Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Site Name
Supervisor Name
Work areas are clean and free of excess trash, debris?
Walkways and passageways clear?
Material or equipment properly stored?
Are all electrical cords, hoses, welding leads, etc., elevated to prevent trip hazards?
Scrap material free of protruding nails or other puncture hazards?
Bins provided for work areas and potable water available
Barricades and/or rebar caps installed and maintained
Scaffold Material Compound
Is the Scaffold compound tidy?
Materials are not overstocked in the scaffold compound?
Are all stillages and bins correctly stacked and safe?
Are boards tied or strapped?
Is there safe access to and around material?
There is no potential slips, trips and falls hazards?
Safety Helmets worn?
Hearing Protection worn where required?
Eye protection worn?
Safety boots worn?
Face mask worn?
Fall Protection
Body harness worn in a proper manner?
Lanyards adequately secured to suitable anchorage?
Lifelines, fall protection lines, if required etc. in place and in good order?
Fall protection maintained and has current inspection?
Weekly GA3 harness inspection completed?
Scaffolds and Ladders
Is the ground conditions good and Sloped properly adjacent to scaffold?
What is the method(s) of access on the scaffold
- Stairs
- Ladders
- Gates
- Traps
Is the Scaffold Erected and maintained to good standard
Façade Bracing in place at correct intervals on Scaffold
Scaffold properly based out on wooden sole boards
Proper access and egress provided during erection and dismantling
Ladders properly tied
Are all Ladders exceeding the landing 1 meter above platform or alternative option in place
Internal Fall forward handrails from scaffold platform in place
Scaffold platforms clear of loose material
Toe boards in place
Board retaining clamps in place
Brick Guards in place on working lifts
There is no evidence of damaged boards, transoms, legers, standards, base plates or jacks?
Scaffolding interfacing with the public
There is no part of the Scaffold erected endangering the Public
Is there Protection in place where scaffolding interfaces with the Public
Proper Access in place through the base of the scaffold
Is there a Debris Fan in place overhead
Is there any bee/privacy netting or monoflex in use on the scaffolding? Is it adequately secured?
Scaffold Tagging and Signage
Scaffold generally Tagged correctly and tags in date?
Please provide photo evidence of a Scaffold Tag(s) clearly showing the date
Signage at ladder/Stairs Access point in place
Is the safe working load signage for working platform displayed?
Is the signage for loading Bays displayed?
There was no interference with scaffold noted during inspection?
There was no interference with scaffold noted on Weekly GA3 inspection report?
Please provide evidence of a recent GA3 Inspection Report & Recent Scaffolding Hand Over Cert?
Please provide evidence of a Recent Scaffolding Hand Over Cert?
Scaffold Anchors
Anchor design in place for External Scaffold
Anchor Pull test completed and tagged
What date was the inspection completed or when is it due to be completed again?
Anchor test certificate completed
Scaffold anchor installation sheet signed off by appointed anchor installer
Loading Bays
Is the signage on Loading bays in place?
Façade bracing in place?
Wing bracing on loading bays
Loading out in line with design (Loading Bay is Not Overloaded)
Handrail to leading edges
Handrail fixed to design
Toe boarding in place
Inspection tag in place and in date?
Did you observe any opes or potential leading edges?
Safety Documentation
Company Safety Statement in date & signed?
Site Specific Risk Assessment & Method Statement in place?
Have all site staff signed up to the RAMS
Are toolbox talks completed regularly?
SPA completed as required by Main Contractor
Are all operatives required operatives CSCS trained?
Good Compliance
Please provide evidence of any good compliance observed during the inspection?
Please provide an overview of works ongoing by site staff at the time of inspection?