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Are scales working and ensure nothing is on them (Take calibration)?
Are temperature sheets are up to date (take a picture of the current temp sheet and attach)?
Is the food safety manual up to date and in order?
Has everyone completed level 2/3 food safety and is all other training up to date?
Is there a separate area for raw preparation?
Are knives sharp, not blunt and stored on the racking?
Are the fridge/freezer clean and tidy, food stored accordingly and opened product labelled?
Ensure correct stock rotation for in date products.
Thoroughly check new product labels for any errors.
Are products segregated to mitigate cross contamination?
Has the store got correct cleaning equipment which has been ordered through stores and not self bought.
Has all jewellery been taken out, hair NEATLY tied up away from face and no nail polish?
Are staff using the correct colour tongs to mitigate the risk of cross contamination?
Are walls, floors, sides clean and free from damage?
How are the chemicals being stored?
Are staff property and staff breaks in the staff room and not in the prep area?
Is the health questionnaire for all staff up to date?
Is the sink area free from debris?
What is the staffs knowledge like on dilution rates and contact times for cleaning materials?
Have any quality issues been highlighted by shop staff?
Any other issues?
Pest Control (internal)
Any signs of pest ( droppings, urine staining, chew marks visible on any boxes or materials).
Insect light traps/pheromone traps are correctly placed and operational
Are all the boxes/traps placed correctly?
Is there an accumulation of spilled food, liquid, or dust?
Do all food containers have lids?
Are all food products stored off the floor?
Are all interior garbage’s being emptied and removed from the facility daily?
Are there gaps, cracks or holes in or around the walls, doors or windows?
Is there food waste in undesignated areas?
Any other issues?
Pest Control (external)
Is there debris or garbage accumulation around outside of the building?
Are the doors or other openings to the outside of the building tightly fitted (no visible light showing through)?
Is there evidence of nesting (piles of dust, debris, insulation etc in quiet areas)?
Is there vegetation or mulch placed against or near the building?
Is there any evidences of people eating, smoking or disposing waste outside of the shop?
Any other issues?