
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • Check ID scan equipment for operation and management awareness?

  • Are search, drugs and CCTV signage on display at the front entrance?

  • Is there a no smoking sign at the front entrance?

  • Is there a check 21 sign at the front entrance?

Office: Alarms

  • Is there a problem with any of the alarms. If so, has Secom been contacted?

  • In the last 2 weeks has the site recorded no false alarm activations?

  • Are all key holders up to date with the alarm system and have all old users been purged?

  • Does the bar have police response cover?

  • Are all managers aware of what to do in the event of an alarm activation or call out?

Office: CCTV

  • Are all CCTV cameras in good working order, recording 31 days of footage?

  • Is there a clear view of the entrance to the office / back of house areas on the CCTV system?

  • Is the manager on duty aware of how to use the CCTV system including copying to disk?

  • Are police CCTV collection logs being filled in and filed for all CCTV collections?

Office: General Security

  • Is the office door kept locked at all times?

  • Is the office door locked at all times even when occupied by a manager?

  • Is the office door fitted with 1x standard Yale lock and 1x additional lock/bolt?

  • Are the safe keys stored in a coded lock box that is a minimum of 1m away from the safe, out of view and bolted to a secure surface?

  • If the safe keys are not in a coded box, are they on the duty manager's person?

Office: Admin

  • Is the hub updated with no missed entries?

  • Does the refusal/ejection log match the entries placed on the HUB?

  • Is the incident book available for inspection with completed sheets stored securely and separately from the book?

  • Have all recorded incidents been filed and logged on the HUB?

  • Have all bar staff completed SSL training?

  • Check that the site specific SSL policy is available, up to date and in active use?

  • Are the latest SSL committee meeting notes on the HUB?

  • Are the site responding to review issues from latest committee meeting?

  • Is there a lost property system in place. Are items of lost property being regularly taken to the police station?

  • Is there a site SSL file in place with all relevant sections complete and up to date?

  • Is there an ID confiscation system in place? If so, check paperwork?

  • Is the a drugs box /weapons box in operation? (check entry records)

  • Check grab box contents (crime scene tape, witness sheets, camera, pens, tape measure, torch, gloves)?

  • Have all manager's read and signed the cash handling policy?

Office: Door Team

  • Have all door staff attended hospitality training sessions and SSL training?

  • Are there copies of all security team members' licenses available for inspection, and have they been verified by site online?

  • Are all door staff SIA badged and are they displaying their badges (if on duty)?

Staff Questions

  • Are all team members aware of the purpose, vision and values?


  • Are the floors clean and in good repair with sufficient grip?

  • Is floor watch in operation, and all sheets filed and all information on sheets in line with initiative?

  • Are all FOH fire exits unlocked and unchained during opening hours?

  • Are all FOH fire exits clear from obstruction and in full working order?

  • Are lighting levels adequate throughout the premises?

  • Are all emergency lights in working order?

  • Are all speakers positioned pointing away from the bar?

  • Are all fittings (including mirror balls) within customer reach adequately secured using secondary chains?

  • Are all smoke/heat detectors unconstructed and in working order?

  • Is the sufficient fire exit signage in place?

  • Are all steps and staircases / changes in height clearly marked and in good repair including step nosing?

  • Are all high chairs in operation and in good repair?

  • Are first aid kits available fully stocked and ready to use?


  • Are all floors clean and in good repair with sufficient grip?

  • Are all BOH fore exits unlocked and unchained during opening hours?

  • Are all BOH fire exits clear from obstruction and in full working order?

  • Is there a list of first aiders displayed on the staff notice board?

  • Are all gas cylinders and pressure vessels stored correctly (secured & in a well ventilated area)?

  • Are all external refuse bin lids kept closed at all times?

  • Is the chief executives summary of policy displayed on staff notice boards?

  • Is there a new HSWA poster complete and up to date?

  • Are lighting levels adequate throughout the premises?

  • Are all emergency lights in working order?

  • Are all cleaning chemicals available stored in the correct containers?

  • Are all smoke/heat detectors unobstructed and in full working order?

  • Is there sufficient fire exit signage in place?

