Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Site Inspection
Project / Site Name
Supervisor / Foreman at time of this inspection
Site Safety Inspection
First Aid Facilities
Are first aid facilities to be inspected in this audit?
Are first aid cabinets and contents clean and orderly?
No first aid contents past their expiry date?
First aid cabinets clearly labelled?
Is there easy access to first aid cabinets?
Employees aware of location of first aid cabinet?
Are first aid officers known to workers and accessible?
Are emergency numbers displayed?
Fire Prevention & Emergency
Are fire and emergency procedures to be inspected in this audit?
Evacuation plan displayed and understood by all employees?
Exits clear of obstructions?
Adequate direction notices for fire exits?
Extinguishers in place, clearly marked for type of fire?
Extinguishers clear of obstructions?
Fire alarm system functioning correctly?
Site Security
Is site security to be inspected in this audit?
Are site entry and exit points clearly designated?
Is clear signage requiring visitors to check in posted?
Is site perimeter fenced off appropriately with required site public signage posted?
Are all entries and exits closed and locked at night and during weekends?
If applicable, are site alarm systems functioning as expected?
If applicable, are site security procedures (guard patrols, security checks etc) undertaken as required and reviewed regularly?
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Is Personal Protective Equipment to be inspected in this audit?
Is head protection worn correctly?
Is eye protection worn where required?
Are the correct forms of eye protection worn for tasks being completed?
Is hearing protection worn in designated areas?
Are the correct forms of hand protection worn for manual tasks
Is respiratory protection worn where dust, mist or fumes are present?
Are safety boots being worn and in a good condition?<br>
Are high-vis vests or clothing worn at all times?
Are safety harnesses appropriately worn at height?<br>
Is additional PPE used where required?
Are staff aware of correct PPE for tasks they are trained to perform?
Is site housekeeping to be inspected in this audit?
Waste & Rubbish
Waste and rubbish control to be inspected in this audit?
Are bins and skips located at suitable points around site?
Is site generally orderly, with rubbish or waste materials disposed of correctly?
Are bins and skips emptied regularly?
Trip and Fall Safety
Trip and fall safety to be inspected in this audit?
Do site areas have adequate lighting?
Are floor surfaces even and uncluttered?
Are entry and walkways kept clear?
Are walkways adequately and clearly marked?
Are stairs and risers kept clear?
Are barriers in good condition?
Are footpaths in good condition?
Are appropriate measures in place to prevent falls? ie. barriers (preferred) or harnesses?
Is all fall protection equipment visually inspected prior to use?
Is all work at height or within 2m of an edge being done safely?
Are personnel below protected from falling materials (i.e. tools, fixings, etc.)?
Is there proper scaffolding in place?
Scaffolds to be inspected in this audit?
Are scaffolds constructed and erected by qualified and trained personnel?
Have all scaffold plans been submitted and approved?
Are scaffolds accessible and clear of unstable objects and trip hazards?
Is scaffold adequately secured to building (or appropriately secured by an alternative method)?
Are guard rails and toe boards installed on all scaffolds?
Are scaffold footings and anchorages designed to support the maximum intended load without settling or displacement?
Are scaffolds generally safe and orderly?
Are scaffolds being regularly inspected?
Are Scafftags clearly displayed and in date?
Hand and Power Tools
Hand and power tools to be inspected in this audit?
Are all power tools in good condition?
Are defective pieces of equipment and tools red tagged and removed from service?
Are tools stored correctly and in the right place when not in use?
Are employees using the proper tool for the task they are performing?
Are hand tools manufactured to standard?
General Machinery, Plants and Equipment
General Machinery, Plants and Equipment to be inspected in this audit?
Have risk assessments been completed for machinery where appropriate?
Are maintenance schedules in place for machines?
Are relevant pre-start inspections being completed on machinery, equipment and plant?
Is the plant seen to be clean and defect free?
Are emergency stops fitted on all machinery, equipment and plant?
Are drip pans used for refuelling?
Are spill kits available?
Is there sufficient room to use all plant and machinery safely?
Are all machine, equipment and plant operators trained and inducted to be competent in the safe and correct operation of the equipment?
Is this training recorded?
Do operators comply with the training?
Ladders to be inspected in this audit?
Are ladder permits in place?
Are all ladders Industrial strength? (Non Household rated, check label.)
Are ladders in good condition?
Are ladders being used according to instructions?
For extension ladders: are ropes, pulleys and treads in a good state of repair?
Confined Spaces
Confined spaces safety to be inspected this audit?
Do all applicable confined space works have adequate permits granted and documented?
Is a confined space emergency plan in place?
Are confined spaces being continually monitored?
Are all workers undertaking confined space works trained in confined space entry and activities?
Incident, Injury & Accident Procedures
Incident, Injury & Accident Procedures to be inspected this audit?
Are Incident, Accident, Near Miss and Injury procedures in place?
Are adequate reporting forms for for these events in place?
Are all incidents investigated?
Are Corrective Actions then implemented?
Safety Netting
Are all nets in a visually good condition?
Do all nets carry an in date test tag?
Do all nets have a unique ID?
Does the netting have any visual repairs?
Has all the netting been installed as close as is reasonably practicable to the underside of the working platform?
Are all gaps between the netting and the structure less than 100mm?
Are the attachment points set at less than 2.5m centres for Rope ties, 1.8m for Grippas and 1.5m - 2m for Net Claws?
Does the net sag between 5-10%?
Are all overlaps greater than 2m or if under 2m laced together along both sides of the net?
Have 8mm lacing ropes or 12mm rope ties been used for the lacing passing through every other mesh as a minimum?
Are all knots correctly tied?
Are all nets attached to the structure / Attachment device correctly?
Is the excess net correctly gathered / Under rolled correctly where required?
At the time of handover is there at least 3m clear beneath the safety netting and above any materials or objects?
Are all completed areas covered by an in date handover certificate.
Edge Protection Handrail
Is the Edge Protection erected to a design drawing with calculations?
Does the Edge protection have an in date scafftag displayed at the access point?
Does the Edge protection meet the minimum height requirement of 950mm before and after the roof covering is installed?
Is the Edge protection attached to the structure at structural steel locations?
Are all support points set at 3m or less?
Are the correct couplers used in the correct locations?
Are all fittings checked tight and secure?
If nets are attached to the Edge protection is it designed to take a minimum 6kN load at 45 degrees to the vertical?
Is the spacing between horizontal rails less than 470mm or covered by a safety net?
Does the edge protected area have an access point?
Access Tower
Does the tower have an in date scafftag displayed at the ground access point?
Is the tower protected from vehicle strike or cordoned off with appropriate barriers?
Is there excessive movement of the tower when a force is applied?
Is the tower erected on a solid base away from any excavations?
Are all base boards used level and in full contact with the ground?
Are adjustable feet used where the level varies?
Are all locating lugs fully installed into their sockets?
Are all locating/retaining pins installed where required?
Are structural ties to the structure in place at a maximum 4m intervals to the full height of the tower?
Do all vertical and horizontal sections appear to be level?
Are all guardrails in place to the full height of the tower?
Is the top platform level with the step off point onto the structure?
General comments
Please add any further comments or recommendations arising from this inspection?
Add any additional relevant photos
Have all priority actions been notified on site?
Sign Off
Name & Signature of Inspector
Name & Signature of Site Supervisor / Foreman