of on-line training program?

  • How often are in-house in-services done?


  • Skilled Nursing Survey

  • Last survey date:

  • Results of survey:

  • Have all corrective actions been implemented?

  • Assisted Living Survey

  • Last survey date?

  • Results of survey:

  • If Memory Care is present, how many of the tags were for the Memory Care area?

  • Have all corrective actions been implemented?


  • Clinical risk management narrative: All components of the formal documented policies and procedures are reviewed annually and adjustments made by management are done on an as needed basis. Current clinical risk program is considered average and is the industry standard.

Safety Committee

  • Formal Safety Committee in place?

  • In Skilled Nursing?

  • In Assisted Living?

  • How often do they meet?

  • Are meetings documented?

  • Are resident accidents discussed at the Safety Committee meetings?

  • Who are members of the Safety Committee?


  • Are fire drills conducted?

  • How often are they conducted?

  • Are procedural issues discussed with staff and corrected immediately?

  • Are results of Fire Drills reviewed by Safety Committee or Quality Assurance Committee?

  • Are they conducted in Skilled Nursing?

  • Are they conducted in Assisted Living?

  • Are they conducted in Memory Care?

  • Are they conducted in Independent Living?

  • Are disaster drills conducted in all areas? ( Tornado?, Gas Leak?, Bomb Threat?)

  • Is there a disaster plan in place for all areas?

  • Does it include an agreement with another community to house residents in case of disaster?


  • Is there a Quality Assurance Committee in Skilled Nursing?

  • How often does the committee meet?

  • Who are members of the Quality Asurance Committee?

  • Does your Medical Director attend?

  • Does a pharmacy representative attend?<br>

  • Do therapy representatives attend?

  • Any other outside parties attend?

  • Do you have any kind of Quality Care Committee in Assisted Living?


  • Are residents assessed for falls on or before admission?

  • Skilled Nursing?

  • How do staff know a resident is at risk for falls?

  • Pressure alarms used?

  • Lipped mattresses used?

  • Gerry chairs used?

  • Any other preventions used?

  • Assisted Living?

  • How do staff know a resident in Assisted Living is at risk for falls?

  • Preventions used?

  • Memory Care?

  • How do staff know a resident in Memory Care is at risk for falls?

  • Preventions used?


  • Type of side rails used?

  • Do you have a restraint policy in place?

  • Are you a restraint free community?


  • Type of lifts used?

  • Who trains new staff on proper usage of lifts?

  • Is training documented?

  • Is there a maintenance plan in place to maintain the lifts in proper working order?

  • Who provides maintenance on lifts?

  • Are gait belts used for transfers?

  • Who provides training for proper use of gate belts?

  • Is training documented?


  • Is there a formal admission packet in place for all areas of the community?

  • Does the admission packet address when a resident is no longer appropriate for their current level of care and should be moved to a higher level of care?

  • Does the admission packet address resident conduct policies for all levels of care?


  • Are residents assessed before admission?

  • In Skilled Nursing?

  • Residents are assessed before admission in Skilled Nursing by:

  • Are residents assessed by a physician per Medicare Guidelines?

  • In Assisted Living?

  • Residents are assessed before admission by:

  • After admission, how often is an Assisted Living resident assessed by a physician?

  • After admission, how often is residents condition assessed and documented in Assisted Living by staff?

  • What would trigger family notification? Fall, altercation, change in medications, room change, any change in contrition.


  • Is e-charting used?

  • Does it include e-mars?

  • Name of e-charting in use?


  • Do you currently have any residents with pressure ulcers in skilled nursing?

  • How many?

  • How often do staff assess resident's skin in Skilled nursing?

  • Is there a wound care nurse on staff?

  • Are special mattresses used?

  • ROHO/gel cushions used in chairs?

  • Is a wound care clinic used by residents when necessary?

  • Is Dietary involved in prevention?

  • Wounds in Assisted Living?

  • How many?

  • How often does staff assess residents' skin for wounds?

  • Is Home Health involved in wound care in Assisted Living?

  • Wounds in Memory care?

  • How many?

  • How often does staff assess resident's skin?

