Conducted on
Prepared by
Fire extinguishers readily available/unobstructed
Fire extinguishers tagged and inspected monthly
Travel distance to fire extinguisher < or =75'
Doors in egress corridor self-closing or automatic closing
Doors not propped open
Doors in egress corridor positive latching
Fire doors free of obstructions to allow proper closing
Shred-it containers are at least 8 feet away from each other. Trash cans are stored at least 8 feet away from shred-it containers
Ceiling tiles in place/not damaged (limits transfer of smoke)
Evacuation routes posted and current
Hall is free of obstructions that could block free movement
Portable equipment located on one side of the corridor
Stairwell lighting in good condition
Exits free of obstructions
Exits signs adequately illuminated/ marked
Exits signs readily visible from any direction of access
Exit signs provided with a directional indicator that shows direction of travel when nearest exit is not apparent
Fire alarm pull boxes well marked and unobstructed
Medical Gas Zone Valves: staff can describe location, rooms they serve, and who can operate the valves
Fire sprinkler heads in good condition and unobstructed and have 18" clearance below head
Fire sprinkler heads are clean
Patient privacy curtains have 18" netting at top.
Alcohol-Based Dispensers installed per standards
No smoking policy enforced
Equip is in good working order with no visible electrical hazards
Electrical safety checks performed by Biomed/Facilities as required
Electrical plugs and cords in good repair
Biomed/Facilities notified of defective equipment
Electrical extension cords are not in use, except where permitted. power Strips are not daisy chained.
Use of portable heating devices prohibited in patient treatment areas; except physician-ordered treatment devices
Portable heating devices in office/non-patient areas approved by Facilities
Blanket Warmers safely used (correct setting <=130 deg., not overloaded, adequate clearance on bottom rack, etc.)
Biohazardous waste properly handled, segragated, stored, disposed
Chemotherapy drugs properly handled, stored, and disposed
Acids, solvents, and other chemicals safely handled, stored and disposed
Chemical spill equipment available and personnel instructed in use
Containers properly labeled (identify and hazard warnings)
O2 shut-off Valves labeled with the proper room numbers
Eyewash stations available, operate, and tested
Access to SDSs (via Internet or Security)
Compressed gas tanks properly stored and secured
Oxygen storage limited to 12 E-cylinders (unless 1 hr. fire rated room)
Medical gas tanks can be identified as full or empty
Medical gas tanks are not stored in the same racks
Storage areas neat and orderly, free of clutter
Appropriate PPE is available for use in the department or area at the time of survey
Storage greater than 18" from fire sprinkler heads
Carts, stretcher, IV poles, chairs, shower chairs etc in good condition
Walking/climbing surfaces (floors, stairs, etc.) clear/safe
Wet floor signs available and used
Handrails in halls present, accessible and properly secure
Eyewash and emergency shower stations being checked weekly
Eyewash stations not obstructed by equipment or other items
Employees/staff wearing ID badges
Staff personal belongings are secured properly
Panic alarms present/functioning
Rooms/offices secure when unattended
Emergency access to all locked and occupied spaces
Interior spaces safe and suitable for patient care/tx/svcs
Storage space appropriate to meet patient needs
Lighting is suitable for care, treatment, and services
Ventilation, temp, / humidity levels suitable for patient care
Interior spaces accommodate equipment, wheelchairs, etc.
Areas clean, sanitary and free of offensive odors
Do you know where to find SLHS emergency operations plan
Do you know where to find SLHS emergency preparedness guide (red book)
How do you access a SDS (safety data sheet)
Explain how to report an incident or injury involving a visitor, patient, property
Do you know how/when to report and document personal work related injury
What is your depart/unit role in an event of a Mass Casualty Event
If you discover a fire how would you respond
Do you understand the process for partial or complete unit evacuation (horizontal and vertical evacuation)
Where is the nearest fire extinguisher
Do you know the location of fire alarm pull stations & extinguishers
How would you activate a fire alarm
Where are your exits and where do they discharge the building
Can you define Code Pink and what are your dept/areas responsibilities
Can you define Code Black and what are your dept/areas responsibilities
Can you define Code Blue and what are your dept/areas responsibilities
Can you explain what your department does when the hospital activates its severe weather response plan for severe thunderstorm
Can you explain what your department does when the hospital activates its severe weather response plan for tornado
Can you define an active shooter/hostage situation and what is your response/responsibilities
Can staff locate flashlights, batteries, and glow sticks (if applicable) in the event of power loss
What are your responsibilities for a Security Alert-Missing Persons alert