Title Page
Location of the site
Photo of site - Daytime
Who is responsible for the site? (Organisation or Persons)
Who is the named person responsible for maintenance of the site?
Prepared on
Prepared by
Supported by
Site Information
Site description
Who is commonly onsite? and in what numbers?
Focus of the Workplace Risk Assessment
What is the relationship that has led to this risk assessment being undertaken?
Goal of the Workplace Risk Assessment
Why is this workplace risk assessment needed?
What is the intended result, effect, or output of this workplace risk assessment?
Headline assessment
Is there a pre-existing risk assessment for the site available for inspection?
Is a site plan available with all Services marked?
Is there a record held of accidents, incidents & near misses for the site?
Is the site likely to have Asbestos containing materials?
Has an asbestos survey been undertaken?
Is the survey current?
In the notes please provide more details as to why one has not been completed
In the notes please detail why it is believed there are no ACM's onsite and where appropriate upload evidence
Is there a Fire Risk Assessment available?
Is the FRA current?
Please raise an action for the FRA to be updated ASAP and in the notes provide details of when the last FRA was completed
Raise an action for a FRA to be completed ASAP
Is there Mains Gas onsite?
Where is the main gas inlet
Is the Gas Shut off value easy accessible and clearly marked?
Is there an current Gas Safety Certificate?
Is there any Carbon Monoxide monitoring
Is there Electricity onsite?
Where is the electrical intake?
Where is the fuse board?
Is the fuse board secure?
Has a Fixed Electrical Inspection been carried out in the last 5yrs?
Is there Water onsite?
Where is the Water Intake?
Where is the isolation value inside the building
Is the valve easy to access?
Is the valve free turning?
Is there a legionella risk assessment?
Is the risk assessment current?
Are there any COSHH Substances onsite?
Where all COSHH substances controlled by a COSHH assessment
Where all COSHH substances stored in an appropriate manner?
Are Material Data Safety Sheets available?
Is there a program of site inspections to identify issues?
Is there evidence to support the site inspection program?
Are the documented procedures for the management of Foreseeable emergencies?
Please raise an action for a program of site inspections to be set up
H&S Law
Does the controlled of the site have a H&S policy?
Is there a H&S Law poster displayed?
Is there a site H&S board?
Are the relevant insurance policies displayed?
Is there a poster which details who to contact for First Aid?
Internal Hazards
Is the lighting sufficient internally throughout the site?
Is there a program of inspection to check emergency lighting?
All internal surfaces are in good condition
All ramps are of a safe gradient and have sufficient friction
Are all stairwells in good condition, with sufficient handrails
Are door closers used to control the speed / weight of door opening and closing?
Are finger guards in place to prevent finger traps on doors?
Are there any DSE users onsite
Have DSE assessments been completed for all eligible persons?
Fire Risk Monitoring
This section covers key aspects for Fire Safety, but does not replace the need for a detailed Fire Risk Assessment to be undertaken by a competent Fire Risk Assessor.
Is the Responsible person clearly identified?
Fire Extinguishers are present and within service date?
Fire Extinghishers are not blocked
The assembly point is clearly signed
All Evacuation routes lead to a place of ultimate safety
Fire Exits are freely accessible
Flammable / Combustible materials are stored correctly with an inventory available
Information is easily accessible to the Fire Brigade
Electrical Hazards
Extensions cords are not used as permanent wiring
Plugs are in good condition
Sockets are in good condition
Electrical safety inspections are carried out?
Commercial Kitchens
Is there a commercial kitchen onsite?
Is "Better food Better Business" available?
Is the "Better food Better Business" diary in use?
Are daily temperature checks being carried out?
Hygiene of Food Room and Equipment
Are food rooms and equipment in good condition and well maintained?
Are food rooms clean and tidy and do staff clean as they go including difficult areas?
Is equipment easy to clean and kept in a clean condition?
Are all food and hand contact surfaces e.g. work surfaces, fridge handles, probe thermometers, in good condition and cleaned?
Is probe thermometer disinfected regularly?
Are suitable approved cleaning chemicals available and stored correctly and are proper cleaning methods used?
Food storage
Are deliveries appropriately stored immediately?
Is ready-to-eat food stored above/separate from raw food in the fridges and freezers?
Is food in fridges/freezers covered?
Is high risk food check for date & stock rotated (FIFO)?
Are high risk foods date coded?
Are dried goods stored correctly e.g. in a suitable room, off the floor, in covered containers?
Is outer packaging removed from ready-to-eat food before being placed into a clean area?
Are freezers working properly?
Are fridges and freezers defrosted regularly?
Food handling practices
Do staff's wash hands frequently while handling ready to eat food?
Are ready-to-eat foods prepared in separate clean areas?
