
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • The weighting of each question is based on what the consequences will be. Each question is weighted as follows: 4 = Good = No further action required, if criteria not met 0 = Not Acceptable/high Risk to health and equipment, if criteria not met (risk is to safety, environment, equipment, $ and prosecution). RATING: Not Acceptable = High Risk, Potential for an incident occurring. Major Non-Conformance to criteria - Immediate action required Needs Improvement = Medium Risk, General non-compliance with legislation/policies/procedures. Corrective action required within 48 hours Fair = Low Risk, Substantial compliance, however room for improvement. Minor issues noted - corrective action required within 5 days Good: Satisfies legal and company requirements, no further action required. Criterion Not Applicable = 0 (4 points will be removed from the total score required)

Entry to Site

  • Any outstanding items from the last inspection?

  • Site fenced off, secure from public access

  • Appropriate Bldg.Eng Signage displayed at site entry e.g. Principal Contractor - Building Surveyor Sign?

  • Location of Site Office visible from the site entrance or directions provided (are signs visible)

  • Principal Contractor Representation on site?

Public Safety

  • There is appropriate separation between site traffic, work areas, public pedestrians, employees and appropriated signage and barricading in place?

  • Overhead protection provided e.g. gantry, scaffolding, screens, to protect the public where the project requires working on site boundaries?

  • Footpaths outside the site boundary are safe and kept clear from slip/trip hazards?

  • Skip Bins outside the site boundary are barricaded and fitted with warning lights (when on the road) signs in place?

  • Loading/unloading outside the site defined, signs in place and made safe?


  • Toilet facilities adequate, regularly cleaned (in good sanitary condition)

  • Amenities are adequate and regularly cleaned? (In good sanitary condition)

  • Electrical appliances tested and tagged and in date?

  • Cool clean drinking water available

Site Office Documentation

  • All employees are inducted onto site and signed onto relevant SWMS, Sight 3 current contractors documentation to confirm (The 3 Contractors SWMS are to be used for the Site Task Observation)

  • All employees have Red/white cards - Sight 3

  • Site employees hold appropriate Licenses, certificates and competencies for the work being carried out?

  • Weekly Site Safety Inspections (Safety Walk) being completed, relevant Corrective Actions raised and closed out in a timely manner?

  • Weekly Toolbox Meetings being held with all site employees, items raised closed out in a timely manner? <br>(Check items found in the Safety Walk included in Toolbox Meeting where applicable)

  • Has the risk register been reviewed in the past month?

  • Any Confined Space activity being undertaken on site?

Relevant Permits

  • Hot works permit in place? (where applicable)

  • Roof Access Permit?

  • Excavation permit?

Plant Documentation

  • List mobile plant on site ( check plant register being completed)

  • Plant risk assessments and SWMS available signed by<br>relevant employees?

  • Consultation (Toolbox Meeting) with relevant site employees for High Risk Plant operations on the site documented eg prior to concrete pours/crane lifts?

Hazardous Substances / Dangerous Goods Documentation

  • Is there a SDS Register being maintained

  • Current Material Safety Data Sheets available (less than 5 years old) for all HS/DG on site


  • Certificates of Electrical Safety provided by electrician?

Working at Height Documentation

  • Scaffolders hold appropriate qualifications for Scaffolds/Access Towers constructed 4m or above i.e. Certificate of Competency or High Risk Work License within 5 years expiry?

  • Handover certificates provided for Perimeter Guardrails, Scaffolds and Scaffold Access Towers over 4m in Height

Emergency and First Aid

  • Is there a sign highlighting the emergency assembly point(s)?

  • Emergency alarm in place and tested

  • Emergency evacuation drills conducted? Date of last drill

  • Emergency Exits highlighted and clear from obstructions?

  • Are Trained Emergency Warden and First Aiders appointed?

  • Are Emergency and First Aid personnel contact details displayed in prominent areas e.g. Near First Aid Kits, on the Noticeboard?

  • First Aid signage available

  • Has the first aid kit been checked? (Note Date of last check)

  • All stock within expiry and cabinet kept clean?

