Title Page
Sheetor No.
Client / Site being audited
Conducted on
Auditors Name
- Priti Patel
- Jon Wood
- Pat Doran
- Paul Convery
- Clive Pendry
- Andy Kear
Provision And Use Of Work Equipment Regs. (Machinery / Equipment)
Do all machines have clear access for safe use?
Is the production machines / equipment free from build of of waste / flammable material or the surrounding area of the machines?
Is any oil leaking from the machines or equipment being used?
Is the oil contained using the appropriate material PPE?
Are all chemicals clearly identified and stored in the correct container?
Are guard checks being carried out and documented?
Is the maintenance checks being carried out and documented?
Personal Protection Equipment At Work Regs. (Provisions)
Is all relevant PPE available and fully stocked?
Is PPE (ear plugs, safety shoes etc ) being worn in the relevant areas?
Electricity At Work / Equipment Regs. (Electrical)
Are all portable appliances fitted with an in date PAT sticker?
Is there any damage or trailing leads to an electrical system / equipment that could be hazardous?
Environmental Protection. (Environmental)
Is all waste solvent impregnated cloths, chemical waste secure etc?
Is the outside perimeter clear of any build up of waste, broken pallets, board, plastic and paper etc?
Is the review of the legal register and waste transfer licences completed?
Are the spill kits fully stocked?
Are the accident forms available and accessable?
Are all walkways clear from obstruction? (No work stored in the walkways, redundant pallets)
Are the monthly house keeping inspections taking place?
Are the SHE incident forms available?
Is the insurance certificate accessible and up-to-date?
Is the first aiders list up-to-date and on the production notice board?
Manual Handling Operations Regs. (Manual Handling)
Are there any items stored at height that could pose a risk? (Too heavy, not secure, handling difficulties)
Are there any obstructions, fixtures or restrictions that prevent manual handling?
Management / Health & Safety at Work Act ( Safe Working Environment)
Any changes to a process, task or equipment necessitating a review of the RA?
Are all fixtures, fittings and buildings is safe state of repair?
Are the monthly racking checks being carried out?
Has all new chemicals in production been risk assessed?
Are all lights working and in good state of repair?
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order.
Is there a weekly fire alarm test being carried out and recorded?
Is the weekly fire checks being carried out and actions completed?
Are all fire routes clear and unobstructed?
Person being audited name and sign here
Auditor name and sign to confirm audit has been card out.