Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Project name
Summary of works this SSSP relates to
PCBU 1 (Client)
Company name
Main onsite contact name & phone number
PCBU 2 (Tetro Ltd)
Person in charge of the workplace name & phone number
First aider name & phone number
PCBU name
PCBU scope of work
PCBU representative name & phone number
Purpose and Scope
A Site-Specific Safety Plan (SSSP) is an agreement between businesses working on a specific site that determines how health and safety will be managed. An understood and well implemented SSSP ensures relevant site information, hazards and risks are regularly checked and monitored.
This SSSP is a live document, and therefore must be continually updated during the project, to ensure it reflects changes to site hazards. When the SSSP is implemented correctly, regularly updated and safety is monitored, all businesses involved comply with New Zealand's Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.
Tetro LTD have prepared, and will continue to monitor and adapt this SSSP throughout the course of the project.
Leadership & commitment
Site Project Manager -
• Attend all health and safety and toolbox meetings.
• Provide day-to-day leadership.
• Promote high standards of health and safety.
• Lead the team to ensure everyone is kept healthy and safe.
• Listen to and address any health and safety concerns raised by the Site Supervisor -
Site Project Manager Name & Contact Number
Site Supervisor -
• Attend all health and safety and toolbox meetings.
• Be aware and responsible for the health and safety of those working under their supervision, and those who may be affected by relevant activities.
• Provide assistance and supervision to ensure appropriate risk assessment, accident, incident and near miss procedures are adhered to.
• Ensure adequate procedures are in place to meet legislative requirements.
• Ensure all work is undertaken by workers who are able and qualified to do so.
• Ensure all workers are wearing correct PPE at all times.
• Perform hazard identification and risk assessments in accordance with the processes detailed in this SSSP.
• Ensure all employees, contractors and everyone affected by operations are safe at all times.
• Listen to and address any health and safety concerns raised by employees and contractors. -
Site Supervisor Name & Contact Number
Hazard Management
Risks to health and safety arise from people being exposed to hazards (anything that can cause harm). Risk has two components – the likelihood that it will occur and the consequences (degree of harm) if it happens. Tetro LTD manages risk in line with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.
Hazard management is a three-step process.
Step One: Hazard Identification.
Step Two: Risk Assessment.
Step Three: Control of Hazards / Risks. -
Hazard Identification
Risk management involves identifying hazards and dealing to those which pose the highest risk first. It is important that workers are involved in the process of identifying hazards, as they have a day-to-day working knowledge of the site, which is invaluable.
Hazards should be considered within the following areas:
• Physical (e.g. noise, vibration)
• Biological (e.g. bacterial infections)
• Chemical (e.g. asbestos, lead)
• Ergonomic (e.g. manual handling)
• Psychosocial (including bullying, tight deadlines and other stress factors)
As hazards occur from general work processes and from the work itself, previous accident, incident and near miss reports are to be considered while identifying new hazards. -
Risk Assessment
Once the hazards have been identified, a risk assessment will be undertaken on each hazard. Risk assessment enables Tetro LTD to identify which hazards need to be minimised or eliminated.
The first step is to try to eliminate the risk so far as is reasonably practicable.
This can be done by removing the source of the harm. Although, this is not always possible. Hazards are a part of day-to-day work on a construction site, and therefore hazards must be minimised instead. Full Risk Assessment documents are kept in the site file. -
Controlling Risks
Once all hazards have been assessed, control methods and measures need to be put in place. Workers need to be made aware of the potential risks, what the control measures to manage the risks are and why it’s important to use them, and how to apply them.
Site Specific Checklist
Notifiable Works
Tetro are required to provide at least 24 hours notice to WorkSafe of particularly hazardous work. Please check if the work is considered particularly hazardous on the following WorkSafe link. https://www.worksafe.govt.nz/notifications/report-scheduled-or-completed-work/hazardous-work/
Are you undertaking notifiable work?
Has 24hours notice been supplied to WorkSafe via their online form?
