
  • Client

  • Location
  • Site Manager

  • Project Manager

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Number of Personnel on site

  • Previous Audit issues and close out

  • Details of the activities taking place on site

1. - Critical 5 Questions

Critical 5 - Safety Questions

  • The safety critical questions have a higher weighting on the overall score, failure on these questions will make a green audit improbable

1.1 - Fire Exits and Entrances

  • Are the fire exits clear and unobstructed, are they free from combustible debris, is there a fire extinguisher situated at every fire point?

1.2 - Site Security

  • Is the site secure from un-authorised persons? Is heras fencing in place (secured by two clamps)? Is there any evidence of un-authorised persons attempting entry?

1.3 - Working at Height

  • Are alternatives to step ladders on site and being used? Is step ladder use minimised and only used where necessary (e.g. short duration work, restricted spaces). Where ladders are used, are they tagged? Are MEWPS being used safely. Tower Scaffolds erected and tagged and inspected?

1.4 - Electrical Safety

  • Is electrical work being undertaken safely? Is the area segregated, is the fuse board isolated and locked off, is a permit in place?

1.5 - Hot Works

  • Are Hot Work controls in place - Permit to work, fire extinguishers (2 required) no combustible materials present

1.6 - SHE Alert / Safety Topics

  • Are the SHE alerts / Safety Topics displayed - are they being adhered to on site

  • Identify the topic and what evidence the topic is adhered to.

2. - Competence

2. - Site Manager Competence

  • 2.14 - QR Code - Working and Link Correct

  • 2.1 - SMSTS

  • Check for date of Training and Expiry

  • 2.2 - CSCS Card

  • Check for Black Card, Record Card Number & Date of Expiry

  • 2.3 - Asbestos Awareness

  • Check for date of Training and Expiry (UKATA or IATP)

  • 2.4 - First Aid

  • A requirement of The Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 - Check for date of Training and Expiry (Valid for 3 years)

  • 2.5 - Fire Warden

  • A requirement of The Fire Safety Order 2005 - Check for date of Training and Expiry (Valid for 3 years)

  • 2.6 - Temporary Works Supervisor

  • Required by BS5975:2019 - Code of Practice for Temporary Works Procedures, Guidance provided by HSE SIM02/2010/04 - The Management of Temporary Works in the Construction Industry. Check for date of Training and Expiry

  • 2.7 - IPAF

  • International Powered Access Federation - Check for date of Training and Expiry (Valid for 5 years) Verify Card @

  • 2.8 - PASMA

  • Prefabricated Access Suppliers' and Manufacturers' Association - check for date of training and expiry (Valid for 5 years) Verify card @

  • 2.9 - Manual Handling

  • Not a legal requirement, Bridgford preference only - Check for date of Training

  • 2.10 - Environmental Awareness

  • Not a legal requirement, Bridgford preference only - Check for date of Training

  • 2.11 - Behavioural Safety

  • Not a legal requirement, Bridgford preference only - Check for date of Training

  • 2.12 - Modern Slavery

  • Not a legal requirement, Bridgford preference only - Check for date of Training

  • 2.13 - Mental Health Awareness

  • Not a legal requirement, Bridgford preference only - Check for date of Training

3. - Project Manager Competence

  • 3.1 - CSCS Card

  • 3.2 - Asbestos Awareness

  • 3.3 - Temporary Works - Co-Ordinator

4. - Sub Contractors

4.1 - Sub Contractor 1

  • 4.1.1 - Name of contractor and activities undertaken

  • 4.1.2 - Induction Records for operatives available and correct

  • 4.1.3 - Activities conducted safely

  • Are the contractors working in a safe manner, barriers erected where required?

  • 4.1.4 - Induction understood

  • Ask three questions from the induction - has the induction been read, signed and understood?

  • 4.1.5 - RAMS available within the folder and checked by BIL Safety Team

  • 4.1.6 - RAMS match activities undertaken

  • Are RAMS detailed and match the task, have the RAMS been signed?