  • Register of injuries being maintained

Task Observation (Take 3 SWMS onto the site construction area and verify the contractor has signed the SWMS and are complying with the control measures identified)

Contractor 1 (Ensure Company Name is Documented)

  • Record the workers name, company name and the Task being performed

  • Is the work being performed in compliance with the Risk Controls identified on the SWMS?

  • Specific PPE being worn for tasks in line with SWMS e.g. eye/ear protection, gloves, masks

  • Manual handling has been Risk Assessed (observe employees/contractors are working in line with SWMS)

  • Has the SWMS been reviewed? If no SWMS review state reason:

Contractor 2 (Ensure Company Name is Documented)

  • Record the workers name, company name and the Task being performed

  • Is the work being performed in compliance with the Risk Controls identified on the SWMS?

  • Specific PPE being worn for tasks in line with SWMS e.g. eye/ear protection, gloves, masks

  • Manual handling has been Risk Assessed (observe employees/contractors are working in line with SWMS)

  • Has the SWMS been reviewed? If no SWMS review state reason:

Contractor 3 (Ensure Company Name is Documented)

  • Record the workers name, company name and the Task being performed

  • Is the work being performed in compliance with the Risk Controls identified on the SWMS?

  • Specific PPE being worn for tasks in line with SWMS e.g. eye/ear protection, gloves, masks

  • Manual handling has been Risk Assessed (observe employees/contractors are working in line with SWMS)

  • Has the SWMS been reviewed? If no SWMS review state reason:

Site Inspection

  • Is there clear access from the work area to amenities

Fire control

  • Appropriate fire fighting equipment in place, tested every 6 months (check tags)

  • Signs visible

  • Firefighting equipment within 30m of work areas? (check not within 2m of temp power boards)


  • Has adequate barricading and identified walkways been established, is clear path of access to and around the site maintained and Slip, trip, fall hazards identified or controlled? Leads through isolated slot, suspended off the ground on lead stands or insulated hooks? (not causing tripping hazards or risk of contact with plant)

  • Sharp edges capped or covered?

  • Penetrations covered and identified/highlighted?

  • Adequate lighting in work areas?

  • Site generally kept tidy with rubbish removed regularly?

  • Are materials stored safely, Is there a risk of stored materials falling, tipping, collapsing or creating a tripping hazard?

  • Other Observations


  • Adequate exclusion zones in place around mobile plant and is there appropriate signage in place?

  • No one working near or directly under suspended loads?

  • Daily Pre start safety checks completed (check log book)

  • Warning and instructions clearly displayed on plant?

  • All safety features on the plant operating i.e. Beepers, Flashing Light

  • Traffic management plan in place - Controls comply with Traffic Management Plan? (where applicable)

  • Other Observations

Trenching and Excavation

  • Appropriate signs in place? e.g. "Danger Deep Excavation"

  • Location of services highlighted

  • Trenches / Pits greater that 1.5m deep shored, benched or battered back

  • Excavations and uneven or unstable ground visibly identified e.g. mesh or barricading in place

  • Spoil placed at least 500mm from the edge of the trench?

  • Non related plant not working closer that 1m to the edge of any open excavation, trench or batter?

  • Pile guards or covers are used when pile hole depth > 1.5m

  • Exclusion zones in place for piling - spotter and barricading in place?

  • Other Observations

Plant - Cranes - Elevated Work Platforms - Concrete Booms

  • Outriggers positioned on stable ground, underground services identified, not positioned over recent excavation or storm water drains?

  • Power line NO GO ZONES being complied with (3m either side or below and nowhere above)<br>Spotter Zone (6.4-3m either side and 3m below)

  • Electrical spotter has appropriate qualification (if required)

  • Are Safe Working Loads (SWL) displayed and readable

  • Dogman has appropriate qualification (if required)

  • Lifting gear capacity displayed, tagged and up to date?

  • Is the Boom operator using a harness? (Hooked onto anchor point) has the harness been checked for damage and is less than 10 years old?

  • Other Observations


  • All tools and leads in good condition test and tagging every 3 months <br>

  • All safety guards in place and operating?