Are separate utensils and equipment used for ready-to-eat foods ?
Is wrapping and packaging used for ready-to-eat food kept in the clean area?
Do separate staff handle ready-to-eat food or are controls being followed to ensure staff change clothing and wash hands before handling ready-to-eat food?
Is separate ***complex equipment provided for ready-to-eat food and is it located in the clean area?
Are staff handling food as little as possible? (e.g. using tongs)
If colour coded equipment is provided (e.g. utensils, chopping boards), is it correctly used?
Are high risk foods prepared in small batches and placed in the fridge immediately after handling/preparation?
Is food cooled as quickly as possible away from raw food and other sources of contamination?
Are vegetables/fruit/salads/ trimmed and washed thoroughly before use unless labelled as ‘ready-to-eat’?
Are frozen foods defrosted safely?
Are controls in place to prevent contamination by chemicals/foreign bodies e.g. glass, packaging materials, bolts, rust, cleaning chemicals?
Are staff aware of food allergy hazards?
Are controls being followed to ensure staff wash hands after handing raw food and before touching surfaces?
Is a separate probe thermometer used for ready-to-eat foods and properly cleaned/disinfected before use?
External Hazards
External Hazards
Is there systems in place to prevent unauthorised access?
Is the lighting sufficient externally throughout the site?
Please upload photos from around the site after dark
Is external lighting controlled by a timer?
Are all external surfaces in a good condition
Walkways are free from trip hazards
Man hole covers are easily accessible and are in good condition
All ramps are of a safe gradient and have sufficient friction
Are all stairwells in a good condition with sufficient handrails
Are there any fragile roofs onsite?
Are the warning signs clearly displayed warning of fragile roofs?
Please raise an action for signage to be displayed warning of fragile roof
Are there any areas of the site that are derelict or hidden away?
Is there a Ice & Snow plan for the site
Rubbish is stored away from the building?
Is there any concern with vermin onsite?
Are there any trees onsite?
When was the last tree survey undertaken?
Is there an active management plan for trees onsite to ensure they do not encroach on or cause risk to roads, paths and buildings?
Are there any ponds?
Is there adequate protection to stop Children & Adults falling into them?
Are there any Swimming Pools?
The pool has measures to protect people from falling into the pool
The pool has proper signage
The pool has lifeguarding arrangements in place suitable to the use of the pool
There is access to summon emergency assistance to the pool
All chemicals are stored securly
The chemical balance of the pool is tested regularly and there is a written schedule
Stairs and ladders are in good condition
Water depths are clearly marked
Water system is protected against backflow
Water recirculation and filtration is adequate
Other Risks
To begin the workplace risk assessment, select the "+" icon next to Hazard:
Description of hazard / concern
Photo of the hazard (optional)
How may the hazard be realised and what are the potential outcomes
Who or What might be harmed?
Risk likelihood
Risk consequences
Use this risk matrix to identify the risk level:
Risk level
Hazard causing risk can be eliminated?
Are you already doing something to control this risk (existing risk control measure)?
Develop a risk control measure targeting this risk & add actions
What control measures are required
Briefly describe the existing control measure:
Further action needed to control the risk?
Select the "Action" icon to create an action, assign it to someone, and set a due date.
Eliminate the hazard causing the risk.
Are you already doing something to control this risk (existing risk control measure)?
Briefly describe the existing control measure:
Further action needed to control the risk?
Select the "Action" icon to create an action, assign it to someone, and set a due date.
Further action needed to control the risk?
Select the "Action" icon to create an action, assign it to someone, and set a due date.
Monitoring of this risk is in place?
Any additional comments
To ADD another hazard to the workplace risk assessment, select the "+" icon next to Hazard.
To END the workplace risk assessment, select the "Next Page >" button at the bottom right.
Other Hazards
Are pedestrians and vehicles separated?
Is there any Gas stored onsite?
What risk control measures have you developed?
Has the hierarchy of controls been applied to all hazards effectively
Where PPE has been suggested as a control measure has the RA detailed the exact specification requirement
How will you monitor the effectiveness of these risk control measures?
How often will you review this workplace risk assessment?
- Every 2 weeks
- Every month
- Every 3 months
- Every 6 months
- Every year
- Every 15 months
The HSE recommends reviewing workplace risk assessments at least annually.
Responsible persons
Name of Responsible person
Name Person completing the Risk Assessment
This risk assessment has been undertaken to provide information to those responsible for the management of the site named. Attention is drawn to a number of key pieces of H&S legislation;
Health & Safety at work act etc. 1974 & its associated regulations
Management of HSW regulations
Occupiers Liability Acts
This list is not exhaustive and others may apply. -
Auditor biography