  • 4.1.7 - CoSHH

  • If substances are being used, does the contractor hold the materials safety data sheet, are they being used safely?

  • 4.1.8 - PPE

  • Is the correct PPE available and being worn correctly?

4.2 - Sub Contractor 2

  • 4.2.1 - Name of contractor and activities

  • 4.2.2 - Induction Records for operatives available and correct

  • 4.2.3 - Activities conducted safely

  • Are the contractors working in a safe manner, barriers erected where required?

  • 4.2.4 - Induction understood

  • Ask three questions from the induction - has the induction been read, signed and understood?

  • 4.2.5 - Are RAMS available within the folder and checked by the BIL Safety Team

  • 4.2.6 - RAMS match activities undertaken

  • Are RAMS detailed and match the task, have the RAMS been signed?

  • 4.2.7 - CoSHH

  • If substances are being used, does the contractor hold the materials safety data sheet, are they being used safely?

  • 4.2.8 - PPE

  • Is the correct PPE available and being worn correctly?

4.3 - Sub Contractor 3

  • 4.3.1 - Name of contractor and activities

  • 4.3.2 - Induction Records for operatives available and correct

  • 4.3.3 - Activities conducted safely

  • Are the contractors working in a safe manner, barriers erected where required?

  • 4.3.4 - Induction understood

  • Ask three questions from the induction - has the induction been read, signed and understood?

  • 4.3.5 - RAMS available within the folder and checked by the BIL Safety Team

  • 4.3.6 - RAMS match activities undertaken

  • Are RAMS detailed and match the task, have the RAMS been signed?

  • 4.3.7 - CoSHH

  • If substances are being used, does the contractor hold the materials safety data sheet, are they being used safely?

  • 4.3.8 - PPE

  • Is the correct PPE available and being worn correctly?

5. - Folder 1 - Compliance

5.1 - Construction Phase Plan & Client/PD Approval

  • CPP available within the folder

  • Current version - site contacts correct

5.2 - Pre-Construction Information Pack

  • Is the Pre-Construction Information Pack available on site

5.3 - F10

  • Is the F10 available on site (over 500 person days / 30 days with 20 contractors)

5.4 - Asbestos Report

  • Is there an asbestos report on site - has the information been been shared and understood on site?

  • Has the Asbestos Report been reviewed and signed by the Site Manager

5.5 - Temporary Works Documents

  • Has the acceptance of roles been signed and ticked

  • Have all temporary works been logged and categorised correctly

  • Are temporary works designs available where needed

  • Have the appropriate checks been completed on the temporary works (daily / weekly as required)

5.6 - Fire Risk Assessment

  • Initially completed

  • Reviewed and date (when changes to the site are made or within 2 weeks of site starting)

  • Have the Fire Weekly Checklists been completed

5.7 - Environmental

  • Aspects and Impacts Register available

  • Environmental Risk Assessment available

  • ISO 14001 Certificate available and displayed

5.8 - Policies

  • Health and Safety Policy available in date and displayed

  • Environmental Management Policy available and in date and displayed

  • Sustainability Policy available and in date

5.9 - Competence Records

  • QR Codes Working Correctly

5.10 - BIL & Visitors RAMS

  • QR Codes Working Correctly

  • RAMS signed by Site Manager

  • RAMS signed by BIL operatives

  • RAMS signed by all site visitors (checked against signing in sheet and induction records)

6. - Site File Documentation

  • 6.1 - Is the site diary completed, is relevant information being recorded

  • Has the site diary been completed in enough depth to enable a hand over if required

  • 6.2 - Daily Health and Safety Checklist

  • Checks - Have the Daily H&S checks been completed and are the Checklists up to date? Have any issues been closed out?

  • 6.3 - Tool Box Talks

  • Checks - Have TBTs been completed each week? Are these relevant to the work activities?

  • 6.4 - SHE Alert

  • Checks - have any issued SHE Alerts been delivered and signed?

  • 6.5 - Client Specific SHE Requirements

  • Checks - a copy of any Specific Requirements are maintained on site.

