Title Page
SERS Energy Solutions Ltd - Quality Systems Audit
Conducted on
Site Manager
Prepared by
Quality Audit (ISO)
ISO 9001 9.1 -9.2 - Are all outstanding issues cleared from the previous audit?
ISO 9001 9.2 - Do you understand the reason for audits, how are findings corrected and reported and who is responsible for checking they are completed?
ISO9001- 4.2 - 4.4 - 7.5 - Are up to date Documents (Policies, Method Statements, Risk Assessments & Site Relevant records) kept and displayed?
ISO 9001 4.2 - 4.4 -7.5 - How are documents controlled and secured?
ISO 9001 5.1 - Has Senior Management visited site recently and have any updates or issues been highlighted?
ISO 9001 5.1 -9.1 - Are Customer Complaints recorded and rectified in a timely manner?
ISO 9001 5.1 - 9.1 - Are Customer Satisfaction Questionnaires in use and are they reviewed improve our services?
ISO 9001 5.2 - Is the most up to date Quality Policy Displayed and have all operatives reviewed this at induction?
ISO 9001 5.3 - 8.1 -8.5 - 9.1 Is the latest Quality Assurance Form (QAF) in use, one per property and kept up to date in line with the physical condition of the property?
ISO 9001 5.3 - 8.2 - How do you communicate with Managers/Operatives/Clients/Customers
ISO 9001 5.3 - If employing foreign operatives do you have the facility to translate Working Practices, Policies, and Instructions into the language of the operative(s)?
ISO 9001 6.1 - Is the correct Method Statement(s) (to System specifications) incorporated into the Construction Phase H & S Plan?
ISO 9001 6.2 - Are the System Supplier Specifications available on site, covered at induction and are operatives competent to fit the system (System Supplier Cards)?
ISO 9001 6.3 - Are changes to the process properly documented and communicated to operatives and Senior managers where applicable?
ISO 9001 7.1 - Are there sufficient resources available to ensure quality of service
ISO 9001 7.1 - 8.5 - Are goods in checked to verify correct item, Quantity, and free from any damage
ISO 9001 7.1 - 8.5 - Are all stock items properly stored
ISO 9001 7.1 Are all our subcontractors assessed to ensure competence?
ISO 9001 7.1 8.4 - Are all Operatives and Subcontractors managed throughout the life of the project ( Sub contractors to have a review and appraisal yearly)?
ISo 9001 7.2 Are all operatives inducted and records kept such as competency certificates, system supplier cards, method statements and risk assessments swapped?
ISO 9001 7.3 - Are all site operatives aware of SERS Quality Policy & Objectives?
ISO 9001 8.2 - Does each property have a signed contract and have informed the occupant of our process and contact information, in case of complaints or enquiries?
ISO 9001 8.2 - Is there enough resources including manpower to ensure process and product policy?
ISO 9001 8.4 - Is the progress on site in line with the programme, if not why is this? review QAF to property to ensure up to date or within tolerance (1 stage)?
ISO 9001 8.5 - Are we recording the batch numbers of the EWI products (Base & Top render coats)?
ISO 9001 8.5 - 9.1 - Are we utilising the Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire to review our service provision?
ISO 9001 8.5 -8.6 - Is the Handover completed correctly and has all paperwork been passed to the customer/client or documents initiated such as building regs, Guarantee/Warranty etc?
ISO 9001 8.5 - 9.1 - Have any changes to the process been recorded RFI/CVI Meeting Minutes signed off by system provider where necessary?
ISO 9001 8.6 - 9.1 - Has the Quality Assurance Form been signed off at each stage to ensure product/service provision?
ISO 9001 8.7 - 9.2 How are Non-conformities rectified on site (issues raised from System Supplier and other site audits/visits) do you inform Compliance/H & S Manager to inform points rectified?
Quality Audit (PAS 2030) - duplicate
PAS 2030 - 5.1-5.4 - 5.7 - Is the Design Specification /Method Statement adhered to and on site for operatives to refer to?
PAS 2030 4.2.4 - Are you working with any other company fitting Energy Efficient Measures to the same properties, if so have both companies swapped Method Statements are staff informed of any interaction?
PAS 2030 5.2 - Are Tools on the Site Equipment Register (PAT & Asset Register) and how would you deal with any "out of calibration" equipment?
PAS 2030 5.1 5.4 5.6 - How are operatives briefed on and are the System Specifications available to all on site?
PAS 2030 6.3 - Are all on site aware of intermediate inspections such : System Supplier/ Internal & External Auditors?
PAS 2030 5.5 5.6 - Are Operatives competent, understand the installation activities and have access to training (System Supplier Cards. CSCS Cards and Certificates of competency)?
PAS 2030 5.5 - Does the site have the correct number of competent operatives & are they supervised and monitored to ensure quality?
PAS 2030 5.6 - Are Subcontractors complying with installation Methods in line with relevant specification being used?
PAS 2030 5.7 - Does the measure supplier conduct visits and are the reports forwarded to site?
PAS 2030 5.7 5.8 - Is the Handover conducted correctly and on the right paperwork?
PAS 2030 5.8 - Is Maintenance Paperwork supplied to the Client/Customer and are they shown how to operate the system if applicable?
PAS 2030 5.9 5.10 -Are documents kept in property packs and archived in case of external audit or warranty problems in the future?<br>
PAS 2030 5.10 - Check selection of property packs (Surveys, Gas Survey, Quality Assurance Forms, Daily Gas and Vent check, Handover Docs and Customer Satisfactions)?
PAS 2030 6.2 - Has Building Control been applied for ?
PAS 2030 6.2.5 - Is the customer/client informed of the specification to meet their expectations?
PAS 2030 6.2.5 - Is the customer/client informed of any access/storage arrangements on their property?
PAS 2030 6.2.5 - Is the customer/client informed of the complaints process and contact details of the site office/management?
PAS 2030 6.3 - How are the operatives informed of intermediate inspections and any changes to the process?
PAS 2030 6.4 - Are the Installation Processes current and is the operation still fit for purpose and are changes recorded to show compliance (PAS2030)?