Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Fire/Life Safety
Fire extinguishers readily accessible/unobstructed
Fire extinguishers tagged and inspected monthly
Travel distance to fire extinguishers < or = 75'
Doors in egress corridor self-closing or automatic closing
Doors not propped open
Doors in egress corridor positive latching
Fire doors free of obstructions to allow proper closing
Ceiling tiles in place/not damaged/stained
Evacuation routes posted and current
Hall is free of obstructions that could block free movement
Equipment located on one side of the aisle
Nurse servers/charting surfaces kept up/secure when not in use
Exit stairwells/passageways free of obstructions
Exit signs:<br> * Adequately illuminated/marked<br> * Readily visible from any direction of access<br> * Provided with a directional indicator that shows direction of travel when nearest exit is not apparent
Linen/waste chute doors self-closing/positive latching
Pull boxes well marked and unobstructed
Alcohol-based hand sanitizer dispensers installed per codes (>6" from electrical outlet and not directly above an electrical outlet).
Smoking policy enforced
Electrical Safety
Equipment is in good working order with no visible signs of electrical safety hazards
Electrical safety checks performed by Biomed/Facilities as required
Electrical plugs and cords in good repair
Electrical extension cords are not in use except where permitted
Use of portable heating devices prohibited in patient treatment areas; except physician- ordered treatment devices
Portable heating devices prohibited in employee areas except when approved by engineering (non sleeping staff and employee areas and heating elements <212 deg.).
Blanket warmers safely used (correct temperature setting <=130 deg, not overloaded, adequate clearance on bottom rack, etc.)
Hazardous Chemicals/Hazardous Waste
Regulated Medical Waste properly handled, segregated, stored
Chemotherapy drugs properly handled, stored, and disposed
Sharps containers available and not overflowing
Acids, solvents, and other chemicals safely handled, stored
Personal protective equipment (gloves, gowns, aprons, safety glasses, masks, etc.) available, properly stored.
Containers properly labeled (identity and hazard warnings)
When corrosive chemicals are present, is there a portable eyewash stations available (within 15 second access unobstructed), operable, and tested/checked weekly
Access to MSDSs (SDS) via Citrix or security
Compressed gas tanks properly stored and secured
Oxygen storage limited to 12 e-cylinders (unless 1 hr. fire rated room).
General Safety
Storage areas neat and orderly, free of clutter
Storage greater than 18" from fire sprinkler heads
Carts, stretchers, IV poles, chairs, etc., in good condition
Walking/climbing surfaces (floors, stairs, etc.) clear/safe with no trip, slip or fall hazards (wet floors, cords across walking surfaces, wrinkled up carpets/rugs, etc.).
Wet floor signs available and used
Handrails in halls present, accessible and properly secured
Machine guarding in compliance
Employees/staff wearing ID badges per policy
Panic alarms present/ functioning
Rooms/offices secure when unattended
Property/valuables secure and out of plain view
Emergency access to all locked and occupied spaces
Patient Care Environment (EC.02.06.01)
Interior spaces safe and suitable for patient care/treatment/services
Lighting is suitable for care, treatment, and services
Ventilation, temperature/humidity levels suitable for patient care
Areas clean, sanitary and free of offensive odors
Furnishings and equipment safe and in good repair
Emergency Preparedness
Staff can identify the location of the nearest emergency fire alarm pull station.
Staff can identify the location of their nearest exit and where they discharge the building
Staff can identify the location of their nearest fire extinguisher
Staff are familiar with RACE and PASS for fire reesponse
Staff can verbalized the hospital extension to call to report a fire/smoke situation
Staff can identify the location of the hospital Emergency Operations Plan and/or the Emergency Quick Action Guide
Staff can identify the correct actions to take during a Code Gray (Tornado) situation
Staff understand their roles and responsibilities during a Code Pink
Staff are familiar with the process of accessing a MSDS
Medical gas shutoff valves clearly labeled as to which rooms/areas they supply and staff can verbalized who is responsible for shutting them down during an emergency
Flashlights are readily available in the department and are functioning/available for emergency situations
Other Issues
Please report any additional safety issues, concerns, or comments