  • 6.6 - Accident & Near Miss Reporting

  • Checks - Are blank copies of accident and near miss forms available on site? If any accidents / near misses have occurred, have these been recorded and reported to Head Office?

  • 6.7 - Risk Assessments & Method Statements

  • Have the BIL rams been signed by the site manager and operatives - have the site visitor rams been utilised?

  • 6.8 - COSHH Assessments

  • Checks - Obtain a sample of substances on site and cross check to ensure relevant COSHH assessments are available

  • 6.9 - Permits to Work

  • 6.9.1 - Permits to Work - Hot Work

  • 6.9.2 - Permits to Work - Electrical Work

  • 6.9.3 - Permits to Work - Other Permits

7. - Signing In / Out, Inductions, Competency and Training

  • 7.1 - Signing In and Out

  • Are people signing in and out on the signing in sheets?

  • 7.2 - Induction Information

  • Checks - Is the information provided at induction suitable and sufficient - is flip chart available?

  • 7.3 - Induction Procedure - Site Manager

  • Checks - has the Site Manager received an induction and completed the appropriate records?

8. - External Boundary (Security, Access and Signage)

  • 8.1 - Site Appearance

  • What are the initial impressions of the site, is it clean and tidy? does it represent the values of BIL?

  • 8.2 - Materials

  • Checks - Are all materials, including waste, stored within the site boundary and segregated from the public?

  • 8.3 - External Signage (Construction Site)

  • Checks - Is all relevant construction site signage displayed at the entrance points (e.g. Construction Site Keep Out, PPE requirements, hazards warnings)

  • 8.4 - External Signage (Company Information)

  • Checks - Is the company contact information sign displayed? Does this contain the correct information (e.g. Site Manager details)

  • 8.5 - External Signage (Fire Point)

  • Checks - Has a fire assembly point been established with signage displayed? Where this is shared (e.g. Under general arrangements within a shopping centre) is this included as part of the induction?

  • 8.5 - Site Compound - is the Heras fence built to standard, weighted correctly and double clipped.

9. - Health and Safety Display and Statutory Notices

  • 9.1 - Health and Safety Display Area

  • Checks - Has a H&S display area / board / stand been established for the project?

  • 9.2 - HSE Health and Safety Law poster displayed?

  • The Health & Safety Information for Employees Regulations 1989 require the poster to be displayed. Check - Is correct contact information included on the poster?

  • 9.3 - Site Rules displayed?

  • 9.4 - Up to date Insurance Certificate displayed?

  • 9.5 - Copy of the F10 displayed?

  • 9.6 - Details of First Aiders displayed?

  • 9.7 - Emergency - Fire Plan displayed?

  • 9.8 - Emergency - Hospital Route displayed?

  • 9.9 - Property asbestos status is clearly identifiable?

  • Check - Either a residual asbestos plan is displayed or alternatively if no asbestos present this is identified in a clearly identifiable format.

  • 9.10 - Traffic Management Plan displayed?

  • 9.11 - Daily Activity Board (DAB)

  • Check - is board displayed and todays daily activities completed?

  • 9.12 - Spill Kit and appropriate guidance provided?

  • 9.13 - Where applicable bi-lingual site signage provided?

10. - Welfare

  • 10.1 - Toilet and Hand Washing Facilities

  • Guidance - Men only 1-15 persons = 1 toilet, 1 urinal, 1 wash basin. 16-30 persons = 2 toilets, 2 urinals, 2 washbasins.
    Mixed use (male and female) 1-5 persons = 1 toilet, 1 wash basin. 6-25 persons = 2 toilets, 2 washbasins. 26-50 persons = 3 toilets, 3 washbasins

  • 10.2 - Canteen and Respite Area

  • Checks - Has an area / location been set up that is away from work activities for the preparation of food and for rest? Have tables and suitable chairs been provided?