Stop work and contact Tetro Management
Methodology and Risk Assessment
Significant hazards, including critical risks, applicable to the project
- Driving
- Working at height
- Slips, trips and falls
- Working on client premises
- Using mobile plant (EWP)
- Working from scaffolding
- Working on a rooftop
- Radiation (RF)
- Manual handling
- Weather
- Electrical (shock, short circuit, fire, static, loss of power)
- Noise
- Chemical (toxic, flammable, corrosive)
- Ergonomics (strain, sprains, human error)
- Fatigue
- Fire
- Mechanical (failure, stuck between objects)
- Struck by objects
- Other
Other, please list
All high risk work must be covered under a SWMS, and uploaded to this SSSP
Before any high risk work is completed, a SWMS is to be completed . Please refer to the SWMS template on SafetyCulture and complete accordingly.
Tetro SWMS Upload
Please upload any Tetro SWMS for this job
Contractor SWMS are to be requested and held on file.
Contractor SWMS Upload
Contractor company name
SWMS upload
Incident / Accident Management
Incidents, accidents and near misses which occur onsite, must be reported and subsequently investigated. All incidents, accidents and near misses are to be reported to the Site Supervisor, who must then complete an incident, accident or near miss form via SafetyCulture.
Serious harm, significant near miss or any notifiable events are to be reported to WorkSafe New Zealand in line with Tetro incident reporting processes. The incident scene is to be preserved in line with legislative requirements until clearance from WorkSafe, the Police if applicable, and subsequently Tetro Management has been issued.
Emergency Plan
Does PCBU 1 have an emergency plan and/or incident reporting procedures that need to be considered?
Please confirm you have received a copy of, and understand, PCBU 1's procedures
Tetro Group emergency response plan. Please select which emergencies need to be considered
- Incident, accident or near miss
- Fire
- Earthquake
- Flooding
- Fall from height
- Bomb Threat
- Other
Bomb Threat
Fall from height
Incident reporting and investigation process
Evacuation Plan
Confirm the Emergency Evacuation Point on this site
Provide a photo or marked up drawing of the Emergency Evacuation Point
Non-critical Medical Assistance
Confirm the nearest medical centre to site
Provide information on how to access the closest medical centre
Personal Protective Equipment
Please select all mandatory PPE while working on site
- Long sleeve high vis shirt
- Long pants
- Helmet
- Safety boots
- Gloves
- Ear protection
- Harness
- RF monitor
- Respiratory mask
- Wet weather high vis gear
- Sunblock
- Other
Other, please list
Training and Competency
Please select the required training that personnel on site must hold
- NZQA 23229
- NZQA 15757
- NZQA 17025
- Rope Access
- First Aid
- RF / EMF Awareness
- Client specific H&S induction
- Hazardous subtances
- Other
Other, please list
Attach a training matrix to supply proof of training
Communication and Consultation
Select the communication method/s which will be used to ensure all workers on site are aware of the health and safety information?
- Pre-start briefing
- Progress meeting
- Team / management meetings
- Site hazard board
- SSSP kept on site
- SWMS kept on site
- Other
Other, please advise
Other frequency
Pre-start frequency
- Daily
- Weekly
- As required
Progress meeting frequency
- Daily
- Weekly
- As required
Team / management meeting frequency
- Daily
- Weekly
- As required
Inspection and Audit
Inspection and audit
Select the method/s which will be used to maintain a safe working environment
- Site inspections
- Training and competency review
- Documentation records
Site inspection frequency
Onsite inspection to be uploaded as completed
Assign a competent team member to conduct an inspection, focusing on:
New or changed hazards.
Safe operation of equipment and machinery.
Correct use of PPE.
Housekeeping (e.g., debris removal, tidy work areas).
Weather conditions affecting safety (if outdoors).
Discuss findings during the pre-start and update the site risk register as needed. -
Training and competency review frequency
Review training and competency register against tasks team members are completing
Documentation review frequency
Check all records are up to date and available to correct parties
Site Specific Hazard & Risk Register
Refer to the Site Specific Hazard & Risk Register template on SafetyCulture and complete accordingly. Upload the initial register, and upon completion of the project, upload the latest version to account for changes made.
Initial risk register
Final risk register (upon completion of the project)
Sign off
- Please ensure all members of the team read, understand and sign this SSSP
Job Role