Client / Site
Site Code
Prepared by
Conducted on
Document No.
Desktop Checks
Outstanding RidleyTracks?
RidleyTrack #
RidleyTrack #
Outstanding Action #
Type of Action
Person responsible
Due date
Training completed during this visit?
Training Completed
- Holmen 100/200
- Vanillin
- Grain Intake
- Salmonella
- Fines testing
- Other
Enter Training completed
How many people are in the Training group?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Trainee Name
Trainee Name
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Trainee Name
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Trainee Name
Trainee Name
Trainee Name
Trainee Name
Trainee Name
Trainee Name
Trainee Name
Trainee Name
Trainee Name
Trainee Name
Competency Assessments completed during this visit?
Assessments Completed
- Holmen 100/200
- Vanillin
- Grain Intake
- Salmonella
- Fines testing
- Other
Enter Assessment carried out
How many people have been assessed?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Operators Name
Competent ?
Tea & Topics covered during this visit?
Topic covered
- Site Testing Schedule
- LMS Online Training
- The Importance of Cooling Pellets
- Including Mould Inhibitor (pkgd sites)
- Raw Material Receival Specifications
- Harvest Preparation
- Pest Control
- How Harvest is Progressing
- Preparing for Christmas & New Year
- Mock Recall/Traceability
- Site Hygiene
- Phosphine
- Checking Calibrations
- Grain coming out of storage
- FeedSafe Audits
- Site Cleaning - How do we do it better?
- Validating HACCP Plan CCP's
- Other
Enter Topic covered
How many people are in the Training group?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Trainee Name
Trainee Name
Trainee Name
Trainee Name
Trainee Name
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Trainee Name
Trainee Name
Trainee Name
Trainee Name
Trainee Name
Trainee Name
Trainee Name
Trainee Name
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Trainee Name
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Trainee Name
Trainee Name
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Trainee Name
Trainee Name
Trainee Name
Trainee Name
Trainee Name
Trainee Name
Trainee Name
Outstanding LMS Modules?
LMS Module
LMS Module
The following Employees have yet to successfully complete this Module
Employee Name
Any Ridley Alerts issued since last visit?
Ridley Alerts
Name of alert
Have all employees been signed off?
List employees here
Is/has the Alert been displayed effectively
Explain the reason for this.
Equipment Checks
Balance Checks?
- Grain Intake
- Premix
- S4 Area
- Bag Store
- Vanillin Lab
- Other
Enter Location
Provide photo of ID Plate.
Check Weight
- 20kg
- 10kg
- 5kg
- 2kg
- 500g
- 200g
- 100g
- Other
Enter Check Weight
If result is not within 2% of target weight (19.6kg - 20.4kg), scales must be removed from service and calibrated before further use.
If result is not within 2% of target weight (9.8kg - 10.2kg), scales must be removed from service and calibrated before further use.
If result is not within 2% of target weight (4.9 - 5.1kg), scales must be removed from service and calibrated before further use.
If result is not within 2% of target weight (1.96kg - 2.04kg), scales must be removed from service and calibrated before further use.
If result is not within 2% of target weight (490g - 510g), scales must be removed from service and calibrated before further use.
If result is not within 2% of target weight (196g - 204g), scales must be removed from service and calibrated before further use.
If result is not within 2% of target weight (98g - 102g), scales must be removed from service and calibrated before further use.
Record Result
Next External Calibration Due
Holmen 100 or 200
Clean completed
Add photo
Explain why not
Add photo
Ring check completed
Result Sample 1
Result Sample 2
Result Sample 3
Explain why not
Additional Comments:
Beta download
Clean completed
Add photo
Explain why not
Add photo
Ring check completed
Result Sample 1
Result Sample 2
Result Sample 3
Explain why not
Redundant Equipment removed from site
Equipment removed
Equipment Name
Reason for removal
Finished Feed Verification checks
Finished Feed Sample
Durability Recorded result %
Verified result %
Moisture Recorded result %
Verified result %
Fines Recorded result %
Verified result %
Raw Material Verification checks
Raw Material Sample
Density Recorded result
Verified result
Screenings Recorded result
Verified result
Weed seeds Recorded result
Verified result
Site Spot checks
Spot checks carried out during visit
Spot check
Enter Spot check
Reference Material
The following reference material must be displayed on-site
Quality Policy
Why is this not displayed
HACCP Certificate
Why is this not displayed
Poisons Licence
Why is this not displayed
APVMA Certificate
Why is this not displayed
Global Gap Certificate
Why is this not displayed
FeedSafe Certificate
Why is this not displayed
Why is this not displayed
Mill Acceptance Standards
Why is this not displayed
Other tasks
Other task completed during this visit
- Mock Recall
- Mixer CV
- S4 Storage Cleanliness
- Testing Schedule
- Internal Audit (FeedSafe)
- Other
Add comments:
Add comments:
Provide Photos
% complete
Sections completed
- 1, 2 +3
- 4, 5 +6
- 7, 8 +9
- 10, 11 +12
- 13, 14 +15
- 16 + 17
Identify Task
Actions arising from this visit
Assigned to
Date to be completed by
RidleyTrack #
Close out
Additional comments.
Next Internal FeedSafe Audit
- 1, 2 +3
- 4, 5 +6
- 7, 8 +9
- 10, 11 +12
- 13, 14 +15
- 16 + 17
Next Site Visit
Site Manager / Delegate
Regional Quality Manager