Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Is there a version of the Construction Phase Plan in place on site?
Is the F10 displayed and on site?
Is there a Section 80/81 available and displayed?
Is there an induction register available?
Is there a signing in book available?
Is there a current Traffic Management Plan in place?
Is there a Fire Plan in place ?
Is there a First Aider on site and certificate displayed?
Is there a copy of the Company H&S Policy Statement on display, signed and dated?
Is there a current Health and Safety Law poster populated and on display?
Are insurance certificates on display Employee/Public liability?
Is there the appropriate test certification for hired and fixed plant held on site?
Is there a suitable and relevant Method Statement on site, communicated and signed by all operatives?
Are adequate risk assessments on site, communicated and signed by all operatives?
Is there an Asbestos Survey on site?
Is evidence of service disconnection / isolation available?
Are relevant COSHH assessments available on site and in date?
Do you have access to a diary and pre-briefing system?
Site Welfare facilities
Is there a proper canteen / rest area?
Is there adequate seating arrangements provided?
Are facilities provided for Hot beverages preparing hot food and storing food (Boiler, Microwave, Fridge)
Is there running hot and cold water?
Is there an adequate drying / changing room?
Sanitary Facilities
Is there Male and Female (lockable) facilities provided?
Is there adequate running hot and cold water?
Is there adequate facilities for washing and drying your hands (soap, paper towels etc)
Is there a main gate demolition sign and details of site manager?
External fencing / hoarding is there adequate warning notices displayed?
Is there an internal safety board displaying notices?
Has the Fire Assembly point been identified with a suitable sign?
Who's Who, are current site First Aid personnel identified and displayed on notices.
Are site rules on display?
Site Organisation
Does the site have a secure boundary with controlled access points?
Are fire extinguishers in date?
Is there a first aid box and air horn on site?
If any temporary works have been identified, have they been adequately addressed?
Is there adequate storage facilities for fuel? (suitable bund, drip tray and spill kit)
Have asbestos containing materials been marked / identified up on site?
Is Oxy-propane is being used, has suitable storage facilities been set up?
Are arrangements in place for water supply on site?
Personnel Protective Equipment PPE
Is adequate PPE and RPE available for all operatives?
Is visitor PPE available?
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Site Manager