  • Is Home Health involved in wound care for Memory Care residents?


  • Is resident abuse training done upon hire?

  • When is resident abuse training updated after hire?

  • Is the training documented?

  • Where is training documented?

  • Are volunteers required to complete resident abuse training?

  • Is there a formal policy and procedure in place for investigating and reporting abuse?

  • Who is in charge of investigating abuse?


  • Are there residents with Do Not Resucitate orders in Skilled Nursing?

  • Is the DNR a state provided form or a physician's order?

  • Where is the form kept?

  • Does a physician have to sign the form or order?

  • Is the form or acknowledgement signed by the resident, family member or representative of the resident?

  • How are resident in Skilled Nursing with DNRs identified to staff?

  • If a resident is found unresponsive and they are a FULL CODE is CPR started?

  • Which staff in Skilled Nursing are trained in CPR?

  • Is training documented?

  • Are there residents in Assisted Living and/or Memory Care with Do Not Resucitate Orders?

  • In Assisted Living or Memory Care is the form a state provided form or physicians order?

  • Where is the form kept?

  • Is the form signed by a physician?

  • Is the form signed by the resident, a family member or representative of the resident?

  • How are Assisted Living/Memory Care residents with DNRs identified by staff?

  • If a resident is found unresponsive and is a FULL CODE, is CPR implemented?

  • Which staff members in Assisted Living/Memory Care are trained in CPR?

  • Is CPR training documented?

  • Is CPR performed on Independent Living Residents?

  • What staff members perform CPR on IL residents?

  • If a resident is found unresponsive and the event was not witnessed is CPR started if the resident is a full code?

  • How do staff members know if an IL resident has DNR wishes?


  • Are skilled nursing residents assessed on or before admission for elopements?

  • How often are re-assessments done?

  • Are Skilled Nursing residents required to sign out before leaving the community?

  • Are doors locked at all times?

  • Are all doors alarmed?

  • How are door alarms silenced?

  • How often are door alarms tested?

  • Who tests the door alarms?

  • Is testing documented?

  • Is there a wander guard system in place?

  • How often are transmitters tested?

  • What staff members test the transmitters?

  • Is testing documented?

  • Is there video monitoring in the community?

  • Where are cameras located?

  • Is there an elopement policy in place?

  • How often are staff in-serviced on the elopement policy and procedures?

  • How do staff know who the residents are who are at risk for elopement?

  • Is training documented?

  • How often is the elopement policy reviewed and updated by management?

  • Is a formal elopement risk assessment done before admission in Assisted Living/Memory Care?

  • How often are reassessments done?

  • How do Assisted Living Staff identify residents at risk for elopement?

  • Are residents required to sign out before leaving Assisted Living/Memory Care?


  • Are pets allowed in the community?

  • Do residents within the community have pets?

  • Is there a formal pet policy in place for residents?

  • Does the policy include providing up-to-date veterinary health reports before pets are brought to the community?

  • Is there a formal policy in place for visitors who bring pets into the community?


  • Type of flooring in resident corridors?

  • Type of flooring in employee corridors?

  • Type of flooring in resident dining areas?

  • Type of flooring in commercial kitchen?

  • Type of flooring in resident bathroom?

  • Type of flooring in common area bathrooms?

  • Are exterior sidewalks and parking lots in good repair?

  • List issues with parking lot and/ or sidewalk:


  • Distance to closest fire hydrant (In feet).

  • Distance to fire department (In miles)

  • Is fire department career or volunteer?

  • Are all sides of the property accessible to the fire department?

  • Describe why the fire department can't access all sides of the building:

  • Are adequate fire extinguishers available?

  • Public/Private Protection Narrative: Access to the facility would be considered adequate and no concers were noted at time of survey.

  • Number of smoke division?

  • Construction quality?

  • Number of stories?


  • Life safety narrative: Life Safety for the community is adequate and inspected by the state Life Safety and Fire Marshall on an annual basis. The buildings and safety systems are designed for occupancy and no concerns are noted at this time.

Fire, Sprinklers, Alarms

  • Company who services sprinklers?

  • Alarm monitoring company?

  • Company that services UL 300 system?

