
  • vACC-CSGKCASS-169 Date issued 24-June-2014 Authorised by: Victorian Collection Manager


A general skills & knowledge competency assessment will be undertaken within three months of your employment commencing date and ongoing annually. Methods side to conduct the assessment will be a combination of direct observation, direct questioning, discussion, role play and the use of resources located at the ACC The criteria side to determine competency are Healthscope Pathology procedures and policies as used in the ACC. Collectors will be provided with written notification of the assessment two weeks (minimum) prior to the date with the General Skill & Knowledge Competency Assessment sheet. This assessment sheet when complete will be maintained in your training file, a copy will be provided on request.

  • Collection Name

  • Conducted on

  • Work Location
  • Assessors Name

  • Date of last skills assessment

  • Select date

  • Outstanding actions to be completed by:

  • Select date

  • Nominate a minimum of two training session to be completed in the 12 months (i.e. eLearning, face to face training, written, group training, ect)

  • Supervisor has reviewed a Collectors contract (reflects current hours): Date reviewed

  • Select date

Definitions - Achieved. Collector demonstrates excepted level of competency NYA. Not Yet Achieved. The Collector has not been able to achieve the expected level of competency; action required ACC Approved Collection Centre Comments. Comments to be documented at time of assessment outlining discussion (point form suitable) Actions. Agreed actions to be undertaken to achieve expected level of competency, these must be discussed /observed within a specified timeframe. Where actions have been identified for reassessment only that area of competency is required N.B. Thick achieved / NYA as appropriate

vACC collecton staff general skills & knowledge competency assessment

Staff presentation as per nACC-PPM-008

  • Staff member wearing correct uniform.

  • Staff member has correct visible ID tag

Areas of Assessment

  • Greets and identifies self to patient

Discuss and observe correct positioning of patient appropriate to the task, identify correct staff posture: Consider height, size, and mobility

  • Placement of pillow behind patient i.e small adult / child, brings patient forward in seat, easier to access to arm

  • Arm positioning to reduce forward bending of collector (position should be no further than arm's length from patient)

  • Non ambulance patient can be bled or ECG undertaken while seated in wheelchair or bleeding chair

Observe collector positioning - seated or standing for procedure

  • Upright position

  • No forward bending

  • Close to patient

  • Relaxed stance, shoulder relaxed, feet apart and knees slightly bent

  • Provides explanation of procedure to patient and provides privacy, dignity and confidentiality throughout procedure.

Demonstrates correct identification and documentation procedure as per ACC-PRM-014, NPAAC Guidelines 2nd Edition 2012

  • Asks patient to spell last name

  • Asks patient to spell first name

  • Asks patient to provide their date of birth

  • Asks patient to state and clarify address

  • Asks patient for correct phone number

  • Confirms Medicare details against provided Medicare card

  • Where requested documents Pen/HCC/Rep details

Hospital Collection Staff (where appropriate) - Patient ID as per ACC-PRM-018

  • Confirms patient is wearing a hospital ID band

  • Asks patients to spell last name

  • Asks patient to spell first name

  • Asks patient to provide their date of birth

  • Asks patient to state and clarify address

  • UR number as required

  • Compares verbal information with ID band and referral

Hospital Collection Staff - Patient ID

  • What steps to you take if the patient does not have an ID band o the wrist/ankle

  • What steps do you take if the information on the patients label is incorrect

  • How do you identify an unconscious/unaware patient

  • What steps do you take if you are unable to interpret/read or understand test requested on a referral (document answers in comment section)

  • Able to use probing questioning to clarify patients' Medes and expectations such as preferred arm, fainting and Romany special requirements

  • Demonstrates/explains/discusses identification of non-English speaking patient

Demonstrates correct placement, review and completion of referral:

  • Lab number

  • V code stamp

  • Referring doctor details and 'copy to' doctors if required

  • Any specific drug requirements

  • Documents test codes where applicable

  • Patient signature for Medicare when Bulk Billing is indicated

  • Patient signature when Bulk Billing is not indicated

  • Demonstrate correct hand washing technique prior to touching patient

  • Demonstrates correct application of gloves to both hands prior to commencement of procedure

  • Demonstrates appropriate equipment selection for procedure

Demonstrate/show/discuss/observe specimen collection as per ACC-PRM-012, 022, 023 procedures : Venepuncture

  • Correct and safe application/positioning and use of tourniquet

  • Correct vein selection and palpating technique

  • State what site to avoid for venepuncture and why?

