Title Page
Name of Facility
Conducted on
Prepared by
Social Distancing Plan
Facilities must implement all applicable measures listed below, and be prepared to explain why any measure that is not implemented is inapplicable to the facility.
Measures to Keep Protect Residents
Increase spacing so beds are at least 3-6 feet apart
Arrange beds so that individuals lay head-to-toe (or toe-to-toe), or use neutral barriers (foot lockers, curtains) to create barriers between beds
Move residents with symptoms into separate rooms with closed doors, and provide a separate bathroom if possible
Avoid housing older adults or people with underlying medical conditions in the same room as people with symptoms
Stagger mealtimes to reduce crowding in shared eating facilities
Stagger the schedule for use of common/shared kitchens
Create a staggered bathing schedule to reduce the amount of people using the facilities at the same time
Implement procedures to identify and update at least weekly the mental health resources (for example providers, pharmacies) that are available.
Prepare for cancellation of congregate day programs (schools, day care, senior day programs, and other day programs) and cancel them when directed to do so.
Reduce activities that congregate many residents at once such as “house meetings” and opt for smaller group activities
Reduce external visitors to the home apart from essential visits
Consider preparing Anticipatory Care Plans and discussing them with residents
Describe other measures:
Measures to Protect Employee Health
Ensure staff are aware of sick leave policies and are encouraged to stay home if they have CLI:<br>– Feeling feverish or having a measured fever (greater than or equal to 100.4<br>Fahrenheit); OR<br>– A new (within the last 7 days) cough; OR<br>– New shortness of breath; OR<br>– New sore throat
Require health screenings for all nursing home workers each day when they enter the facility
Require workers to wear surgical masks at all times to guard against any potential asymptomatic spread
Everyone who can carry out their work duties from home has been directed to do so<br>
All employees have been told not to come to work if sick
Symptom checks are being conducted before employees may enter the work space
All desks or individual work stations have been re-adjusted to be at least six feet apart
Reduce unnecessary assembly of staff (e.g., large meetings where information can be communicated by written guidance)<br>
Where appropriate, opt for conference calls instead of in-person meetings
Plan for staffing challenges
Instruct cleaning staff to avoid “hugging” laundry before washing it to avoid self-contamination and wash<br>their hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer immediately after handling<br>infected laundry
Copies of this plan have been sent to employees
Measures to Improve Sanitation
Hand sanitizer, soap and water, or effective disinfectant is available to the public at or near the entrance of the facility, and anywhere else inside the facility or immediately outside where people have direct interactions<br>
If feasible, enhance ventilation in common areas such as waiting areas, TV rooms and reading rooms.
Disinfecting all high-contact surfaces frequently<br>
Describe other measures
Provide signages at designated entrance points to inform people that they should: avoid entering the facility if they have a cough or fever; maintain a minimum 6-feet distance from one another; and not shake hands or engage in any unnecessary physical contact.
Post a copy of the Social Distancing Protocol at the designated entrance points
Display posters within the facility promoting proper hand washing
Consider using bulletin boards, signs, posters, brochures, emails, phone, mailbox, or sliding information under someone’s door
Contact Person
You may contact the following person with any questions or comments about this plan.
Contact Number