  • 10.3 - Hot and Cold water available

  • 10.4 - Drinking water available

  • 10.5 - Means of heating water and food

  • 10.6 - Heating in Welfare Areas and Toilets

  • 10.7 - Welfare Consumables

  • Checks - Are there adequate stocks of paper towels, toilet rolls, hand wash, hand cleanser, sanitiser, cutlery, cups etc?

  • 10.8 - Cleanliness and Respect

  • Checks - Are toilets and welfare areas being kept clean / adequately cleaned and being respected by those that use them?

  • 10.9 - External Welfare Arrangements

  • Checks - Where external facilities have to be used (e.g. Within a shopping centre, local cafes etc), can it be demonstrated that all reasonably practicable steps have been taken and that reasons for this decision can be justified (e.g. Space restrictions, local authority restrictions etc)?

  • 10.10 - Smoking Area

  • Checks - suitable provision made for smoking / vaping away from the project entrance and out of view of the public. Is a suitable fire extinguisher available at the smoking area.

  • 10.11 - Welfare Posters

  • Is the site laminate pack available - have the welfare posters been displayed (mental health awareness etc)

11. - Site Set Up, Management and Housekeeping

  • 11.1 - Fire Alarm

  • Are fire points set up at exits and other relevant locations? Are the fire alarms linked?

  • 11.2 - First Aid

  • Checks - Are first aid arrangements suitable (e.g. Correct size kits, suitable for activities, ample stocks)

  • 11.3 - Bulk Material Storage

  • Checks - Are materials and equipment being stored and stacked as to not pose a hazard?

  • 11.4 - Gas / Flammable Storage

  • Checks - are appropriate cages / containers in use?

  • 11.5 - Slips, Trips and Falls inc. Cable Management

  • Checks - Are work areas free from debris and materials. Are cables being ran at high level or managed to prevent trip hazards? Are holes, chasing routes, raised services etc covered?

  • 11.6 - Lighting

  • Checks - Is lighting adequate in all areas? Is any temporary lighting positioned as to not pose a hazard (e.g. In restricted walking routes, at a position that blinds operatives)?

  • 11.7 - House Keeping

  • Checks - Is the site tidy? Are operatives tidying up after themselves? Is waste being regularly cleaned up and removed from the work area?

  • 11.8 - Good Neighbour letter issued

12. - Site Hazards - Mobile Plant

  • 12.1 - Is the plant register complete and up to date

  • Check 3 pieces of mobile plant on the register to ensure that details have been recorded correctly and match the thorough examination certificates

  • 12.2 - Does the operator have the correct license for operating the equipment?

  • Is the operator IPAF trained, is there a certificate available within his training and induction records (does it match with the pre-use checks sheet name)

  • 12.3 - "Thorough Examination" certificates

  • Checks - Sample check 3 items of plant on site where possible, certificates should be present and up to date

  • 12.4 - Daily / Pre-start checks

  • Checks - Sample check 3 items of plant on site where possible, pre start checks should be completed and recorded. Has the site manager performed a check once a week on the record sheet.

  • 12.5 - Plant Operations and Movements

  • Checks - Are MEWPs being used on firm, flat and stable ground? Are plant operators wearing seat belts where required? Are boom / cherry picker operators clipped on? Are plant movements made without risk to others? Are all beacons / warning lights / anti roll protection in good condition and working?

  • 12.6 - Rescue Plan

  • Checks - Is a rescue plan in place where required and is this suitable? Has the rescue plan been tested?

13. - Site Hazards - Working at Height

  • 13.1 - Edge Protection, Fall Protection and Fall Arrest

  • Checks - There should not be any areas where people can fall unprotected. Handrails should be in place on scaffold / towers, on roof edges where possible. Temporary handrails should be fitted on mezzanine floors. Where the risk of falling still remains, fall prevention systems (man safe) are preferred over fall protection (lanyards and nets).

  • 13.2 - Fragile Roofs and Surfaces (Permit to Work)

  • Checks - Are fragile roofs / surfaces barriered off or covered / protected. Is access limited by a permit to work?

