Conducted on
Prepared by
Are all workers site inducted?
Have all workers signed onto the Pre-Start?
SWMS in place and all required workers signed on?
Permit to work in place where required?
Is PPE being used by all personnel on site?
Are personnel operating plant?
Does the operator have a valid Approval to Operate Plant and Equipment? E.g. VOC
Has the Operator completed a Daily Plant Pre-Start?
Has a plant inspection been completed for the plant and there are copies of maintenance history and PRA.
Access/egress established, sufficient and maintained?
Trenches benched, secured, signed, and protected? Adequate access points?
Trenches free of water, stable, and safe to work after rain?
Exclusion zones and barricades established and maintained to Lend Lease’s GMR requirements?
Public protection in place and maintained?
Lifting equipment tested, in date and protected?
Electrical equipment tested, in date and protected?
Hazardous substances stored and labelled correctly?
First aid, fire extinguishers and amenities adequate?
Manual handling completed to GMR requirements?
Dust/noise controls established and maintained?
Traffic management established and maintained?
Environmental management established and maintained?
Housekeeping maintained to GMR requirements?
Ladders free of damage, labelled, AS?
Risk of objects falling from heights is contained.