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Fire Door Checklist
Fire Door Checklist
Has the fire door got a BWF-CERTIFIRE and Doorset Scheme label on the top edge?
If not, can you confirm the door is in fact a fire door and has been certified as such?
Further Action
Door Leaf
Does the door leaf sit against the door stop and is it free of distortion?
If the door is veneered or lipped, is the glue still holding these products firmly in place? Is the door free from damage including dents and holes?
Further action
Door Frame
Is the door frame firmly attached to the wall?
If a planted door stop is present, is it firmly attached?
Is the frame to door leaf gap consistently 3mm?
Further Action
Intumescent & Smoke Seals
Are intumescent seals in place? (If not install immediately)
Are the seals well attached inside the groove in the frame or door leaf?
Are the seals free from damage and paint?
If you have a brush or fin type seal, is it free from damage or breakage?
If fitted are the smoke seals continuous around the frame or door leaf?
Further Action
Is there a minimum of 3 hinges with all the screws fitted?
Are all the screws the correct size?
Are the hinges free of metal fragments and oil leakage? (These are signs of wear)
Are the hinges free from non-combustible packing?
Further Action
Door Closing Device
Open the door to approximately 5 degrees or 75mm. Does it close and engage with the latch?
Is the closer securely attached to the door and frame?
Is the closer free from damage and not leaking?
If unlatched, does the closer hold the door in line with the frame and intumescent seal?
If hung in pairs, do they close in line if both opened and released together?
If hold-open device is used, is it electronically released?
Does the hold-open device release the door when required?
Further Action
Lock & Latch
Does the latch hold the door firmly in place without rattling?
Further Action
Glazing & Glass
Is the intumescent seal continuous and attached to the glass and bead?
Are the glazing beads well attached to the frame and free from damage?
Is the glass free from damage and cracking?
If the glass has been replaced, is it fire rated glass?
If glazing panels are below 1500mm from the bottom of door, is the glass safety glass?
Further Action
Threshold Gap
Is there a consistent gap under the door that allows it to swing without touching the floor covering?
Is the door to floor covering gap consistently 10mm (3mm if smoke seals are fitted) or less when the door is closed?
Is the door leaf is fitted with a threshold seal, does the seal make contact with the floor covering when the door is closed?
Further Action