  • 13.3 - Mobile towers

  • Checks - Has the person who erected the tower got an up to date PASMA card? Are the towers on firm, stable ground? Have all 4 brakes been applied? Are toe boards in place where required? No components should be removed to accommodate work (e.g. Handrails / mid handrails). Hooks on handrails / bracing fully clipped into place.

  • 13.4 - Alternatives to Ladders

  • Checks - Are alternatives to ladders (e.g. Podiums) in use where possible?

  • 13.5 - Ladders Use (Tags and Permits)

  • Checks - Have permits been issued for the use of ladders? Are these relevant to the activities and locations taking place? Do the permits match the tag numbers? Is the tag sign off date within 7 days?

  • 13.6 - Ladders (Type and Condition)

  • Checks - Are all ladders industrial class? Are they in good condition with no signs of damage?

14. - Site Hazards - Tools and Work Equipment

  • 14.1 - Tools and Equipment (Condition)

  • Checks - Sample check 3 pieces of equipment for condition?

  • 14.2 - Tools and Equipment (Use)

  • Checks - Are tools etc being used for tasks for which they were intended?

  • 14.3 - Portable Appliance Testing

  • Checks - Sample check 3 pieces of equipment. Where there are no stickers etc, ask the user to explain their process PAT to see if this is suitable. Provide advice where required.

15. - Site Hazards - Lifting Operations

  • 15.1 - Lifting Plan & Permit to Work

  • Checks - Is a lifting plan in place to cover the scope of the lifting activities? Has a lifting permit been issued?

  • 15.2 - Competent Supervision

  • Guidance - Each lift should have a named and competent lift supervisor, slinger and banskman.

  • 15.3 - External Hazards

  • Checks - Have overhead lines and services been identified? Have underground services been identified? Has the ground stability been checked?

  • 15.4 - Lifting Equipment (Certificates)

  • Checks - Has all the lifting equipment got evidence of thorough examinations? This should include the lifting plant, all lifting accessories and components1

16. - Site Hazards - Excavations and Breaking the Ground

  • 16.1 - Permit to Dig

  • Checks - Has a permit to dig been completed and all relevant controls been implemented? As a minimum, there should be RAMS for the activity and the area CAT scanned for services.

  • 16.2 - Cable Avoidance Tool (CAT scanner) Training

  • Checks - Operator should have formal training for the equipment being used

  • 16.3 - Cable Avoidance Tool (CAT scanner) Calibration

  • Guidance - calibration should not be more than 12 months old

  • 16.4 - Excavation (Protection)

  • Checks - Is edge protection in place where required? Has the excavation / openings been covered?

17. - Site Hazards - Occupational Health

  • 17.1 - Dust Controls

  • Checks - Is suppression and extraction being used and is it effective? Are all extractors M or H Class? Is dry sweeping "banned"?

  • 17.2 - Face Fit Testing

  • Checks - Sample check 3 operatives where applicable. Are there face fit certificates for all persons wearing dust masks?

  • 17.3 - Hand Arm Vibration

  • Checks - Are controls detailed in RAMS being implemented and are they adequate?

  • 17.4 - Noise

  • Checks - Are controls detailed in RAMS being implemented and are they adequate? Are controls in place for anyone else affected by the noise (e.g. Other contractors in the vicinity)?

  • 17.5 - Manual Handling

  • Checks - Is manual handling minimised and lifting aids etc available on site? Are correct manual handling techniques being used?

  • 17.6 - Ventilation

  • Checks - If fumes are being created, are ventilation controls detailed in RAMS being implemented and are they adequate?

18. - Site Hazards - Temporary Works

  • 18.1 - Temporary Works Documents

  • Checks - Has the Temporary Works Appointment letter been completed and duties assigned? Is the Temporary Works Register up to date? Are Temporary Works weekly checks being completed and recorded

  • 18.2 - Designs

  • Checks - Are copies / drawings for designed temporary works on site? Are any required manufacturers instructions on site?

  • 18.3 - Perimeter Fencing / Hoarding

  • Checks - Has any perimeter fencing / hoarding been erected as per the design / manufacturers instructions?

