Title Page

  • Job # & Job Name

  • Location
  • Task

  • Foreman

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by


  • Proper gloves for the task (latex, cotton, cut resistance)?

  • Hearing protection worn when required?

  • Hard hats are in good condition?

  • Steel toe boots are in good condition?

  • High viz vest and reflective clothing worn?

  • Pants has non rips?

  • Respirators are worn if needed?

  • Proper clothing for task (frc, tyveck)?

  • The right safety glasses for the job (clear, dark, goggles)?


  • Was their a Health and Safety Meeting held?

  • Did everyone participate in the discussion?

  • Does everyone understand their task and possible risk involved in there job?

  • Does everyone know the muster point in case of an emergency?

  • Have all utilities been identified (sub-surface)?

  • Does the crew have drinking water?

  • Did everyone stretch?

  • Was smoking section identified?

  • Is there a first aid kit and eye wash available and is it current?

  • Is there a up to date fire extinguisher on each vehicle?

  • Spill kits identified?

  • Flammable liquids in approved safety container?

  • JSA's and SDS's are available?


  • Are the vehicles set-up in a safe & efficient way?

  • Is there overhead interference?

  • Exclusion zone set-up properly?

  • Is there plastic under vehicles and work area?

  • Are the wheels chocked?

  • Whip checks are in place where it is needed?

  • Was the kill switches pointed out and tested?

  • 6' orange safety flags on retail site?

  • Trip free work area?

  • Pinch point identified?

  • Are shackles in good working condition?

  • Lines are in good working condition?

  • Guards are in place where needed?


  • Are spotters being used?

  • Are seat belts being worn?

  • Proper lifting technique being used when moving materials and augers?

  • Are drums being moved properly?

  • Are augers chocked ?

  • Proper body positioning when shoveling?

  • 3 bucket rinse?

  • No shoveling when augers are spinning when necessary?

  • Is face shield being worn when deconning?

  • Is there communication between workers (moving vehicles, new task, someone needs help)?

  • When jack hammering is a face shield being worn?

  • Hand signals when jack hammering, removing debris?

  • Work area kept clean from from debris, tools on the ground, tripping hazards?

  • Hands staying away from striking zone?

  • Loading for mob back to shop (is load secure from shifting debri secured)?

  • Are holes covered or delineated when not being used?






The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.