
  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Project No:

  • Catchment:

  • Sub Catchment:

  • CIZ No.

1. Onsite Construction Documentation

  • All Plans/Permits valid and onsite - ie. Up-to-date construction drawings, DBYDs

  • SWMS relevant for specific site

  • Excavation Permit

2. Plant, Materials and Equipment

  • Daily pre-start checklists completed for all plant

  • Hoses (no leaks)

  • Pipes and fittings conform to spec and in new condition (PN16, SDR11, PE100, black pipe)

  • All materials, equipment, machinery and work vehicles kept within construction zone

3. Service Location and Protection

  • All known existing services have been located and proved prior to work commencing

  • Refer to reference table in construction drawings for minimum clearances.

  • Minimum clearance maintained as per WSA 07-2007

4. Traffic Management

  • Signs set up at all possible entrances into the street

  • Sufficient traffic management and signs around excavation

  • Set up suitably for location

5. Environmental Controls

  • Silt fencing set up where required

  • Silt traps employed where required

  • If required, parawebbing erected around protected trees/vegetation

6. Construction

  • Survey has marked out alignment prior to excavation

  • As per Construction Drawings

  • If excavations are deeper than 1.5m, has adequate protection for falls from heights been out in place?

  • Drill Rig set up correctly within designated CIZ

  • Is the overall construction site tidy and top soil stored away appropriately?

7. Laying Pipe

  • Minimum Cover as per WSA 02 - 2002

    900mm for footways, nature strips, industrial and commercial property, sealed road pavements other than arterial roads subject to vehicular loading.

    1200mm for unsealed road carriageways, arterial road carriageways and future road, rail and tram pavements.

  • Minimum cover achieved as per WSA 02 - 2002

  • Tracer wire installed with pipe and to standard

  • HydroVac truck on site to remove used drilling fluid

  • Drillers using pipe trailers during reaming


South East Representitive

  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.