  • 18.4 - Scaffold

  • Checks - Has the scaffold been erected as per the design / standard arrangements (TG20)? Has a hand over certificate been obtained? Are scaff tags displayed and up to date?

  • 18.5 - Inspections and Checks

  • Checks - Are formal checks of temporary works undertaken and recorded? (e.g. Scaff tags, daily inspection records, hoarding register)

19. - PPE

  • 19.1 - PPE (Compliance)

  • Checks - Is relevant PPE being worn, minimum hard hat, foot protection, hi vis. Check for any additional Client requirements (e.g. Gloves, eye protection).

  • 19.2 - PPE (Condition)

20. - Environmental Management & Waste Control

  • 20.1 - Site Waste Management Plan

  • Is the site waste management plan in place and completed

  • 20.2 - Is Waste segregated, stored within the site boundary, segregated from the public, protected from arson

  • 20.3 - Is segregation in place?

  • Different types of waste should be segregated into different skips to prevent cross contamination (p[lasterboard / general waste)

  • 20.4 - Storage of Materials

  • Does the storage of materials cause any environmental concern

  • 20.5 - Any nuisance issues (environment or local populous)

  • Light, noise, odours, traffic, waste etc

  • 20.6 - Is a copy of the Waste Brokers licence on site?

  • Waste (England & Wales) Regulations 2011. Check date and expiry (Valid for 3 years) Verify certification @

  • 20.7 - Is a copy of the Waste Carriers licence on site

  • Waste (England & Wales) Regulations 2011. Check date and expiry (Valid for 3 years) Verify certification @

  • 20.8 - Are Waste Transfer Notes available on site?

  • 20.9 - Do the Waste Transfer Notes identify EWC Code, SIC Code and Waste Hierarchy?

  • 20.10 - Is a copy of the Environment Site Permit available?

  • Waste (England & Wales) Regulations 2011. Check date and expiry (Valid for 3 years) Verify certification @

  • 20.11 - Environmental monitoring and measuring

  • Has any environmental monitoring been undertaken (noise / waste / air quality)

  • 20.12 - Positive Environmental Impacts

  • Has the site completed any positive environmental impact

  • 20.13 - Environmental emergency response materials available

  • Is the relevant spill kit or other emergency response kit available?

  • 20.14 - Is there any identification on disturbance of wildlife habitat

21. - Biological Health Hazards and Concerns

  • 21.1 - Have any operatives reported CoVID symptoms

  • 21.2 - Is there a Sharps Bin available on site (and sharps kit - gloves / bag etc)

  • 21.3 - Is there any evidence of Psittacosis (bird droppings)

  • 21.4 - Is there any lead based activities required (stripping old paint / working with lead products on roof's etc)

  • 21.5 - Is there any evidence of Rats or other Vermin that could lead to Leptospirosis (Weil's disease) from urine, blood or animal tissue

  • 21.6 - Is there anyone on site with any infectious diseases

22. - Complaints / Breaches

  • 22.1 - Confirm - NO complaints have been received?

  • 22.2 - Have any testimonials been received?

  • 22.3 - Confirm - there have been NO any legal breaches?

  • 22.4 - If the HSE have visited the site, have they provided a satisfactory report?

  • 22.5 - if the EHO has visited the site, have they provided a satisfactory report?

  • 22.6 - Disciplinary Procedures

  • Checks - Have any Yellow / Red cards been issued. If any have been issued have they been effectively dealt with and closed out?

23. Other Issues (Provide Details)

  • 23.1 - Other Issues (1)

  • 23.2 - Other Issues (2)

  • 23.3 - Other Issues (3)

  • 23.4 - Other Issues (4)

  • 23.5 - Other Issues (5)

  • 23.6 - Have any Client / Third Party audit findings been closed out?

  • Checks - What score was received? What if any failings were identified and have they been closed out?

  • Does the site provide any evidence of Best Practice / Innovation ?

  • General Comment / Feedback

  • Signature - Auditor

  • Signature - Site Manager.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.