Title Page

  • Store/Site

  • Prepared by

  • Duty Manager

  • Conducted on

  • Location

Safety Excellence

  • Instructions:
    1. Answer "Yes", "No", "N/A" for the questions below.
    2. Add photos and notes by clicking on the paperclip icon.
    3. To add a Corrective Measure click on the paperclip icon then "Add Action", provide a description, assign to a member, set priority and due date.
    4. Complete audit by providing digital signature.
    5. Share your report by exporting as PDF, Word, Excel or Web Link.

Safety Excellence

  • There is no evidence of pest activity?

  • Is the store cleaned to satisfactory levels that pose no immediate hygiene or food safety risks?

  • Only company approved products are used in store?<br>

  • Please proceed to the next section.

Store Excellence

Store Excellence

  • Outside/Internal signage is all clean, undamaged and fully working?

  • Interior walls, skirting, ledges, mirrors, plants, pictures and ceiling are clean, unmarked and undamaged?<br><br>

  • Is Baladiya & VAT licenses are available and well displayed near the POS ?

  • All posters, menu board and point of sale are approved, up to date, in good condition and displayed correctly including all items price labelled?

  • Toilet facilities are fully stocked and fully functioning?

  • Company approved music being played ? No advertisement coming in between the play list

  • Doors and windows are clean, unmarked and in good repair?

  • Chairs/sofas are clean and stain free?

  • Please proceed to the next section.

  • POS is working. the printer is connected & working

  • Toilets are cleaned. Toilet check list is maintained

Service Excellence

Service Excellence

  • Uniform standards and team members appearance are kept to Company Brand standard? No body door <br>

  • Team Members are deployed to give efficient service?<br>

  • All Customers are greeted in a welcoming manner?<br>And the team is engaging with the customers

  • All the aggregators devices are working and team members are accepting the orders on-time ? No Timed out or rejected order recorded today ?

  • Operational Checklist available and updated well ?<br>Barista is doing checks by using safety culture during the shift

  • Inventory tracker, Staff attendance and other checklist’s are updated well ?

  • All take away/eat in food is presented to company Brand standard?<br>

  • Please proceed to the next section.

Coffee Excellence

Coffee Excellence

  • Coffee machine is operating properly & there is no maintenance issues

  • Coffee grinders found neat and clean and working as per the brand standard ?

  • COD available and serving as per the brand standards

  • All kind of milk kept in correct temperature with expiration label ?

  • A thermometer is used every time and milk is never reheated, overheated or topped up and reheated?<br>

  • All food items are under shelflife with correct labeling ?

  • Calibration done and recorded well every shift by Barista ?

  • Completed by:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.