  • Are the boiler rooms free from combustible materials?

  • Are all steps and staircases / changes in height clearly marked and in good repair including step nosing?

  • Are first aid kits available, fully stocked and ready to use?


  • Is the IL safety management system complete and up to date (6 month fire drill, all days checked off and GM weekly sign off)

  • Is there a current health and safety and food safety policy available for inspection?

  • Have all team members complete their online health and safety and food safety training within 4 weeks of employment?

  • Are toilet/floorwatch sheets in use and available for inspection?

  • Are all maintenance certificates available for inspection and in date (duct clean, PAT testing, gas and pressure)?

  • Is any maintenance certificates in date, are showing as out of date has Jim Hicklin been contacted?

  • Are chemical safety data sheets available for inspection?

  • Are all maintenance contractors indicted to site before starting work?

  • Are all risk assessments up to date and have all assessments been reviewed following any accidents / annually?

  • Is there an up to date fire risk assessment available and stored in the safe?

  • Are managers aware of what to do in the event of a bomb threat?

  • Is there a fire alarm test key available for inspection?

  • Is there a noise meter on site and in working order?

  • Has the noise metre been calibrated in the last 6 months and are records available?

  • Is there a noise at work risk assessment on site and are all managers aware?

  • Is there a health and safety file in place with all relevant sections evident and up to date?

  • Are all incidents on review being tracked by the DPS and have all requests been responded to?

  • Is there an SSL policy in place for staff drinking after work?

  • Have all incident/accident documents requested by Simon Browton been returned within 7 days?


  • Are all fridges and freezers labelled in line with VODKA diary listing?

  • Is all high risk food in date (any ready to eat meats, chicken, fish and eggs)

  • Is the VODKA diary up to date and completed (check last 4 weeks)

  • Has a pest inspection been carried out and are records available / measures in place?

  • Are all food storage areas clean and free from debris?

  • Are all food storage areas pest free?

  • Are all fridges/freezers at the correct temperature and in good repair?

  • Are there 2 probes present in the kitchen?

  • Is the food stored correctly (covered and in correct order)?

  • Are probe wipes available and in use?

  • Is the dishwasher working and at the correct temperature? (wash +65, rinse +75)

  • Are hand washing facilities fully stocked? Is the ductwork clean and not excessively greasy?

  • Is colour coded equipment and hand washing use evident during service?

  • Is there a minimum of 300mm between fryers and grill?

  • Are first aid kind available, fully stocked and ready to use?

Cellar Safety

  • Are procedures of what do do in the event of a gas leak displayed on the cellar door?

  • Is there an eyewash station available?

  • Are all cellar entrances secured and locked?

  • Is all relevant PPE available in the cellar? (protective boots, workman's gloves, goggles, rubber gauntlets, splash proof apron)

  • Are all door bases / drop bases adequately sealed to prevent pest entry?

  • Are all low beams / ceilings marked clearly and padded where necessary?

  • Are all beer cases stacked safely and not above head height?

  • Is there a first aid kit available, fully stocked and ready to use?


  • Is the manager on duty aware of the 4 licensing objectives?

  • Is there a premises license on display and up to date?

  • Have all managers and staff got written permission by the DPS to serve alcohol?

  • Have all managers that have completed the NCPLH course returned all forms to Kuits within 1 month?

  • Is there an employers liability certificate displayed on the staff notice board?

  • Are there a sufficient amount of first aiders trained and on duty?

  • Are all conditions of the premises license being met (including CCTV)?

  • Are till refusal reports being run / filed daily and reported onto the HUB?

  • Are the latest pub watch/license officer meeting notes recorded on the HUB?

  • Has the latest EHO visit been recorded and have issues (if any) been resolved?

  • Is there a weights and measures sign in view of the bar?

  • Is there an up to date price list on the bar displaying both 125ml wine and half pints measures and prices?

  • Are the new age verification and intoxication posters on display in staff areas?

  • Are all team members aware of what forms of ID we accept?

  • Are all team members aware of how to spot the signs of intoxication?

  • Are team members aware of sting operations and what the penalties are for failure of a test purchase for them and the company?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.