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Software / Project Name
Software Owner
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This checklist references to IEEE 730:2014 as guidance on the 3 main areas of SQA: 1. SQA Process Implementation, 2. Product Assurance, 3. Process Assurance. The following questions determines the adequacy of the SQA program through SQAP as well as the effectiveness of the defined SQA processes and their activities. (this checklist is typically used as part of SQA inspections)
SQA Process Implementation
Has the Software QA Plan (SQAP) or equivalent been established, reviewed and approved?
Has an effective SQA process and their activities within each SDLC or software development phase been established and specified in SQAP?
Has the specific activities and tasks that commensurate with the defined software product risk been determined?
Are the SQA activities performed objectively and independently to the version of the SQAP in effect
Are product and process non-conformances raised during these SQA activities (if arising)?
Are SQA reports and records retained?
Product Assurance
Are the various plans conforming to contracts, standards, regulations?
Are work products conforming against established requirements?
Are non-conformances raised when software work products do not meet software requirements?
Prior to delivery, are the set of work products acceptable based on established criteria?
Are the product support conforming against requirements?
Are non-conformances raised when the product support do not meet the requirements?
Process Assurance
Does the actual software development life cycles and the project activities conform to what is defined in the project plans?
Does the software development and test environments conform to what is stated in the project plans?
Does subcontractor/supplier processes conform to their defined company process or process requirements provided to them? (depending on what was agreed/tailored)
Does the project measures meet the measurement requirements in the plans?
Do the staff, including SQA staff, assigned to the project have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform their assigned roles?