  • Company who services fire extinguishers?

  • Do all buildings have heat and smoke detection sensors?

  • Are all buildings 100% sprinklered?

  • Is it a wet or dry system?

  • Are attics sprinklered?

  • Wet or dry sprinklered?

  • Do you have parking garages?

  • Are they sprinklered?

  • Wet or dry sprinklered?

  • Sprinkler system meets NFPA25?

  • Is the sprinkler system over 50 years old?

  • Is the system protected during cold and freezing weather?

  • Are sprinkler heads subject to damage covered with guards?

  • Are sprinkler heads clear of obstruction by 18"?

  • Are sprinkler heads clear of damage, paint, corrosion, etc.?

  • Do all Fire Department connections have caps in place?

  • Is a building layout available?

  • How often are kitchen vent hoods cleaned by staff?

  • How often are kitchen hoods cleaned by a professional?

  • What commercial cleaning company cleans the kitchen hood vents?


  • Do you have a generator?

  • Type of fuel used in generator?

  • How much fuel for generator is stored on-site?

  • If emergency fuel is not stored on-site where is it obtained?

  • How much load will generator provide?

  • How often is generator load tested?

  • How long does the load test last?

  • Where are enunciator panels located?

  • Do you test your emergency lighting?

  • How often are emergency lights tested?

  • Are emergency exits clear from clutter?

  • Are there lighted EXiT signs at all exits?

  • Do windows lock from the inside?

  • How far will windows open?

  • Are windows easily accessible for emergency response personnel?


  • Who does your snow removal?


  • Do you have any nurse consultants?

  • Name of nurse consultant or name of company which provides consulting?

  • Do you have a pharmacy consultant?

  • Name of pharmacy consultant or company who provides consultant?

  • Is therapy outsourced?

  • Name of therapy provider?

  • Registered Dietician as a consultant?

  • Name of Registered Dietician?

  • Is there a contracted Social Worker?

  • Name of Social Worker or company providing services?

  • Are Hospice services provided from outside vendors?

  • Are Home Health Care services provided by outside vendors?

  • Are beautician services provided within the community?

  • Are Certificates of Insurance on file for all contractors?

  • Are current licenses/credentials on file for the above consultants/subcontractors?

  • Do you have a contract with your Medical Director?

  • Do you have a Certificate of Insurance for the Medical Director?

  • Do you have current copies of the medical director's credentials on file?


  • Are any buses in the fleet?

  • Number of buses?

  • Condition of buses?

  • Are there any vans in the fleet?

  • Number of vans?

  • Condition of vans?

  • Are there any cars in the fleet?

  • Number of cars?

  • Condition of cars?

  • Are there any trucks in the fleet?

  • Number of trucks?

  • Condition of trucks?

  • Is there a written personal use policy for automobiles?

  • Are MVR checks done for drivers?

  • By whom?

  • How often are MVR checks updated?

  • How often are automobiles used?

  • Average radius in miles automobiles are driven per trip?

  • Who provides driver training?

  • Is training documented?

  • Does the training include properly securing wheelchairs?

  • Is a CDL or Chauffeur license required for any of your automobiles?

  • Who does automobile maintenance and repairs?

  • How often is maintenance done?

  • Are automobiles stored in a garage?


  • What lies to the north of the property?

  • What lies to the south of the property?

  • What lies to the east of the property?

  • What lies to the west of the property?


  • Roofing material?

  • Roof slope?

  • Siding?

  • Framing?


  • Heat source in common areas?

  • Heat source in resident rooms?

  • Are there any fireplaces?

  • How many fireplaces?

  • Are they gas, electric or wood burning?


  • Any recent modifications to building(s)?

  • Please list modifications with date modifications were completed:


  • Are residents allowed to smoke?

  • Is a smoking assessment completed?

  • In Skilled Nursing?

  • In Assisted Living?

  • Are residents accompanied by a staff member to smoke in Skilled Nursing?

  • Are IL residents allowed to smoke?

  • Do residents a smoke inside or outside?


  • Are there any recent or pending insurance claims?

  • Please list any recent or pending insurance claims:


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The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.