  • Correct swabbing technique for the venepuncture site

  • Correct safe needle/wing set insertion, positioning and equipment hold technique (angle/pressure required)

  • Correct anchoring of the vein prior to needle insertion

  • Use of tubes in correct order of draw and reason

  • Apply pressure to site post venepuncture

  • Check haemostatsis had occurred and apply dressing

  • Collector to provide patient with both verbal and written recommendations after blood collection.

Demonstrate and verbally state correct labelling of specimens container i.e. Tube, jar, ect

  • Label with patient late name, first name, date of birth

  • Collector signature / initials

  • Date and time of collection

  • Attachment of bar code / lab number

  • Observe collector showing patient the container / tube and patient verbally confirming personal details

  • How many attempts at venepuncture can be made and what procedure do you follow if you are unable to collect a sample? PRM-004

Demonstrate and discuss correct management of sharps and waste e.g. Needle

  • Positioning of sharps container and infection waste bin

  • Disposal and de-notching of the needle and or winged set

  • Able to clarify how waste is segregated in the ACC

  • Demonstrate / discuss use of personal protection equipment for procedures sic has googles , masks when required

Blood Culture Collection: demonstrate / explain / discuss - PRM-035

  • Document antibiotic therapy if applicable

  • Correct preparation of blood collection bottles prior to collection

  • State where blood culture collection comes in the order of draw and why

  • State maximum and minimum amounts of blood required for collection for adult/infant

  • Explain procedure for multiple collections

Demonstrate / discuss or role play the follow procedure

Urine collection - select 2 to assess

  • Mid-stream urine, spot urine, Chlamydia, Timed collection, Creatinine Clearance, AFB, Cytology

Faeces collection - select 2 to assess

  • Faeces - M/C/S with or without OCP, Occult Blood, Faecal antigen, Reducing Substances/Sugars

Sputum Collection - select 1 to assess

  • Provide instructions to patient on how to collect M/C/S, AFB or Cytology

Swabs - select 1 to assess

  • Viral, Bacterial, Chlamydia

Fungal collection (hair, skin, hair)

  • Question patient if they have used any creams, nail publish to the area within the last 24 hours

  • State procedure if patient has recently used cream within 24 hours

  • What procedure is followed when more then 1 site is requested i.e. Multiple toe nails

  • Explain/demonstrate the collection method for nail, skin, and hair including correct cleaning if the area prior to collection

  • Demonstrate where to locate instructions for tests i.e. MSU

Non routine tests:

  • Glucose Tolerance Test / Lactose Tolerance Test / Dexamethasone Test / C13 Urea Breath Test / UDS (non AS4308)

  • Show where procedures are found

  • Discuss the correct procedure for the test above

  • Collectors are to state what procedure to follow if unfamiliar with the requirements and where to locate information

  • Demonstrate /explain use of Glucose Meter

  • What information is provided to the patient when they make a booking for any of the above tests

Discuss what measures can be taken to manage

  • Brushing at venepuncture site

  • Haematoma at venepuncture site

  • Accidental arterial puncture

Demonstrate / discuss correct use of the centrifuge

  • What tubes are centrifuge at collection centres

  • How long must a tube stand prior to centrifugation

  • Explain maintenance, service / replacement and safe use of the cintrifuge

  • Explain use of aerosol caps

  • Demonstrate / discuss the "To Follow" procedure including correct documentation and specimen labelling

  • Demonstrate / discuss procedure for "Refusal of patient to have test performed"

Demonstrate/explain/discuss procedure for "Rule 3 Exemption"

