Title Page
Projet Name
Conducted on
Prepared by
Site Assessment
The following checklist is not exhaustive. Other areas may have to be assessed to ensure the site is set up and secure
Does the SM have in date asbestos awareness, CSCS, SMSTS, 3-day first aider & fire warden?
Is external access to site controlled by a suitable and sufficient system?
Is there accurate and relevant H&S signage at site entry points and other relevant areas of the construction site? This must include SM contact details, 'Construction site no entry' & our mandatory PPE requirements.
Are the Principal Contractors business details on display (SM board)?
Is there a suitable area with relevant health & safety information displayed?
Is a valid 2009 H&S Law poster displayed?
Is a valid copy of the Principal Contractors Public Liability Insurance Certificate displayed?
Is there a valid F10 notification document displayed?
Are Principal Contractors site rules displayed or available for reference?
Is an up-to-date copy of the OCU Northavon Code of Conduct displayed or available for reference?
Are first aider details displayed?
Are the first aid supplies, a burns kit and eye wash facility in place on site?
Is there an asbestos plan / survey of the site on display or available for reference?
Is a site fire and emergency plan on display?
Has a traffic management plan been developed and displayed?
Are the Site Hazards for the activities properly captured in the RAMS?
Have the operatives been briefed and signed off on the RAMS?
Is a suitable and sufficient Fire Risk Assessment in place?
Has the Principal Contractor provided an adequate number of fire extinguishers and a method to raise the alarm ?
Has a temporary electrical certificate been issued for the site cabins / welfare facilities?
Has a temporary Works Co-ordinator or, a TW supervisor been appointed?
Is the Temporary Works Register up to date and filed on site?
Suitable signage in strategic locations?
Is Covid being managed effectively? This must include sanitiser being available on site and the need for hand washing to be discussed at site inductions.
Are there adequate hand washing or sanitising points on site?
Are adequate toilet facilities provided taking into account the number of persons on site?
Are toilets clean with hot and cold running water?
Is there a plentiful supply of soap and hand drying equipment/towels?
Is drinking water available?
Are food storage and preparation appliances available?
Are table(s) and adequate seating available?
Is there means of heating the welfare area?
Is there a suitable designated smoking and vaping area and is it appropriately sited with a suitable receptacle to dispose of cigarettes, a fire extinguisher in close proximity and hand sanitizing/washing facilities present?
Are all operatives on site smoking/ vaping in the designated areas?
Are the hazardous zones clearly identified at induction with a plan on display?
Is there a COSHH storage with adequate locks on site?
Is there adequate documentation for COSHH materials on site - SDS, COSHH Assessments, Inventory etc.?
Is there signage identifying segregated waste?
Are skips suitably barriered off and/or locked to prevent unauthorised used?
Is the waste carriers license certificate filed on site? These must be for OCU Northavon, the skip company, the skip broker and the welfare unit broker plus the company that cleans the unit
Are drains within the site protected?
Are emergency spill kits available, fully stocked and suitable for the work taking place?
Are there sightings of wildlife on site which would impact on site operations and is this being appropriately managed?
Is there evidence of invasive plants on site like giant hogweed or Japanese knotweed and is it being managed appropriately?
Is there a water sprayer on site?
Is dust extraction available
Is the Pre-construction information pack filed on site?
Is the Construction Phase Plan available and updated where necessary including evidence that this has been approved by the PD or PC?
Is there a valid Asbestos Refurbishment & Demolition Survey onsite?
Is a copy of the ASB5 notification and plan of works on site for any notifiable Asbestos removal works?
Is there an Asbestos grab pack on site?
Is there adequate segregation between pedestrians and vehicles on site?
If any of the above questions require further attention please stipulate actions required
Action point 1
To be implemented by who?
Action date.
Action point 2
To be implemented by who?
Action date.
Action point 3
To be implemented by who?
Action date.
Action point 4
To be implemented by who?
Action date.
Please state any further control required:
Assessor(s) name:
Assessor(s) Name
Assessor(s) Signature: