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To view our Loss Prevention Standard that supports this checklist, please view the following link: https://static.aviva.io/content/dam/document-library/risk-solutions/aviva_snow_and_ice_clearance_lps.pdf
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Has a responsible person been appointed for managing the process of snow and ice clearance?
Risk Assessment
Have you produced a formal written plan (including a specific risk assessment) of what is to be cleared and when, and is this documentation regularly reviewed?
Has this been communicated to all relevant individuals? Providing a site plan coloured to show priority can be helpful.
Does the snow and ice clearance assessment include both those who carry out the clearance as well as those individuals who may fall if snow and ice isn't cleared?
Does your formal written plan include arrangements for checking the weather in advance, so that individuals can be on stand-by if clearance is required?
Have all individuals been made aware of the areas that will be kept clear and those which won't? Ensure that any warnings are provided to employees and visitors.
Have you decided how the designated areas are to be cleared and what materials and equipment will be required?
Have those individuals responsible for the clearance of snow and ice been provided with appropriate training, overclothing, gloves, footwear and equipment?
If you provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) specifically for protection against adverse weather, are procedures in place to ensure it remains fir for purpose
Have you got sufficient stock of appropriate materials/equipment prior to the start of the cold season?
Are there arrangements for checking supplies and maintaining equipment throughout the cold period?
If using contractors to undertake snow and ice clearance, have they been through a suitable evaluation process, including checks on their insurance?
Do you ask contractors to provide copies of their own risk assessments and methods statemets?
Do you communicate to staff the need to wear suitable clothing and footwear during periods of cold weather
Do you check the snow and ice clearance plan during the cold period to ensure it is effectively clearing the areas of highest risk?
Do you retain records of what clearance has been carried out, when it was carried out, and by whom?
If there are any slip or fall incidents during cold periods, do you ensure that you follow your normal accident/incident reporting procedures, including retaining relevant CCTV images?