Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1. Documentation
Is there a version of the Construction Phase Plan in place on site?
Is the F10 displayed and on site?
Is there a current induction register on site and up to date?
Are site rules on display?
Is the signing in sheet up to date?
Is there an up to date PUWER register held on site?
Is there an up to date LOLER register held on site?
Is there evidence of PAT testing for Portable Appliances?
Is there the appropriate test certification for hired and fixed plant held on site?
Is there a current Traffic Management Plan in place?
Is there a current Emergency Evacuation Plan in place ?
Is there a register of current First Aiders on site?
Are all operatives training records up to date and held on site?
Toolbox Talks being carried out?
Is there a copy of the company Policy on display signed and dated?
Are insurance certificates on display Employee/Public liability?
Is there a current Health and Safety Law poster populated and on display?
2. Site Welfare facilities / Sanitary Facilities
Is there a proper canteen / rest area?
Is there adequate seating arrangements provided?
Are facilities provided for Hot beverages preparing hot food and storing food (Boiler, Microwave, Fridge)
Is there running hot and cold water?
Is there an adequate drying / changing room?
Is the canteen clean and tidy?
Is there lockable Sanitary facilities provided?
Are the toilet facilities clean and adequately equipped?
Are welfare facilities in accordance with CDM Regulations and company requirements?
3. Personnel Protective Equipment PPE
Are all site personnel compliant with the site required PPE?
Is the PPE being worn adequate and suitable for the purpose?
Safety Boots
Hard Hats
High - Vis Clothing
Ear Defenders
Eye Protection
4. Fire Prevention
Extinguishers in place and clear of obstructions?
Evacuation Plan Displayed and Understood by all Employees
Exit doors easily opened from inside and clear of obstructions?
Evacuation procedures discussed in Site Induction
5. First Aid Facilities
Employees aware of location of First Aid Cabinet/Box
No content pass their expiry date?
Are cabinets/boxes and contents clean and orderly?
Are First Aid Officer Accessible?
Are contents regularly checked?
Is there an accident book present?
Are emergency numbers displayed
6. Site Works
Is there a suitable and sufficient Risk Assessment and Method Statement for the job?<br><br>
Is the site secured with appropriate fencing/hoarding?
Is there adequate warning notices/signs displayed on external fencing/hoarding and roads?
6.1 Traffic Control
Is Access and Egress suitable and compliant?
Are traffic management arrangements suitable and sufficient?
Safe pedestrian access provided?
Is there provision to minimise dust / mud from leaving the site?
Is there a current Fire evacuation plan on display (muster point)?
Is work areas congested?
Is there adequate storage facilities for materials?
6.2 Excavations
Is site existing services drawings available on site?
Underground / overhead services clearly identified if present prior to work commencing?
Excavations sloped/benched/shored properly?
Trenches/Excavations property barricaded/covered/protected as needed?
Spoils/tools/equipment properly placed not less than 2m from top edge of excavation?
Bunting / goal posts erected where required if in the vicinity of overhead power cables
7. Training
All operatives on site have the necessary safety cards (CSCS, CPCS, CSR)? Copies of cards present in site office?
Have manual handling tasks been properly assessed?
8. Vehicles/Machinery & Power Tools
Daily inspections carried out?
Equipment being used is in sound condition and fit for purpose?
Is test certificates (LOLER) carried out and copies present in site office?
Machines have SWL clearly marked on boom/jib and are lifting within capacity?
Flashing beacons in working order and in use?
Excavators have quick hitch pins in place?
All driven plant was used correctly. Keys removed if not in use. Seat belts were worn. Parked or driven in a safe manner, in accordance with the traffic management plan.
Dust suppression used if cutting?
Is the MSDS sheet available and held on site?
Is there any special PPE requirements?
Are hazardous substances properly stored?
Are there any hazardous substances being used?
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Site Manager
Inspection Auditor