  • How many time can a patient have tests under Rule 3 exemption

  • INR patients

  • Non INR patients

  • INR procedure and documentation required

  • Non INR procedure and documentation required

  • What procedure do you follow if there are no signed referrals or of the patient has come from another ACC for the test

  • What procedure do you follow if the patient has a R3X test i.e. INR and another referral for other tests

  • What paperwork is required for new INR patients

  • Identify if Warfarin dosing is doctor or lab dose

  • Documents patients answers regarding INR questions as stated on the INR referral

  • Explain "fill line" of Sodium Citrate tubes and importance

  • Documents patients' INR dose regime since last blood test on referral

  • Correctly completes patient record form

  • Provides information to patient regarding result for INR

  • What instructions is given to a patient when R3X date is expiring

  • Demonstrate the completion of "Day Sheet" (if applicable) and relevance

  • Demonstrate and discuss how to store samples prior to courier pickup

Advise where or how to obtain information or clarification on

  • Work Health and Safety procedure / guidelines

  • Safety Data Sheets

  • Incident reporting

  • Hazard identification

  • Explain procedure to follow in the event of a Needle Stick or Blood Fluid Exposure, show where procedure is found

Demonstrate /discuss access and purpose of the following

  • Collection procedure manual A & B

  • Equipment Maintenance manual

  • ACC Maintenance record folder

  • ACC Help Folder

  • Collection Guide

  • Quality Improvement form

  • Intranet resources

Explain the procedure for dealing with

  • Other pathology request forms

  • Functional Pathology request

  • Commercial Pathology requests

  • Other company requests

Explain/demonstrate procedure for pre-transfusion testing

  • State what form is to be used for BGH/XM

  • State what information is required prior to collection of the blood sample in relation to the patients surgery or transfusion

  • What action should you take when the referral is from a different Pathology Company

Skin Puncture Collection explain and demonstrate:

  • The demonstration or explanation must include the following

    * When would a figure puncture be indicated i.e. What age and for what age/procedure
    * Skin preparation
    * Describe or demonstrate correct use of lancet device
    * Sites to avoid

  • Figure puncture

Demonstrate/discuss collectors understanding of the "Emergency Procedure"

  • Code Red (fire)

  • Code Blue (medical emergency)

  • Code Purple (bomb threat)

  • Code Yellow (internal threat)

  • Code Black (personal threat)

  • State potential signs of patient agitation

  • Discuss possible actions that can be undertaken to de-escalate the situation

  • State where the exits are at your location

  • If person/duress alarms are available at the site: what is the use / maintenance procedure for the alarm

Demonstrate/explain cleaning procedure for

  • Blood fluid spills

  • Barrels

  • Nail clipping equipment

  • General collection centre cleaning

  • Daily / Weekly / Monthly monitoring chart


  • Show where the ECG procedure is found

  • Demonstrate or discuss information provided to the patient on the removal of clothing, heavy metal jewellery and turning off mobile phone

  • Discuss and assessment and management of the patients mobility status: Ability to walk I aided, requires guidance (no force) and non-weight bearing

  • Demonstrate skin preparation and correct placement of ECG electrodes and attachment of leads

  • Enter the required information into the ECG machine and record tracing

  • What measures can be taken to eliminate artefact from the tracing

  • On the ECG trading, how would you recognise 'reversed limb leads'

  • Discuss when you would consider alternate limb lead placement

  • Explain Dextrocardia and what procedure to follow if indicated

  • Explain electrode placement for an infant up 12 months of age

  • Demonstrate or discuss the Urgent ECG procedure and paperwork - transmitted and Non-Transmitted

  • Demonstrate where the procedure for ECG maintenance is found and explain what steps to take if ECG machine requires repair

Actions to be attended

Actions to be attended

  • 1.

  • Select date

  • Assessors Name

  • 2.

  • Select date

  • Assessors Name

  • 3.

  • Select date

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  • 4.

  • Select date

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  • 8.

  • Select date

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  • 9.

  • Select date

  • Assessors Name

  • 10.

  • Select date

  • Assessors Name



  • Collectors signature __________________________________________

  • Assessors signature ___________________________________________

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