  • Stop start emergency controls in place (where applicable)

  • General condition of equipment / Other Observations


  • Appropriate signage in place, high voltage power and construction wiring highlighted and consulted to all employees

  • Earth leakage protection RCD in place on temp power boards, tested and tagged monthly

  • Temp power boards fixed in position, 1m clearance in front of board

  • Leads through isolated slot and suspended off the ground (not causing tripping hazards or risk of contact with plant)

  • Are the Lockable sections for RCDs & Circuit Breakers locked?

  • Leads not exceeding 30m and not being piggy backed?

  • Are Portable RCD boxes being used tested and tagged monthly?

  • Roughed in wiring coiled up not creating trip hazard, or hanging down creating a risk of eye damage?

  • Laser safety and relevant signs in place?

  • Lock out procedures followed? (where applicable)

Material Handling (Review)

  • Appropriate mechanical lifting devices available on site? (i.e. Trolleys) observe use if applicable

  • Work tasks set in a manner to reduce or eliminate manual handling? (where Possible)

  • Heavy materials stored at Lower levels

Hazardous Substances / Dangerous Goods

  • All containers clearly labeled

  • MDF controls in place (cutting room established and appropriate cutting device used to reduce dust)

  • Crystalline silica dust controls in place?

  • HS/DG appropriately stored? (catch trays or bunding in place, flammable equipment stored appropriately.

Asbestos Removal

  • Area around asbestos cordoned off in line with legislation

  • Air Monitoring in Progress?

  • Appropriate PPE used for removal i.e Protective clothing, P2 masks, goggles, gloves.

  • Asbestos being removed from site in accordance with legislation

Working at Height safety

  • Perimeter rails, and access to roof, comply with legislation?

  • Handrails comply with legislation (900mm minimum height, mid rail, toe boards/kicker)

  • No work being conducted near an exposed Live Edge?

  • Lift well entry points caged or barricaded on all levels?

  • Other Observations


  • Scafftags available for scaffolds erected above 4m - checked monthly

  • Scaffolds constructed to manufacturers specification and by licensed or competent person?:<br>- Scaffolds appropriately tied off to the structure<br>- Top Rail, mid rail, kickers in place<br>- Appropriately braced<br>- Adequate Access<br>- Gap between scaffold edge and working face no greater than 225mm<br>- Base Plates in Place on stable footing

  • Scaffold No Go Zone for overhead power lines being complied with (4.6m either side and 5m below and above)

  • No one working below scaffolds at risk of being struck by falling objects

  • Workers not on mobile scaffolds whilst being re-located?

Ladders & Trestles

  • All ladders to legislative requirements, minimum 120kg strength, industrial, labeled

  • A frame Ladders being used appropriately in line with legislation (3 points of contact, no one standing on the top or second to top tread

  • No tools or equipment stored on top of ladders

  • Extension ladders adequately tied off or braced, secured at the bottom

  • Ladders fit for purpose and inspected for damage (Sight Evidence Where Applicable)

  • Ladders not being used near openings or penetration, that don't provide adequate fall protection

  • Trestles or other working platforms are at least 2 planks wide, set up to specifications?

  • Aluminum trestles are load rated 120kg and in good condition (not damaged)

  • Other Observations

Hot works

  • Where electric welding is being done, appropriate welding screens in place?

  • Gas bottles secured on trolley or tied off to prevent them from falling?

  • Risk of fire controlled (Flammable or combustible materials removed)

  • Fire extinguisher accessible within 30m of hot works. Tested within last 6 months?

  • Adequate ventilation

  • Flash back arresters in place and Tested (Annually)


  • Storm water drains protected from silt or other hazardous materials? i.e. Geo tech Mesh, absorbing Socks

  • Are appropriate noise controls in place? Hoarding, Sound Proofing or designated noise zone?

  • Appropriate dust controls in place?

  • Appropriate bins provided? (covered where applicable)

  • Rain or other element not causing risk to site employees?

  • Are workers working in accordance with the Sun smart Policy?

  • Is Sunscreen available on site?

Confined Space

  • Appropriate equipment being used?

  • All permits completed?

  • Risk Assessments/ SWMS supplied and all relevant training provided and checked?

General observation of site

  • All relevant PPE being used for all activities on site

  • Is the overall site condition acceptable and being managed appropriately

Sign Off

  • Site Manager:

  • OHS Consultant undertaking audit:


  • undefined

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.