
  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by/ Staff Number

  • Location

Admin details

  • Enter the ebasis number

  • Location

  • Stand No

  • Details of flight and aircraft registration? If applicable Any aircraft delay incurred? e.g. Unfit for service, delay

  • Department

  • Event Summary

On Arrival At the accident scene

  • Name of First Aider if attending

  • Have all the emergency services been contacted? E.g. HAL/Police/Fire Brigade/Ambulance (provide name/no. of attending officers)

  • Has the Departmental Shift Manager been informed?

  • Ensure accident scene remains undisturbed

  • Ensure all machines, engines or electrical equipment is switched off the emergency stop buttons if required.

  • Isolate all equipment and property in the vicinity and prevent its removal unless it is endangering life/aircraft.

Make Area Safe

  • Ensure hazardous substances are prevented from escaping in to drains, rivers, etc e.g. Sawdust at head of stand.

  • Ensure that the departmental Safety Representative had been notified to attend th scene.

Staff Involved

  • Stand down any staff involved to a safe area and ensure appropriate welfare arrangements are made.

  • If injured party requires attendance at A&E have they been accompanied? Is so by whom and which hospital have they been taken to?

Gather information/facts for investigation

  • Where and when did the incident occur? And what operation/task was being being performed at the time?

  • When did the emergency services arrive? Was first aid administered?

  • Have you collected details of all persons I involved including those of witnesses? Make arrangements to take/collect statements?

  • Ensure that assessment has been made for drug or alcohol tests to be conducted for staff involved refer SOP SM07

  • What injuries have occurred to staff, passengers, public or contractors? If incident involves staff or pax in the terminal have HAL been notified?

  • We're key personnel wearing PPE? And was it serviceable? Check condition of footwear, tabard, ear defenders etc.

  • Have you photographed the scene, equipment, and any property involved?

  • Add media

Environmental conditions at the time:

  • Lighting

  • Visibility

  • Weather

  • Road/Stand

  • Surface

  • Shadows

  • Contamination

  • Floor Surface

  • Fumes

What equipment or property has been damaged?

  • Make/Operator

  • Fleet/Eqpt No

  • Vehicle Reg

  • What is the extent of the damage?

  • Who was operating/driving the equipment? e.g. Names/staff number/department

  • Airside driving permit checked and valid?

  • We're there any passengers in the vehicles involved? If yes please provide names/staff number/department

  • Plant/property/equipment must be isolated and a serviceability examination requested?

  • If applicable what dangerous substances are involved? Name, nature and quantity.

  • If applicable, have any hazardous substances escaped into drains, rivers etc?

  • What actions have been taken to prevent a recurrence?

On return to office

  • If passengers involved inform the Press Office/Customer Relations.

  • SIRP manager (AOM) to request CCTV for incident site within first 4 hours of incident.

  • If a fire, electrical fault, building or structural incident has occurred, have Facilities been notified I.e fault reported? (Obtain job number)

  • If Radioactive material involved ensure Radiation Protection Advisor (RPA) is contacted immediately. RADAM Associates (24 hr hotline) 01625-576000. The Team Manager must inform the Corporate Safety Duty Manager.

  • In the event of vehicle/equipment/plant damage confirm completion of R138.

  • Has the incident been created in eBASIS? (Add number if known)

  • Was the staff member suspended from driving duties (if applicable) if not, why not?

  • Obtain reports from HAL/Police who attended? If not state possible reason.

  • What actions are HAL/Police taking? e.g. HAL remove driving permit/pass etc

  • Staff members training records checked for compliance?

  • Staff members working hours record? (10 previous days)

  • Time lost from work? (If known)

  • Relevant Standard Operating Procedure checked? Please provide reference number.

  • If contractors involved obtain copy of their report/ contacts?

  • Please email this checklist to LHR SIRP, LHR AOM, HCS Safety

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.